Disciplines of free choice

Додаткова інформація

Disciplines of free choice

The student chooses free choice disciplines from two catalogs:

– disciplines from the university catalog (switch to the catalog)

– professional (specialty) disciplines from the departmental catalog.

        According to the order of the Rector of IFNTUOG, the implementation of students' rights to free choice of disciplines from the departmental catalog involves the selection of specialized blocks that include professional disciplines and are aimed at deepening professional competencies. 

       The main stages of choosing disciplines from the departmental catalog:

1) the directorate of the institute, the guarantor of the EPP and group curators inform students about the procedure for choosing disciplines (procedure, deadlines, procedure for enrolling in disciplines);

2) students familiarize themselves with the list of specialized blocks by reviewing the annotations and/or work programs of disciplines;

3) students vote for the choice of the discipline block in the professional direction by submitting relevant applications (in paper or electronic forms) to the directorate of the educational and research institute;

4) summarizing the results (the directorate prepares orders for individual student curricula).


Disciplines from the department catalog for for students entering in 2024

Selective block: Oil Field Development and Operation"

Use of Software Products in the Design of Oil Field Developmen (Working Program, Abstract)

Advanced Technologies of Oil Field Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)

Operation of Oil Wells ande Complicated Conditions (Working Program, Abstract)

Selective block: Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development and Operation

Use of Software Products in the Design of Gas Field Development (Working Program, Abstract)

Advanced Technologies of Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)

Operation of Gas Wells ande Complicated Conditions (Working Program, Abstract)

Selective block: Offshore oil and gas technologies    

Prevention and Elimination of Accidents in Offshore Oil and Gas Fields (Working Program, Abstract)

Design, Construction and Operation of Offshore Oil and Gas Structures (Working Program, Abstract)

Offshore Wells Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)



Disciplines from the department catalog for for students entering in 2023

Selective block: Oil Field Development and Operation"

Use of Software Products in the Design of Oil Field Developmen (Working Program, Abstract)

Advanced Technologies of Oil Field Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)

Operation of Oil Wells ande Complicated Conditions (Working Program, Abstract)

Selective block: Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development and Operation

Use of Software Products in the Design of Gas Field Development (Working Program, Abstract)

Advanced Technologies of Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)

Operation of Gas Wells ande Complicated Conditions (Working Program, Abstract)

Selective block: Offshore oil and gas technologies    

Prevention and Elimination of Accidents in Offshore Oil and Gas Fields (Working Program, Abstract)

Design, Construction and Operation of Offshore Oil and Gas Structures (Working Program, Abstract)

Offshore Wells Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)




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