Marian Psiyk

Additional Information
Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas


"Development and exploitation of oil and gas deposits" (specialization - "Development and exploitation of gas and gas condensate deposits").

Місце роботи, посада

senior lecturer

Наукові інтереси

Development of complex inhibitors to combat complications in the operation of gas and gas condensate wells (watering, hydrate formation, equipment corrosion and salt deposition) and evaluation of the effectiveness of corrosion and salt deposition inhibitors.

General Information

In 1996, he graduated from IFDTUNG (Ivano-Frankivsk State Technical University of Oil and Gas) with a major in "Development and exploitation of oil and gas deposits" (specialization - "Development and exploitation of gas and gas condensate deposits").

From 1996 to 2002, he worked at the NGT Research Institute and studied at a graduate school.

From 2003 to the present, he has been working as a teacher (assistant) at the VNG Department (RENGR).

Internship at the research and design institute of PJSC "Ukrnafta", 2018; NDPI PJSC "Ukrnafta"; reference; Acquaintance and study of problematic issues of combating salt deposition and corrosion of oil and gas industry equipment; certificate No. 01/01/09/09/01-01/13 dated 07/24/2018
Advancement of qualifications at IFNTUNG on courses at TsDN from 11/23/2020 to 06/30/2021 ("Fundamentals of designing an electronic course", final work "Oil and Gas Mechanics"). Certificate of advanced training of the National Institute of Internal Medicine No. 02070855 /000127-21.
Internship at the Research and Design Institute of PJSC "Ukrnafta", 2022 (from November 1, 2022 to December 23, 2022); NDPI PJSC "Ukrnafta"; reference; The latest methods of studying formation systems and properties of reservoir rocks and fluids; certificate No. 04 dated 10.01.2023

Навчальна робота

Практичні та лабораторні заняття з дисциплін “Фізика нафтового і газового пласта”, “Збір і підготовка нафтогазопромислової продукції”, “Нафтогазова механіка”, “Матеріали та хімреагенти в нафтогазовидобуванні”, “Проектування систем збору і підготовки промислової продукції”, “Проектування розробки нафтових родовищ” та ін.  

Наукова діяльність

Practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines "Physics of oil and gas reservoirs", "Collection and preparation of oil and gas industry products", "Oil and gas mechanics", "Materials and chemical reagents in oil and gas production", "Designing systems for gathering and preparing industrial products", "Designing the development of oil fields ” and others.

Вибрані публікації

1. R.M.Kondrat, M.O.Psyuk. Vykorystannya  kompozytsiy khimichnykh  reahentiv dlya pidvyshchennya  produktyvnosti  hazovykh i  hazokondensatnykh  sverdlovyn i  borotʹby  z uskladnennyamy pid chas yikh ekspluatatsiyi. Naukovyy zhurnal “Alʹmanakh Ukrayiny”. – 2017. – № 1 (kvitenʹ 2017 r.). –S. 44 – 49.

2. Kondrat R. M. Prymenenye kompozytsyy khymycheskykh reahentov dlya borʹby s oslozhnenyyamy v protsesse  ékspluatatsyy hazovykh y hazokondensatnykh  skvazhyn. / R. M. Kondrat,  M. O. Psyuk  // Hazovaya promyshlennostʹ. –  2015. – № 04 (721). – S. 96 – 99.

3. Kondrat  R.M. Doslidzhennya  vzayemnoho vplyvu in-hibitoriv koroziyi  ta inhibitoriv vidkladennya soley na yikh zakhysni vlastyvosti. / R.M. Kondrat, M.O. Psyuk // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch, 2013. – № 3 (48). – s. 94 – 101.

4. Psyuk M.O. Metod borotʹby z yavyshchamy, shcho uskladnyuyutʹ ekspluatatsiyu hazovykh i hazokondensatnykh sverdlovyn na pizniy stadiyi rozrobky rodovyshch. / M.O.Psyuk // Naukovyy visnyk IFNTUNH, 2010. – № 4. – S. 46 – 51.

5. Psyuk M.O. Vyznachennya pinoutvoryuvalʹnoyi zdatnosti poverkhnevo-aktyvnykh rechovyn metodom Ross-Maylsa. / M.O. Psyuk. // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch 2023. № 3(88). – s. 42 – 48.
