Oleksandr Kondrat

Additional Information
Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas

Науковий ступінь

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Вчене звання


Місце роботи, посада

Vice-rector for scientific work

General Information

He graduated with honors from Ivano-Frankivsk State Technical University of Oil and Gas with a degree in Oil and Gas Production (1995), and in 1996 he also obtained a qualification as an engineer-economist with a degree in Business Economics (diploma with honors).

In 1995-1996, he worked at the Research Institute of Oil and Gas Technologies of IFDTUNG. In 1996-1999, he studied at the full-time postgraduate program at IFNTUOG, after which he worked at the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation as an assistant, from 2001 - associate professor, and from 2013 - professor.

In 2001, he defended his PhD thesis on “Increasing Hydrocarbon Recovery from Partially Depleted Gas Condensate and Water-Floating Gas Deposits”, and in 2014, he defended his doctoral thesis on “Applied and Theoretical Foundations for Improving the Efficiency of Additional Development of Depleted Gas and Oil Fields”.

In 2003, he was promoted to associate professor, and in 2016 - to professor. From 2007-2013, he worked as the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Students. From September 2015 to June 2023, he headed the Department of Oil and Gas Production. Since June 2023, he has been holding the position of Vice-Rector for Recruitment of IFNTUOG.

The area of research is the development of physical and technological bases for increasing hydrocarbon recovery from depleted oil and gas fields; increasing the productivity of gas, gas condensate and oil wells in the presence of complicating factors; intensification of high-viscosity oil production processes.

He is the author of 195 publications, 173 of which are scientific (including 76 in professional journals included in scientific and metric databases) and 22 of which are educational and methodological. His scientific achievements include 5 monographs, textbooks, as well as 9 patents and copyright certificates for inventions.

Навчальна робота

Hydrodynamic modeling of oil and gas field development processes

Technology of operation of gas and gas condensate wells

Technologies for enhanced oil and gas condensate recovery from reservoirs

Вибрані публікації

1. Kondrat R.M. Doslidzhennya vplyvu vyznachalʹnykh chynnykiv na parametry hazliftovoyi ekspluatatsiyi obvedenykh hazovykh sverdlovyn /O.R. Kondrat, L.I. Khaydarova, N.M. Hedzyk //  ZH-l “Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, № 1(74), 2020. –s. 72-80. https://doi.org/10.31471/1993-9973-2020-1(74)-72-81

2. Burachok O . V. Osoblyvosti vidtvorennya rivnya stanu hazokondensatnykh sumishey za umov obmezhenoyi vkhidnoyi informatsiyi / Pershyn D.V. V., Matkivsʹkyy S. V., Bikman YE. S.  Kondrat O. R. // ZH-l “Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, № 1(74), 82-88. https://doi.org/10.31471/1993-9973-2020-1(74)-82-88

3. Kondrat O.R. Eksperymentalʹni doslidzhennya vynosnykh vlastyvostey ridkykh i tverdykh pinotvornykh poverkhnevo-aktyvnykh rechovyn // C.M. Petrushchak, N.S. Dremlyukh // ZH-l “Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, № 2(75), 2020. –s. 72-80. https://doi.org/10.31471/1993-9973-2020-1(74)-72-81

3. Matkivsʹkyy S.V. Doslidzhennya vplyvu neznachnoho proyavu vodonapirnoyi systemy na nadiynistʹ materialʹnoho balansu /S. Kovalʹchuk, O. Burachok, O. Kondrat, L. Khaydarova // ZH-l “Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, № 2(75), 2020. –s. 72-80. https://doi.org/10.31471/1993-9973-2020-1(74)-72-81

4. Burachok O.V. Doslidzhennya mezhi zastosuvannya PVT-modeli «chornoyi nafty» dlya modelyuvannya hazokondensatnykh pokladiv/D. Pershyn, S. Matkivsʹkyy, O. Kondrat // ZH-l “Mineralʹni resursy Ukrayiny”, №2, 2020.- s. 43-48. https://doi.org/10.31996/mru.2020.2.43-48

5. Kondrat O. Doslidzhennya vplyvu skhemy roztashuvannya nahnitalʹnykh sverdlovyn na koefitsiyent vyluchennya hazu pry zakachuvanni v plast vuhlekysloho hazu / S. Matkivsʹkyy // Tekhnolohiya ta systemy enerhopostachannya. 2020. №5/1 (55). S. 12-17.

6. Kryvulya S.V. Osoblyvosti otsinky drenovanykh zapasiv hazu shchilʹnykh kolektoriv / , S.V. Matkivsʹkyy, YE.S. Bikman, O.R. Kondrat, O.V. Burachok // Naftohazova enerhetyka. 2020. №. 1 (33). S. 19-28.

7. Burachok O.V. Doslidzhennya mezhi zastosuvannya PVT-modeli «chornoyi nafty» dlya modelyuvannya hazokondensatnykh pokladiv / D.V. Pershyn, S.V. Matkivsʹkyy, O.R. Kondrat // Mineralʹni resursy Ukrayiny. 2020. №.2. S. 43-48.

8. Matkivsʹkyy S.V. Uzahalʹnennya osnovnykh doslidzhenʹ z pidvyshchennya vuhlevodnevyluchennya hazokondensatnykh rodovyshch pry vodonapirnomu rezhymi / O.R. Kondrat // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2020. №3(76). C. 7-22. https://doi.org/10.31471/1993-9973-2020-3(76)-7-22
