Овецький Сергій Олександрович

Additional Information
Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas


Equipment and technology to increase wear resistance and restore machine parts

Науковий ступінь


Вчене звання

Associate Professor

Місце роботи, посада

Associate Professor of the Petroleum production department

Наукові інтереси

Development of offshore gas hydrate deposits of unconventional hydrocarbons

Державні нагороди

Winner of the regional competition in 2013 in the nomination “Best Inventor”.

Diploma of the Regional Council

General Information

In 1995, he graduated from the State Technical University of Oil and Gas. After graduation, he worked as a foreman at the plant of OP Pressmash (Ivano-Frankivsk). He was a postgraduate student from 1996 to 1998. In 2006, he defended his PhD thesis on “Increasing the durability of drilling equipment elements based on the use of modified drilling fluids”. I have worked and am still working on the problems of improving the anti-wear properties of drilling fluids, improving the construction of subsea gas pipelines by horizontal directional drilling, improving the active protection of oil and gas offshore fixed platforms from ice, developing methods for extracting natural gas hydrates from offshore bottom and subsea deposits, and developing deepwater oil and gas equipment.

He has published 1 monograph, 12 textbooks and methodological developments, more than 30 articles, 20 conference abstracts, and 10 patents.

Scientific internship at PJSC “Ukrainian Oil and Gas Institute”, 12.06 - 12.07.2018, Theme: “Familiarization and study of the peculiarities of the development of offshore oil and gas fields in Ukraine and Cuba”, certificate No. 01-05-1430 dated 20.07.2018.
Internship at the Research and Development Department of PJSC Ukrnafta from 01.11.2022 to 23.12.2022 in the amount of 180 hours (6 credits). according to the order no.
137/4 dated 28.10.2022 Topic: The latest hydrodynamic methods of oil recovery enhancement and features of their application for conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon fields.

Навчальна робота

Development of unconventional hydrocarbon deposits (32),

Methodology of scientific research (16),

Oil and gas production (54),

Oil and gas engineering and technologies (36),

Offshore oil and gas technologies (36),

Development and operation of offshore oil and gas fields (32)

Наукова діяльність

PhD thesis topic: “Increasing the durability of drilling equipment elements based on the use of modified drilling fluids”. 

Вибрані публікації

1.    Yakymechko YA. ya. Metodyka vyznachennya tekhnolohichnykh parametriv udoskonalenoyi strumynnoyi sverdlovynnoyi ustanovky [Tekst] / YA.V. ya. Yakymechko, L. B. Moroz, S. O. Ovetsʹkyy, YA. M. Femyak// Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. – 2021 r. - №3 (80). – S.26-35.
2.    Ovetsʹkyy S. Rozrobka morsʹkykh hazohidrohratnykh rodovyshch z alʹternatyvnym vykorystannyam potentsialu hazotransportnoyi systemy na prykladi Ukrayiny / S. Ovetsʹkyy, YU.O. Melʹnychenko, L. Moroz, YA. Yakymechko // Tekhnolohichnyy audyt i rezervy vyrobnytstva. – 2021. - №4/1(60). – S.54-57.
3.     Ovetsʹkyy S. O. Doslidzhennya kapilyarnoho vvedennya khimichnykh rechovyn u produktyvni plasty dlya pidvyshchennya debitu sverdlovyn. [Tekst] /S. O. Ovetsʹkyy, YA. ya. Yakymechko // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. - 2023. - № 3(88) - S. 15-23.
4.    Moroz L.B. Doslidzhennya intenferentsiyi sverdlovyn z nadannya pidvyshchennya naftovyluchennya [Tekst] / L.B. Moroz, YA.YA. Yakymechko, S.O. Ovetsʹkyy, A.V. Uhrynovsʹkyy // Naftohazova enerhetyka. - 2022.- №1 (37).
5.    Vasyl Klymenko, Serhii Ovetskyi, Viktor Martynenko, Oleg Vytyaz, Andrii Uhrynovskyi. An alternative method of methane production from deposits of subaquatic gas hydrates. Mining of Mineral Deposits. Volume 16 (2022).
6. Khotnyansʹka O.V. Vyznachennya optymalʹnykh kharakterystyk poverkhonʹ tertya lʹodoruynuyuchoho prystroyu morsʹkykh naftohazovykh sporud dlya Azovsʹkoho morya [Tekst] / O.V. Khotnyansʹka, YA.M. Drohomyretsʹkyy, S.O. Ovetsʹkyy // Problemy trybolohyy. - 2010. - №  3. - C. 125 - 129.
