Level of higher education - first (bachalor's)
«Oil and Gas Production»
specialty 185 Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Certificate of accreditation of the educational and professional program "Oil and Gas Production"
Oil and gas production is one of the most romantic professions described in many literary works, starting with Ivan Franko's Boryslav Laughs (1882) and ending with Daniel Amman's The Oil King: The Secret Life of Mark Rich (2021).
The need to increase production of natural hydrocarbons is particularly acute these days. According to the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2050, Ukraine plans to liberalize its oil and gas markets, create an energy hub, and increase the share of domestic oil and gas production.
Ukraine is one of the oldest oil-producing countries and ranks third in Europe in terms of natural gas reserves. There is still a significant potential for oil and gas production from deep water (over 6000 meters), unexplored reserves in the Carpathian region, the Black Sea shelf, and unconventional deposits (shale, gas hydrate, and other resources).
At the present stage, natural hydrocarbon production will require new innovative approaches, knowledge of modern high-tech technologies, process design using modern software systems of the world's leading oil and gas companies, and the ability to effectively apply them in practice.
We have taken into account modern globalization and the study and use of global approaches to hydrocarbon production. Therefore, our higher education students are provided with knowledge of English with a professional focus. Practical training of specialists makes our graduates desirable professionals in any country.
We offer you to become a highly qualified specialist in the field of oil and gas production, because it is
fascinating and high-tech work, the results of which affect the development of society and energy security of the state;
high salary, which allows you to look to the future with confidence.
employment not only in mining enterprises of Ukraine and abroad but also in drilling, geological exploration, geophysical companies, underground gas storage facilities, etc.
Students enrolled in this educational program receive a 30% higher scholarship than students of other specialties. The best students receive scholarships from leading oil and gas companies in Ukraine, including Ukrnafta, Naftogaz of Ukraine, and other companies. Internships at oil and gas companies are a common practice.
The specialty of Oil and Gas Production is one of the first engineering specialties that launched higher oil and gas education in Ukraine. It began more than 100 years ago, when in 1898 the Lviv Polytechnic School introduced a preparatory course for mining students. In 1963, as part of the government's program to bring training closer to the workplace, the Ivano-Frankivsk branch of Lviv Polytechnic Institute (LPI) was established on the basis of the General Engineering Faculty. The oil and gas structural units of LPI were transferred to Ivano-Frankivsk. A new period of higher oil and gas education and science centered in Ivano-Frankivsk began.
In 1963, after the organization of the Ivano-Frankivsk branch of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, the Department of Oil and Gas Fields Operation was established. In 1976, it was renamed into the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation, and in 2018 - into the Department of Oil and Gas Production.
In 2016, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 06.11.2015 № “On the peculiarities of introducing the list of branches of knowledge and specialties in which higher education applicants are trained, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 29, 2015 № 266”, taking into account the requirements of Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, the EPP “Oil and Gas Production” was developed by the project group of the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation under the leadership of Dr, professor, Head of the Department O. Kondrat and approved by the decision of the Academic Council on May 25, 2016 № 05/564.
The development of the EPP took into account the extensive experience of the department's research and teaching staff and the achievements of the scientific schools of Professors Kondrat R.M. and Boyko V.S. The purpose of the EPP “Oil and Gas Production” is to provide students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development and operation of oil, gas and gas condensate fields, the use of which would help to provide the state with energy resources of its own production and implement the program of energy independence of Ukraine.
In 2018, the EPP was amended to bring it in line with changes in the university's regulatory framework, and approved by the Academic Council of the University, Minutes No. 03/586 of 30.05.2018. and put into effect on September 1, 2018 by the order of the rector No. 203 of 31.08.2018.
In 2021, the EPP “Oil and Gas Production” was brought to the standard of higher education in the specialty 185 Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education (order №358 of 23.03.21). The working group proposed to bring the profile of the OP “Oil and Gas Production” in line with the requirements of the standard, namely: competencies, program outcomes, as well as section 4 of the matrix of ensuring general and special competencies with the relevant components of the educational and professional program of the matrix of conformity and section 5 of the matrix of ensuring program learning outcomes (PLO) with the relevant components of the educational and professional program.
In 2022, based on the results of cooperation with stakeholders, changes were made to the 2021 EPP - the number of credits in the mandatory part was increased from 170 to 180.
Stakeholders proposed to increase the number of hours of practical training for applicants (to introduce an educational practice after the 2nd year of study), which will allow training more highly qualified specialists in the oil and gas industry, and to add a third elective block - offshore oil and gas technologies.
In 2023, based on the results of cooperation with stakeholders, changes were made to the 2022 EPP - in cycle 1 - general training discipline, the educational component of the basics of academic writing was changed to the ECs of the basics of jurisprudence and academic writing. A foreign language (for professional purposes) was introduced. In cycle 2 - professional training disciplines, such educational components as the development and operation of oil fields and the development and operation of gas and gas condensate fields were added. Based on the results of the roundtable discussion held on November 24, 23, “Development of Partnership between Specialized Educational Institutions and JSC UkrGasVydobuvannya: MODERN COMPETENCIES FOR THE INDUSTRY”, our partners proposed to consider the introduction of new skills and knowledge required for future careers into the educational components of the study. The members of the working group discussed these proposals and suggested that the department's teaching staff update the content of the discipline programs.
Educational and professional program Oil and Gas Production 2025 (PROJECT download).
Please send your feedback and suggestions on the draft of the 2025 EPP to the program guarantor PhD. Lesia Moroz : lesia.moroz@nung.edu.ua
Summary table of proposals and comments from stakeholders to the project EPP 2025 (download).
Educational and professional program «Oil and Gas Production» 2021 (download)
Curriculum 2021 - fulltime (download)
Mandatory part
Disciplines of professional training
Well surveying (Working Program)
Industrial Geophysics (Working Program)
Hydrocarbon's inflow stimulation (Working Program)
Comprehensive State Examination (Working Program)
Selective part
Disciplines from the department catalog
Attantion! According to the order of the rector of IFNTUNG, the implementation of students' rights to freely choose disciplines involves the selection of profiled blocks that include professional disciplines and are aimed at deepening professional competences.
The main stages of selection:
1) the directorate of the institute and the guarantor of the EPP inform applicants about the procedure for choosing disciplines (order, terms, procedures for registering for disciplines);
2) applicants familiarize themselves with the list of profiled blocks by reviewing the annotations of disciplines;
3) voting of applicants for the choice of a block of discipline by professional direction by submitting relevant applications (in paper or electronic forms) to the directorate of the educational and scientific institute;
4) generalization of the results (the directorate prepares an order regarding individual study plans of the applicant).
We offer you to familiarize yourself with the abstracts of selective disciplines from the profiled blocks of the Department of Petroleum Production under link.
Disciplines from the university catalog
The selection procedure (29 credits) consists in the fact that the student of HE has the opportunity to choose disciplines from the general university catalog starting from the 2nd semester of study and makes his choice through the electronic office of the "Dekanat+" system (
You can get acquainted with the abstracts of disciplines from the general university catalog at link
The guarantor of the educational program is the Ass prof PP department, Ph.D., associate professor - Lesia Moroz - (link)
Contact details of the EPP guarantor for communication: e-mail - lesia.moroz@nung.edu.ua ; tel - +380965065885
Educational program support group (link). You can get acquainted with the personal pages of the department's teachers on the department's page in the tab "STAFF".
EPP 2021
Review / feedback _ Воловецький В., АТ "Укртрансгаз"
Review / feedback _ Рудий.С., ПАТ "Укрнафта"