General Information

In 2012, she graduated from IFNTUOG with a degree in Oil and Gas Production and received a master's degree with honors.

In 2012-2014 she worked as an assistant at the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation.

In 2014-2019 (including 2 years on maternity leave) she studied in full-time postgraduate studies in the specialty 05.15.06 - Development of oil and gas fields and worked part-time as an assistant at the department.

In 2019, she successfully defended her PhD thesis under the supervision of UNGA Academician, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor R.M. Kondrat and received a PhD degree (equivalent to a Doctor of Philosophy degree) and since April 2020 has been working as an Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Production. In July 2021, she received a certificate of associate professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Production.

In 2022, she was awarded a scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for her achievements in scientific activity as a young scientist.

He is the author of more than 100 scientific publications (including those indexed in the scientometric database) and has published 7 educational and methodological developments.


JSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannya”, branch of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases (UkrNDIGas) from 04.07.2022 to 30.09.2022 in the amount of 180 hours (6 credits). Topic: “Improvement of professional training by deepening professional knowledge, skills and competencies of mastering modern 3D modeling programs”. Certificate No. 48-48-1-3516 dated 09/30/2022.

  2. Certificate of completion. №ЕМ304396097820555406466. AUTOCAD ESSENTIALS (METRIC UNITS) COURSE TITLE.                  29.05.2024. 17-24 hours.

Навчальна робота

Designing the operation of gas and gas condensate wells.

Development and operation of gas and condensing gas deposits

Underground hydrogas mechanics

The use of software products in the design of development and operation of gas fields

Наукова діяльність

The main areas of scientific activity are increasing gas extraction from depleted deposits by displacing residual natural gas with non-hydrocarbon gases.

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas

Дата закінчення

Petroleum production

Вибрані публікації

Oleksii Udovchenko, Jacek Blicharski, Liliia Matiishyn. A case study of gas-condensate reservoir performance with gas cycling. Arch. Min. Sci. 69 (2024), 1, 25-49.
S.V. Matkivskyi, O.V. Burachok, L.I. Matiishyn. Evaluation of the gas recycling duration on the hydrocarbon recovery from gas condensate fields. / Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 2022; 117 (2). Рр. 57-69.
Kondrat R. Improving the efficiency of production wells at the final stage of gas field development / Roman Kondrat, Liliya Matiishyn // Min. miner. depos. 2022, 16(2):1-6.

Matkivskyi Serhii, Matiishyn Liliya. Impact of the degree of depletion of the gas condensate field on the efficiency of reservoir pressure maintenance technologies / The 3th International scientific and practical conference “Theoretical aspects of education development” (January 24 - 27, 2023) Warsaw, Poland. International Science Group. 2023. 569 p. Рр. 494-497.

Khaidarova L., Matkivskyi S. Investigation of the technological estimation of the degree reduction of the filtration resistance coefficients of water-cut gas wells. The XIII International scientific-practical conference “Social function of science, teaching and learning”, December 14 – 17, 2020, Bordeaux, France. P. 483-487.

Місце роботи, посада

Head of department of petroleum production

Науковий ступінь


Вчене звання

Associate Professor




Additional Information

Oleksandr Kondrat

General Information

He graduated with honors from Ivano-Frankivsk State Technical University of Oil and Gas with a degree in Oil and Gas Production (1995), and in 1996 he also obtained a qualification as an engineer-economist with a degree in Business Economics (diploma with honors).

In 1995-1996, he worked at the Research Institute of Oil and Gas Technologies of IFDTUNG. In 1996-1999, he studied at the full-time postgraduate program at IFNTUOG, after which he worked at the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation as an assistant, from 2001 - associate professor, and from 2013 - professor.

In 2001, he defended his PhD thesis on “Increasing Hydrocarbon Recovery from Partially Depleted Gas Condensate and Water-Floating Gas Deposits”, and in 2014, he defended his doctoral thesis on “Applied and Theoretical Foundations for Improving the Efficiency of Additional Development of Depleted Gas and Oil Fields”.

In 2003, he was promoted to associate professor, and in 2016 - to professor. From 2007-2013, he worked as the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Students. From September 2015 to June 2023, he headed the Department of Oil and Gas Production. Since June 2023, he has been holding the position of Vice-Rector for Recruitment of IFNTUOG.

The area of research is the development of physical and technological bases for increasing hydrocarbon recovery from depleted oil and gas fields; increasing the productivity of gas, gas condensate and oil wells in the presence of complicating factors; intensification of high-viscosity oil production processes.

He is the author of 195 publications, 173 of which are scientific (including 76 in professional journals included in scientific and metric databases) and 22 of which are educational and methodological. His scientific achievements include 5 monographs, textbooks, as well as 9 patents and copyright certificates for inventions.

Навчальна робота

Hydrodynamic modeling of oil and gas field development processes

Technology of operation of gas and gas condensate wells

Technologies for enhanced oil and gas condensate recovery from reservoirs

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas

Вибрані публікації

1. Kondrat R.M. Doslidzhennya vplyvu vyznachalʹnykh chynnykiv na parametry hazliftovoyi ekspluatatsiyi obvedenykh hazovykh sverdlovyn /O.R. Kondrat, L.I. Khaydarova, N.M. Hedzyk //  ZH-l “Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, № 1(74), 2020. –s. 72-80.

2. Burachok O . V. Osoblyvosti vidtvorennya rivnya stanu hazokondensatnykh sumishey za umov obmezhenoyi vkhidnoyi informatsiyi / Pershyn D.V. V., Matkivsʹkyy S. V., Bikman YE. S.  Kondrat O. R. // ZH-l “Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, № 1(74), 82-88.

3. Kondrat O.R. Eksperymentalʹni doslidzhennya vynosnykh vlastyvostey ridkykh i tverdykh pinotvornykh poverkhnevo-aktyvnykh rechovyn // C.M. Petrushchak, N.S. Dremlyukh // ZH-l “Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, № 2(75), 2020. –s. 72-80.

3. Matkivsʹkyy S.V. Doslidzhennya vplyvu neznachnoho proyavu vodonapirnoyi systemy na nadiynistʹ materialʹnoho balansu /S. Kovalʹchuk, O. Burachok, O. Kondrat, L. Khaydarova // ZH-l “Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, № 2(75), 2020. –s. 72-80.

4. Burachok O.V. Doslidzhennya mezhi zastosuvannya PVT-modeli «chornoyi nafty» dlya modelyuvannya hazokondensatnykh pokladiv/D. Pershyn, S. Matkivsʹkyy, O. Kondrat // ZH-l “Mineralʹni resursy Ukrayiny”, №2, 2020.- s. 43-48.

5. Kondrat O. Doslidzhennya vplyvu skhemy roztashuvannya nahnitalʹnykh sverdlovyn na koefitsiyent vyluchennya hazu pry zakachuvanni v plast vuhlekysloho hazu / S. Matkivsʹkyy // Tekhnolohiya ta systemy enerhopostachannya. 2020. №5/1 (55). S. 12-17.

6. Kryvulya S.V. Osoblyvosti otsinky drenovanykh zapasiv hazu shchilʹnykh kolektoriv / , S.V. Matkivsʹkyy, YE.S. Bikman, O.R. Kondrat, O.V. Burachok // Naftohazova enerhetyka. 2020. №. 1 (33). S. 19-28.

7. Burachok O.V. Doslidzhennya mezhi zastosuvannya PVT-modeli «chornoyi nafty» dlya modelyuvannya hazokondensatnykh pokladiv / D.V. Pershyn, S.V. Matkivsʹkyy, O.R. Kondrat // Mineralʹni resursy Ukrayiny. 2020. №.2. S. 43-48.

8. Matkivsʹkyy S.V. Uzahalʹnennya osnovnykh doslidzhenʹ z pidvyshchennya vuhlevodnevyluchennya hazokondensatnykh rodovyshch pry vodonapirnomu rezhymi / O.R. Kondrat // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2020. №3(76). C. 7-22.

Місце роботи, посада

Vice-rector for scientific work

Науковий ступінь

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Вчене звання


Additional Information

Roman Kondrat

General Information

He graduated from Drohobych Petroleum College with a degree in Oil and Gas Well Operation (1958), Lviv Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Oil and Gas Field Development (1964) and a full-time postgraduate degree in Petroleum Engineering and Mining (1970) with a PhD thesis on “Study of the peculiarities of the process of gas displacement by water in relation to the completion of gas fields”. After graduation, he worked at ShebelynkaGasVydobuvannya GPD and NadvirnaNaftogaz as an oil and gas production operator, senior well exploration operator, and engineer. Since 1964, he has been working at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, where he currently holds the position of Professor. From 1991 to 2015, he was elected as the Head of the Graduate Department of Oil and Gas Production. In 1995-2000 he was Vice-Rector for Research. In 1988, he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Physical and technological bases of hydrocarbon recovery from natural gas fields under natural and artificial water pressure regime”, and in 1990 he received a certificate of professor.

Internship at the Research and Development Institute of PJSC Ukrnafta from 01.11.2022 to 23.12.2022 in the amount of 180 hours (6 credits). Topic: Determination of technological losses and production and technological costs of oil, condensate, natural and petroleum gas and gaseous hydrocarbon raw materials during their production, preparation for transportation and transportation.

Навчальна робота

Professor Kondrat R. M. lectures in the following disciplines: “Newest Technologies of Development and Operation of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields”, ‘Technology of Development of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields’, ‘Design of Development of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields’, ‘Development and Operation of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields’ (for full-time and part-time students) and ‘Problematic Issues of Increasing the Efficiency of Development of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields’ (for postgraduate students). Supervises course projects and master's theses of students majoring in “185. Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology”, specialization ‘Oil and Gas Production’.

Наукова діяльність

He is a well-known scientist in the field of theory and design of gas, gas condensate and oil and gas condensate fields development. Head of the scientific school “Physical and technological bases of increasing gas and oil condensate recovery from fields and well productivity”. He created the physical, theoretical and applied foundations of methods of active influence on oil and gas bearing formations, bottomhole zone and wellbore to increase current production and the degree of oil, gas and condensate recovery from fields. He has developed new technologies to increase gas recovery from gas fields under gas and water pressure conditions and hydrocarbon recovery from gas condensate and oil and gas condensate fields under depletion development conditions with reservoir pressure maintenance, intensify hydrocarbon inflow to wells and ensure stable operation of wells with increased flow rates in the presence of complicating factors. The technologies are protected by titles of protection, included in technological projects for field development and implemented in fields in Ukraine and other countries. He has trained 2 doctors and 10 candidates of technical sciences.

He was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in 2006 for his collective work “Energy Security of the State: Highly Efficient Technologies for the Production, Supply and Use of Natural Gas”. He was elected an academician of the Ukrainian Oil and Gas Academy and a corresponding member of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine. He was a member of the accreditation expert and scientific councils of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Central Commission for the Development of Gas, Gas Condensate, Oil Fields and Operation of Underground Gas Storage Facilities of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, a member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of doctoral dissertations and editorial boards of 4 scientific and technical journals.

He is the author of more than 400 scientific works, including 25 textbooks, manuals, monographs, scientific and technical reviews, reference books and dictionaries, as well as 66 patents and copyright certificates for inventions. He has received state and industry awards for his scientific and pedagogical achievements.

Alma mater

Lviv Polytechnic Institute

Дата закінчення

Development of oil and gas fields

Вибрані публікації

1. Kondrat R . M. Tekhnolohiya rozrobky hazovykh i hazokondensatnykh rodovyshch: pidruchnyk. Ivano-Frankivsʹk: IFNTUNH, 2021. 445 s.

2. Kondrat R . M. Proektuvannya rozrobky hazovykh i hazokondensatnykh rodovyshch: pidruchnyk. Ivano-Frankivsʹk: IFNTUNH, 2021. 251 s.

3. Kondrat R . M., Kondrat O. R., Dremlyukh N. S. Rozrobka ta ekspluatatsiya hazovykh i kondensatsiynykh hazoatnykh rodovyshch. Navch. pos. Ivano-Frankivsʹk: Nova Zorya, 2015. 288 s.

4. Kondrat R. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti ekspluatatsiynykh sverdlovyn na zavershalʹniy stadiyi rozrobky hazovykh rodovyshch / Roman Kondrat, Liliya Matiyishyn // Min. shakhtar. depoz. 2022, 16(2):1-6.

5. Kondrat R. Rozrobka skladu tsementuyuchoho rozchynu dlya kriplennya malotsementovanykh porid / R. Kondrat, N. Dremlyukh, L. Khaydarova // Rozrobka rodovyshch korysnykh kopalyn, 2021, 15(2), 82-88.

6. Kondrat R . M. Doslidzhennya vplyvu vodnoho faktora na produktyvnu kharakterystyku sverdlovyny z hraviynym filʹtrom/ R.M. Kondrat, N.S. Dremlyukh, L.I. Matiyishyn // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2023 №2(87). C. 51-58.

7. Kondrat R . M., Kondrat O. R. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti dorozrobky vysnazhenykh rodovyshch pryrodnykh haziv. Naftova haluzʹ Ukrayiny, 2017. №3. S. 11-15.

8. Kondrat R . M., Kondrat O. R. Problemni pytannya naftohazovoyi enerhetyky pry rozrobtsi rodovyshch pryrodnykh haziv ta deyaki shlyakhy yikh vyrishennya. Naftohazova enerhetyka, 2006. №4. S. 20-23.

9. Kondrat R . M., Khaydarova L. I. Pidvyshchennya stupenya vyluchennya hazu z vyroblenoho hazovoho rodovyshcha vytisnennyam nevidibranoho pryrodnoho hazu azotom. Naukovyy visnyk NHU, 2017. №5. S. 23-28.

10. Kondrat R . M., Dremlyukh N. S. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti ekspluatatsiyi sverdlovyn iz nestiykymy kolektoramy na vysnazhenykh hazovykh rodovyshchakh. Naftohazova haluzʹ Ukrayiny, 2018. №6. S. 18-28.

11. Kondrat R.M. Pytannya dorozrobky vysnazhenykh rodovyshch pryrodnykh haziv.  Naftohazova haluzʹ Ukrayiny, 2020. №4. S. 34-41.

12. Kondrat R . M., Khaydarova L. I. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti dorozrobky vysnazhenykh hazovykh pokladiv vytisnennyam zalyshkovoho pryrodnoho hazu azotom. Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2021 №1(78). C. 25-34.

13. Kondrat R . M Udoskonalennya tekhnolohiy dorozrobky vysnazhenykh hazovykh vkladiv / R. M. Kondrat, O.R. Kondrat, L. I. Khaydarova // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2022 №2(83). C. 26-36.

14. Kondrat R . M. Aprobatsiya tekhnolohiyi vytisnennya zalyshkovoho pryrodnoho hazu azotom dlya umov vysnazhenoho hazovoho pokladu horyzontu ND-9 Lyubeshivsʹkoho hazovoho rodovyshcha / R.M. Kondrat, L.I. Khaydarova // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2020. № 2 (75). S. 16-23.

Місце роботи, посада

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas, professor

Науковий ступінь

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Вчене звання


Наукові інтереси

Development of theoretical and applied foundations for improving the efficiency of gas and oil field development in various mining and geological conditions

Державні нагороди

Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1994),

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2006),

Acknowledgment of the President of Ukraine (2000),

Excellence in Education of Ukraine (2000).



Additional Information

Andrii Hrytsanchuk

фото Грицанчук Андрій
General Information

scopus wskjj orcid

In 2011, he graduated from IFNTUOG with a degree in Oil and Gas Production.

In 2011-2014 he worked as an intern at the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation.

In 2014-2017, he studied at the postgraduate course in the specialty “Pipeline transport, oil and gas storage facilities” and worked part-time as an assistant of the department. The main areas of scientific activity are in-pipe corrosion of pipelines under the influence of gas hydrates.

In 2018, he successfully defended his PhD thesis and since September of the same year has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Production.

Since September 2019, he has been the executive secretary of the scientific journal: “Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields.

According to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology of June 10, 2020, No. 4, he received a scholarship from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists.

In 2021, he received a certificate of associate professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Production.

Since July 2023, he has been acting director of the Research Institute of Oil and Gas Energy and Ecology.

He has published more than 100 scientific and methodological publications, 22 of which are indexed in the scopus science-based database, and participated in more than thirty international conferences.

Internship: Wyższa Szkoła Lingwistyczna w Częstochowie (The innovative methods and technologies of teaching the newest in the European educational practice: Applied and theoretical fundamentals of improving the efficiency ofdepleted gas and oil fields further development), certificate No. КРК 20/02/107 dated February 1, 2020.

Навчальна робота

Mathematical modeling of oil and gas recovery processes.

Collection and preparation of gas production.

Design of oil and gas production gathering and treatment systems.

Наукова діяльність

Investigation of the patterns of influence of corrosive components and high temperature on the corrosion of pipe material.

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas

Дата закінчення

Petroleum production

Вибрані публікації
  1. Poberezhna, L., Poberezhnyi, L., Shkitsa, L., Hrytsanchuk, A., Korol, O., Berezhenko, B., & Berezhenko, E. (2024). Predicting environmental risks in case of oil and gas equipment failures. Procedia Structural Integrity, 59, 739-744. (scopus)
  2. Poberezhna, Liubov, et al. "Assessment and minimization of the impact of oil and gas production on environmental protection areas." Procedia Structural Integrity 36 (2022): 326-333. (scopus).
  3. Poberezhny, L., et al. "Gas hydrates impact on corrosion of the well flow lines material." Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 110.1 (2021). (scopus).
  4. Grevtsev, O., Selivanova, N., Popovych, P., Poberezhny, L., Shevchuk, O., Murovanyi, I., ... & Hrytsuliak, G. (2021). Calculation of the Vehicles Stress-Deformed State while Transporting the Liquid Cargo. Communications-Scientific letters of the University of Zilina, 23(1), B58-B64 (scopus).
  5. Hrevtsev, O., et al. "Evaluation of stress-strain state of vehicles’ metal structures elements." Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 113.2 (2022): 77-85. (scopus).
  6. L. Poberezhny, A. Hrytsanchuk, N. Halushko, L. Poberezhna. Influence of рН rate on corrosion of gas pipelines in soils with high mineralization. Scientific Journal of the TNTU, No 3 (95), 201, P. 41-48.
  7. L. Poberezhny, L. Poberezhna, A. Hrytsanchuk, H. Hrytsuliak, V. Vityk. Corrosion of industrial gas pipelines under the action of formation waters. Scientific Journal of the TNTU, No 3 (95), 201, P. 55-66
  8. A. Hrytsanchuk, V. Hrytsanchuk, V. Gavrysh. Analysis of the efficiency of hydrofracturing in depleted gas fields. PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND THE VIEW OF SOCIETY Proceedings of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference Graz, Austria March 21 – 24, 2023. pp. 337-338.
  9. A. Hrytsanchuk, V. Hrytsanchuk, V. Gavrysh. Іnstallation of a multiphase ejector when operating low-pressure gas wells. XXI Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Scientists and methods of using modern technologies», 30 травня – 02 червня 2023 р., Мельбурн, Австралія. pp. 411-413.
  10. L. Poberezhny, А. Hrytsanchuk, V. Hrytsanchuk, M. Petryshak. Establishment Of Practical Technical And Safety Of The Carpathians. VI Міжнародна науково-практична конференція “INNOVATIONS TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE”, 15-18 лютого 2022 р., Хайфа, Ізраїль. C. 502-503.
  11. Hrytsanchuk A., Ilchyshyn V., Tkachuk O. ESTABLISHING THE EFFICIENCY OF FLOODING FOR OIL FIELDS. Abstracts of IX International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ankara, Turkey 2020.  633-634 рр.


Місце роботи, посада

Associate Professor of the Petroleum production department

Науковий ступінь


Вчене звання

Associate Professor

Державні нагороди

2020-2022 Scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists

Additional Information

Yaroslav Yakymechko

General Information


He has been working at the university since 1991 as a junior researcher at the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, head of laboratories, assistant and associate professor at the Department of Offshore Oil and Gas Technologies. Currently, he is an associate professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Production.

Internship at the Research and Development Institute of PJSC Ukrnafta in the period from November 01, 2022 to December 23, 2022 for a duration of 180 hours (6 ECTS credits) in accordance with order No. 137/4 of 28.10.2022 and completed the tasks of the individual internship program in full.
Theme of the internship: The latest physical and chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery of Ukrainian fields.

Навчальна робота

Yakymechko Y.Y. lectures in the following disciplines: Offshore Oil and Gas Technologies, Well Exploration, Oil and Gas Production, Oil and Gas Engineering and Technologies, and also conducts laboratory and practical classes. He is the author of 22 methodological developments, which include lecture notes, laboratory workshops, and guidelines for students' independent work.

Наукова діяльність

In 2013, Yakimechko Y.Y. defended his PhD thesis “Improvement of the technology of production of high-viscosity oils by jet pumps using the energy of pulsating flows” in the specialty 05.15.06 “Development of oil and gas fields”.

In 2015, he was promoted to associate professor.

He is the author of 42 scientific publications in professional journals of Ukraine and foreign publications. He is a co-author of 10 patents of Ukraine.

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas


Drilling of oil and gas wells

Вибрані публікації

1. Ovetsʹkyy S . O. Doslidzhennya kapilyarnoho vvedennya khimichnykh rechovyn u produktyvni plasty dlya pidvyshchennya debitu sverdlovyn. [Tekst] /S. O. Ovetsʹkyy, YA. ya. Yakymechko // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. - 2023. - № 3 (88)  - S.15-23.

2. Moroz L.B. Doslidzhennya intelektualʹnoyi vlasnosti sverdlovyn z nadannya pidvyshchennya naftovyluchennya  [Tekst] / L.B. Moroz, YA.YA. Yakymechko, S.O. Ovetsʹkyy, A.V. Uhrynovsʹkyy // Naftohazova enerhetyka. - 2022.- №2 (38). – S. 27-34.

3. Yakymechko YA.YA. Doslidzhennya zakruchenoho potoku robochoyi ridyny pid chas prokhodzhennya yiyi cherez hidrodynamichnyy kavitator [Tekst] / YA.V. ya. Yakymechko, YA. M. Femʺyak // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. - 2020. - № 1(74). - S. 53-71.

4. Lubomyr Poberezhny. Influence of hydrate formation and concentration of salts on the corrosion of steel 20 pipelines [Текст] / Lubomyr Poberezhny, Ihor Chudyk, Andrii Hrytsanchuk, Oleg Mandryk, Tetyana Kalyn, Halyna  Hrytsanchuk, Yaroslav Yakymechko // Management Systems in Production Engineering. - 2020. – Volume 28, Issue 3, pp. 141-147. IDEX SCOPUS. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4406-0094.

5. A. Lysenko (University of Miskolc), B. Mishchuk, L. Poberezhny, D. Volchenko, Ya. Yakymechko (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University) Study of the process of changing of the effective gas factor in time under the conditions of gaslift flowing // International conference of young professionals «Geoterrace-2020»; December 7-9, 2020, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine −[GeoTerrace-2020-021]Scopus

6. Lubomyr Poberezhny. Influence of hydrate formation and concentration of salts on the corrosion of steel 20 pipelines [Текст] / Lubomyr Poberezhny, Ihor Chudyk, Andrii Hrytsanchuk, Oleg Mandryk, Tetyana Kalyn, Halyna  Hrytsanchuk, Yaroslav Yakymechko // Management Systems in Production Engineering. - 2020. – Volume 28, Issue 3, pp. 141-147. IDEX SCOPUS. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4406-0094.

Місце роботи, посада

Associate Professor of the Petroleum production department

Науковий ступінь


Вчене звання

Associate Professor

Наукові інтереси

Development and improvement of equipment and technologies for oil and gas production

Державні нагороди

Diploma of the Regional State Administration



Additional Information

Овецький Сергій Олександрович

General Information

In 1995, he graduated from the State Technical University of Oil and Gas. After graduation, he worked as a foreman at the plant of OP Pressmash (Ivano-Frankivsk). He was a postgraduate student from 1996 to 1998. In 2006, he defended his PhD thesis on “Increasing the durability of drilling equipment elements based on the use of modified drilling fluids”. I have worked and am still working on the problems of improving the anti-wear properties of drilling fluids, improving the construction of subsea gas pipelines by horizontal directional drilling, improving the active protection of oil and gas offshore fixed platforms from ice, developing methods for extracting natural gas hydrates from offshore bottom and subsea deposits, and developing deepwater oil and gas equipment.

He has published 1 monograph, 12 textbooks and methodological developments, more than 30 articles, 20 conference abstracts, and 10 patents.

Scientific internship at PJSC “Ukrainian Oil and Gas Institute”, 12.06 - 12.07.2018, Theme: “Familiarization and study of the peculiarities of the development of offshore oil and gas fields in Ukraine and Cuba”, certificate No. 01-05-1430 dated 20.07.2018.
Internship at the Research and Development Department of PJSC Ukrnafta from 01.11.2022 to 23.12.2022 in the amount of 180 hours (6 credits). according to the order no.
137/4 dated 28.10.2022 Topic: The latest hydrodynamic methods of oil recovery enhancement and features of their application for conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon fields.

Навчальна робота

Development of unconventional hydrocarbon deposits (32),

Methodology of scientific research (16),

Oil and gas production (54),

Oil and gas engineering and technologies (36),

Offshore oil and gas technologies (36),

Development and operation of offshore oil and gas fields (32)

Наукова діяльність

PhD thesis topic: “Increasing the durability of drilling equipment elements based on the use of modified drilling fluids”. 

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas

Дата закінчення

Equipment and technology to increase wear resistance and restore machine parts

Вибрані публікації

1.    Yakymechko YA. ya. Metodyka vyznachennya tekhnolohichnykh parametriv udoskonalenoyi strumynnoyi sverdlovynnoyi ustanovky [Tekst] / YA.V. ya. Yakymechko, L. B. Moroz, S. O. Ovetsʹkyy, YA. M. Femyak// Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. – 2021 r. - №3 (80). – S.26-35.
2.    Ovetsʹkyy S. Rozrobka morsʹkykh hazohidrohratnykh rodovyshch z alʹternatyvnym vykorystannyam potentsialu hazotransportnoyi systemy na prykladi Ukrayiny / S. Ovetsʹkyy, YU.O. Melʹnychenko, L. Moroz, YA. Yakymechko // Tekhnolohichnyy audyt i rezervy vyrobnytstva. – 2021. - №4/1(60). – S.54-57.
3.     Ovetsʹkyy S. O. Doslidzhennya kapilyarnoho vvedennya khimichnykh rechovyn u produktyvni plasty dlya pidvyshchennya debitu sverdlovyn. [Tekst] /S. O. Ovetsʹkyy, YA. ya. Yakymechko // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. - 2023. - № 3(88) - S. 15-23.
4.    Moroz L.B. Doslidzhennya intenferentsiyi sverdlovyn z nadannya pidvyshchennya naftovyluchennya [Tekst] / L.B. Moroz, YA.YA. Yakymechko, S.O. Ovetsʹkyy, A.V. Uhrynovsʹkyy // Naftohazova enerhetyka. - 2022.- №1 (37).
5.    Vasyl Klymenko, Serhii Ovetskyi, Viktor Martynenko, Oleg Vytyaz, Andrii Uhrynovskyi. An alternative method of methane production from deposits of subaquatic gas hydrates. Mining of Mineral Deposits. Volume 16 (2022).
6. Khotnyansʹka O.V. Vyznachennya optymalʹnykh kharakterystyk poverkhonʹ tertya lʹodoruynuyuchoho prystroyu morsʹkykh naftohazovykh sporud dlya Azovsʹkoho morya [Tekst] / O.V. Khotnyansʹka, YA.M. Drohomyretsʹkyy, S.O. Ovetsʹkyy // Problemy trybolohyy. - 2010. - №  3. - C. 125 - 129.

Місце роботи, посада

Associate Professor of the Petroleum production department

Науковий ступінь


Вчене звання

Associate Professor

Наукові інтереси

Development of offshore gas hydrate deposits of unconventional hydrocarbons

Державні нагороди

Winner of the regional competition in 2013 in the nomination “Best Inventor”.

Diploma of the Regional Council

Additional Information

Natalyia Dremliykh

General Information


In 2005, she graduated from IFNTUOG with a degree in Oil and Gas Production and received a master's degree with honors.

In 2006-2014 she worked at the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation as an assistant.

In 2014-2017, she studied at the full-time postgraduate program in the specialty 05.15.06 - Oil and Gas Field Development and worked part-time as an assistant at the department.

In 2018, she successfully defended her PhD thesis under the supervision of UNGA Academician, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor R.M. Kondrat and received a PhD degree (equivalent to a Doctor of Philosophy degree) and has been working as an Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Production since February 2019.

She is the author of 33 scientific publications (including those indexed in the Scopus scientometric database) and has published 7 educational and methodological developments.

Internship: Research and Development Institute of PJSC Ukrnafta. Certificate No. 06 dated 10.01.2023, “Industrial preparation of natural gas for transportation in depleted fields” 6 ECTS credits (180 hours)

Навчальна робота

Technology for the development of gas and gas condensate fields.  

Underground hydro and gas mechanics.

Oil and gas engineering and technology.

Наукова діяльність

The main areas of scientific activity are improving the efficiency of wells with unstable reservoirs.

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas

Дата закінчення

Petroleum production

Вибрані публікації
  1. Kondrat R.M., Kondrat O.R., Dremlyukh N.S. , Ugrynovsky A.V. Journal of Hydrocarbon Power Engineering. 2019, Vol. 6, Р. 1-6.
  2. Kondrat R. M., Dremlyukh N. S. Doslidzhennya vplyvu pishchanoho korka na vyboyi hazovoyi sverdlovyny na yiyi produktyvnu kharakterystyku. Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2019. № 4. S. 77-84.
  3. Kondrat O. R., Petrushchak S.M., Dremlyukh  N.S. Eksperymentalʹni doslidzhennya vynosnykh vlastyvostey ridkykh i tverdykh pinotvornykh poverkhnevo-aktyvnykh rechovyn. Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2020. № 2. S. 32-42.
  4. Kondrat O. R., Kondrat R.M., Dremlyukh  N.S.Pidvyshchennya debitiv hazovykh sverdlovyn u nestiykykh kolektorakh. Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch.  2022. – № 2. – S. 71-77.
  5. Kondrat R.M., Dremlyukh N.S., Matiyishyn L.I Doslidzhennya vplyvu hraviynoho filʹtra u perforovaniy ekspluatatsiyniy koloni na produktyvnu kharakterystyku sverdlovyny. Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch.  2023 – № 1.


1.  Patent № 98732 Ukrayina, MPK E21B 29/10, F16L 55/162. Prystriy dlya remontu obsadnykh kolon. Kondrat R. M.,  Dyachuk N. S., Klymyshyn YA. D.; Vlasn.: Ivano-Frank. nats.tekhn. univer. nafty i hazu. Opub. 11.06.2012, Byul №11.

2. Patent na korysnu modelʹ №113026 Ukrayina, MPK E 21 V33/138. Sklad dlya kriplennya nestiykykh porid kolektoriv. Kondrat R. M.,   Dremlyukh N. S., Kovalʹchuk YU. I.  Vlasn.: Ivano-Frank. nats.tekhn. univer. nafty i hazu. Opub. 10.01.2017, Byul №1.

3. Patent na korysnu modelʹ № 116378 Ukrayina, MPK E21B 43/08 , E21B 43/04. Nasypnyy filʹtr  z kulʹkom riznoho diametru.  Kondrat R. M.,   Dremlyukh N.S. Vlasn.: Ivano-Frank. nats.tekhn. univer. nafty i hazu. Opub. 25.05.2017, Byul №10.

Місце роботи, посада

Associate Professor of the Petroleum production department

Науковий ступінь


Вчене звання

Associate Professor



Additional Information

Marian Psiyk

General Information

In 1996, he graduated from IFDTUNG (Ivano-Frankivsk State Technical University of Oil and Gas) with a major in "Development and exploitation of oil and gas deposits" (specialization - "Development and exploitation of gas and gas condensate deposits").

From 1996 to 2002, he worked at the NGT Research Institute and studied at a graduate school.

From 2003 to the present, he has been working as a teacher (assistant) at the VNG Department (RENGR).

Internship at the research and design institute of PJSC "Ukrnafta", 2018; NDPI PJSC "Ukrnafta"; reference; Acquaintance and study of problematic issues of combating salt deposition and corrosion of oil and gas industry equipment; certificate No. 01/01/09/09/01-01/13 dated 07/24/2018
Advancement of qualifications at IFNTUNG on courses at TsDN from 11/23/2020 to 06/30/2021 ("Fundamentals of designing an electronic course", final work "Oil and Gas Mechanics"). Certificate of advanced training of the National Institute of Internal Medicine No. 02070855 /000127-21.
Internship at the Research and Design Institute of PJSC "Ukrnafta", 2022 (from November 1, 2022 to December 23, 2022); NDPI PJSC "Ukrnafta"; reference; The latest methods of studying formation systems and properties of reservoir rocks and fluids; certificate No. 04 dated 10.01.2023

Навчальна робота

Практичні та лабораторні заняття з дисциплін “Фізика нафтового і газового пласта”, “Збір і підготовка нафтогазопромислової продукції”, “Нафтогазова механіка”, “Матеріали та хімреагенти в нафтогазовидобуванні”, “Проектування систем збору і підготовки промислової продукції”, “Проектування розробки нафтових родовищ” та ін.  

Наукова діяльність

Practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines "Physics of oil and gas reservoirs", "Collection and preparation of oil and gas industry products", "Oil and gas mechanics", "Materials and chemical reagents in oil and gas production", "Designing systems for gathering and preparing industrial products", "Designing the development of oil fields ” and others.

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas

Дата закінчення

"Development and exploitation of oil and gas deposits" (specialization - "Development and exploitation of gas and gas condensate deposits").

Вибрані публікації

1. R.M.Kondrat, M.O.Psyuk. Vykorystannya  kompozytsiy khimichnykh  reahentiv dlya pidvyshchennya  produktyvnosti  hazovykh i  hazokondensatnykh  sverdlovyn i  borotʹby  z uskladnennyamy pid chas yikh ekspluatatsiyi. Naukovyy zhurnal “Alʹmanakh Ukrayiny”. – 2017. – № 1 (kvitenʹ 2017 r.). –S. 44 – 49.

2. Kondrat R. M. Prymenenye kompozytsyy khymycheskykh reahentov dlya borʹby s oslozhnenyyamy v protsesse  ékspluatatsyy hazovykh y hazokondensatnykh  skvazhyn. / R. M. Kondrat,  M. O. Psyuk  // Hazovaya promyshlennostʹ. –  2015. – № 04 (721). – S. 96 – 99.

3. Kondrat  R.M. Doslidzhennya  vzayemnoho vplyvu in-hibitoriv koroziyi  ta inhibitoriv vidkladennya soley na yikh zakhysni vlastyvosti. / R.M. Kondrat, M.O. Psyuk // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch, 2013. – № 3 (48). – s. 94 – 101.

4. Psyuk M.O. Metod borotʹby z yavyshchamy, shcho uskladnyuyutʹ ekspluatatsiyu hazovykh i hazokondensatnykh sverdlovyn na pizniy stadiyi rozrobky rodovyshch. / M.O.Psyuk // Naukovyy visnyk IFNTUNH, 2010. – № 4. – S. 46 – 51.

5. Psyuk M.O. Vyznachennya pinoutvoryuvalʹnoyi zdatnosti poverkhnevo-aktyvnykh rechovyn metodom Ross-Maylsa. / M.O. Psyuk. // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch 2023. № 3(88). – s. 42 – 48.

Місце роботи, посада

senior lecturer

Наукові інтереси

Development of complex inhibitors to combat complications in the operation of gas and gas condensate wells (watering, hydrate formation, equipment corrosion and salt deposition) and evaluation of the effectiveness of corrosion and salt deposition inhibitors.

Additional Information

Lesya Moroz

General Information


In 2012, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on “Improvement of technologies for the use of surfactants to increase oil recovery at the final stage of field development (on the example of the fields of Predkarpattia)” under the guidance of UNGA Academician, Professor Kondrat R. M.

In May 2012, she received her PhD in Engineering and started working as an associate professor.

In December 2014, she was promoted to associate professor.

Internship at JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya, branch of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Natural Gases (UkrNDIGas) from 04.07.2022 to 30.09.2022 in the amount of 180 hours (6 credits). Certificate No. 48-48-1-3515 dated 09/30/2022. Theme: “Modern 3D modeling programs and the latest design technologies for the development of gas and gas condensate fields”.

Навчальна робота

He gives lectures and conducts practical classes, including in English, for groups of international students in the disciplines:

oil field development technology

design of oil field development

well operation in difficult conditions


Наукова діяльність

She is the author of more than 40 scientific papers (including those indexed in the Scopus database), one monograph and 7 educational and methodological developments.

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas


Petroleum production

Вибрані публікації

1. Use of surface-active substances at the fields of OJSC Ukrnafta [in Ukrainian]: Halych Printing House Plus, 2009. 400 p.

2 Patent 72010 Ukraine, MKV E21B 43/18. Method of oil deposit development / IFNTUOG: Mykhailiuk V.D., Kondrat R.M., Moroz L.B. - No. 200902382. - Applied for on March 17, 2009; Published on August 25, 2009, Bulletin No. 16.

3. Patent 113008 Ukraine, IPC E21B 43/00. Hydrodynamic emitter / IFNTUOG: Moroz L.B., Uhrynovskyi A.V. - No. 201606088. - Decl. 06.06.2016; Published 10.01.2017, Bulletin No. 1.

4.    L. В. Moroz. Investigation of the effect of polymer concentration in fracturing fluid on crack size and permeability during hydraulic fracturing / L. В. Moroz,  V. Uhrynovskyi, G.M.  Kogut // Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 2023; 122 (2): 70-77 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0053.9594 .
5.    А.V. Uhrynovsky. Investigation of the efficiency of restrained oil displacement using of enhancing oil recovery methods / A. V. Uhrynovskyi,  L. В. Moroz, G.M.  Kogut // Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 110 /1 (2022) 27-34. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0015.7028
6.    Moroz L. Effectiveness Research of Physical and Chemical Methods Appfication for Oil Recovery Enhancing Using the ASP for the Strutynsky Oil Field Conditions / L. Moroz, A. Uhrynovskyi, V. Popovych, B. Busko, G. Kogut // Journal of management systems in production engineering. – 2020. – Vol. 28. Issue 28. – P. 104-111


Місце роботи, посада

Associate Professor of the Petroleum production department

Науковий ступінь


Вчене звання

Associate Professor

Наукові інтереси

The main area of scientific activity is to increase oil recovery and intensify production from oil wells at the final stage of field development

Additional Information