Yaroslav Yakymechko

Additional Information
Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas


Drilling of oil and gas wells

Науковий ступінь


Вчене звання

Associate Professor

Місце роботи, посада

Associate Professor of the Petroleum production department

Наукові інтереси

Development and improvement of equipment and technologies for oil and gas production

Державні нагороди

Diploma of the Regional State Administration

General Information


He has been working at the university since 1991 as a junior researcher at the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, head of laboratories, assistant and associate professor at the Department of Offshore Oil and Gas Technologies. Currently, he is an associate professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Production.

Internship at the Research and Development Institute of PJSC Ukrnafta in the period from November 01, 2022 to December 23, 2022 for a duration of 180 hours (6 ECTS credits) in accordance with order No. 137/4 of 28.10.2022 and completed the tasks of the individual internship program in full.
Theme of the internship: The latest physical and chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery of Ukrainian fields.

Навчальна робота

Yakymechko Y.Y. lectures in the following disciplines: Offshore Oil and Gas Technologies, Well Exploration, Oil and Gas Production, Oil and Gas Engineering and Technologies, and also conducts laboratory and practical classes. He is the author of 22 methodological developments, which include lecture notes, laboratory workshops, and guidelines for students' independent work.

Наукова діяльність

In 2013, Yakimechko Y.Y. defended his PhD thesis “Improvement of the technology of production of high-viscosity oils by jet pumps using the energy of pulsating flows” in the specialty 05.15.06 “Development of oil and gas fields”.

In 2015, he was promoted to associate professor.

He is the author of 42 scientific publications in professional journals of Ukraine and foreign publications. He is a co-author of 10 patents of Ukraine.

Вибрані публікації

1. Ovetsʹkyy S . O. Doslidzhennya kapilyarnoho vvedennya khimichnykh rechovyn u produktyvni plasty dlya pidvyshchennya debitu sverdlovyn. [Tekst] /S. O. Ovetsʹkyy, YA. ya. Yakymechko // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. - 2023. - № 3 (88)  - S.15-23.

2. Moroz L.B. Doslidzhennya intelektualʹnoyi vlasnosti sverdlovyn z nadannya pidvyshchennya naftovyluchennya  [Tekst] / L.B. Moroz, YA.YA. Yakymechko, S.O. Ovetsʹkyy, A.V. Uhrynovsʹkyy // Naftohazova enerhetyka. - 2022.- №2 (38). – S. 27-34.

3. Yakymechko YA.YA. Doslidzhennya zakruchenoho potoku robochoyi ridyny pid chas prokhodzhennya yiyi cherez hidrodynamichnyy kavitator [Tekst] / YA.V. ya. Yakymechko, YA. M. Femʺyak // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. - 2020. - № 1(74). - S. 53-71.

4. Lubomyr Poberezhny. Influence of hydrate formation and concentration of salts on the corrosion of steel 20 pipelines [Текст] / Lubomyr Poberezhny, Ihor Chudyk, Andrii Hrytsanchuk, Oleg Mandryk, Tetyana Kalyn, Halyna  Hrytsanchuk, Yaroslav Yakymechko // Management Systems in Production Engineering. - 2020. – Volume 28, Issue 3, pp. 141-147. IDEX SCOPUS. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4406-0094.

5. A. Lysenko (University of Miskolc), B. Mishchuk, L. Poberezhny, D. Volchenko, Ya. Yakymechko (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University) Study of the process of changing of the effective gas factor in time under the conditions of gaslift flowing // International conference of young professionals «Geoterrace-2020»; December 7-9, 2020, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine −[GeoTerrace-2020-021]Scopus

6. Lubomyr Poberezhny. Influence of hydrate formation and concentration of salts on the corrosion of steel 20 pipelines [Текст] / Lubomyr Poberezhny, Ihor Chudyk, Andrii Hrytsanchuk, Oleg Mandryk, Tetyana Kalyn, Halyna  Hrytsanchuk, Yaroslav Yakymechko // Management Systems in Production Engineering. - 2020. – Volume 28, Issue 3, pp. 141-147. IDEX SCOPUS. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4406-0094.


e-mail: jarykjj@ukr.net