Roman Kondrat

Additional Information
Alma mater

Lviv Polytechnic Institute


Development of oil and gas fields

Науковий ступінь

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Вчене звання


Місце роботи, посада

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas, professor

Наукові інтереси

Development of theoretical and applied foundations for improving the efficiency of gas and oil field development in various mining and geological conditions

Державні нагороди

Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1994),

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2006),

Acknowledgment of the President of Ukraine (2000),

Excellence in Education of Ukraine (2000).

General Information

He graduated from Drohobych Petroleum College with a degree in Oil and Gas Well Operation (1958), Lviv Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Oil and Gas Field Development (1964) and a full-time postgraduate degree in Petroleum Engineering and Mining (1970) with a PhD thesis on “Study of the peculiarities of the process of gas displacement by water in relation to the completion of gas fields”. After graduation, he worked at ShebelynkaGasVydobuvannya GPD and NadvirnaNaftogaz as an oil and gas production operator, senior well exploration operator, and engineer. Since 1964, he has been working at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, where he currently holds the position of Professor. From 1991 to 2015, he was elected as the Head of the Graduate Department of Oil and Gas Production. In 1995-2000 he was Vice-Rector for Research. In 1988, he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Physical and technological bases of hydrocarbon recovery from natural gas fields under natural and artificial water pressure regime”, and in 1990 he received a certificate of professor.

Internship at the Research and Development Institute of PJSC Ukrnafta from 01.11.2022 to 23.12.2022 in the amount of 180 hours (6 credits). Topic: Determination of technological losses and production and technological costs of oil, condensate, natural and petroleum gas and gaseous hydrocarbon raw materials during their production, preparation for transportation and transportation.

Навчальна робота

Professor Kondrat R. M. lectures in the following disciplines: “Newest Technologies of Development and Operation of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields”, ‘Technology of Development of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields’, ‘Design of Development of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields’, ‘Development and Operation of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields’ (for full-time and part-time students) and ‘Problematic Issues of Increasing the Efficiency of Development of Gas and Gas Condensate Fields’ (for postgraduate students). Supervises course projects and master's theses of students majoring in “185. Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology”, specialization ‘Oil and Gas Production’.

Наукова діяльність

He is a well-known scientist in the field of theory and design of gas, gas condensate and oil and gas condensate fields development. Head of the scientific school “Physical and technological bases of increasing gas and oil condensate recovery from fields and well productivity”. He created the physical, theoretical and applied foundations of methods of active influence on oil and gas bearing formations, bottomhole zone and wellbore to increase current production and the degree of oil, gas and condensate recovery from fields. He has developed new technologies to increase gas recovery from gas fields under gas and water pressure conditions and hydrocarbon recovery from gas condensate and oil and gas condensate fields under depletion development conditions with reservoir pressure maintenance, intensify hydrocarbon inflow to wells and ensure stable operation of wells with increased flow rates in the presence of complicating factors. The technologies are protected by titles of protection, included in technological projects for field development and implemented in fields in Ukraine and other countries. He has trained 2 doctors and 10 candidates of technical sciences.

He was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in 2006 for his collective work “Energy Security of the State: Highly Efficient Technologies for the Production, Supply and Use of Natural Gas”. He was elected an academician of the Ukrainian Oil and Gas Academy and a corresponding member of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine. He was a member of the accreditation expert and scientific councils of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Central Commission for the Development of Gas, Gas Condensate, Oil Fields and Operation of Underground Gas Storage Facilities of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, a member of the specialized scientific council for the defense of doctoral dissertations and editorial boards of 4 scientific and technical journals.

He is the author of more than 400 scientific works, including 25 textbooks, manuals, monographs, scientific and technical reviews, reference books and dictionaries, as well as 66 patents and copyright certificates for inventions. He has received state and industry awards for his scientific and pedagogical achievements.

Вибрані публікації

1. Kondrat R . M. Tekhnolohiya rozrobky hazovykh i hazokondensatnykh rodovyshch: pidruchnyk. Ivano-Frankivsʹk: IFNTUNH, 2021. 445 s.

2. Kondrat R . M. Proektuvannya rozrobky hazovykh i hazokondensatnykh rodovyshch: pidruchnyk. Ivano-Frankivsʹk: IFNTUNH, 2021. 251 s.

3. Kondrat R . M., Kondrat O. R., Dremlyukh N. S. Rozrobka ta ekspluatatsiya hazovykh i kondensatsiynykh hazoatnykh rodovyshch. Navch. pos. Ivano-Frankivsʹk: Nova Zorya, 2015. 288 s.

4. Kondrat R. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti ekspluatatsiynykh sverdlovyn na zavershalʹniy stadiyi rozrobky hazovykh rodovyshch / Roman Kondrat, Liliya Matiyishyn // Min. shakhtar. depoz. 2022, 16(2):1-6.

5. Kondrat R. Rozrobka skladu tsementuyuchoho rozchynu dlya kriplennya malotsementovanykh porid / R. Kondrat, N. Dremlyukh, L. Khaydarova // Rozrobka rodovyshch korysnykh kopalyn, 2021, 15(2), 82-88.

6. Kondrat R . M. Doslidzhennya vplyvu vodnoho faktora na produktyvnu kharakterystyku sverdlovyny z hraviynym filʹtrom/ R.M. Kondrat, N.S. Dremlyukh, L.I. Matiyishyn // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2023 №2(87). C. 51-58.

7. Kondrat R . M., Kondrat O. R. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti dorozrobky vysnazhenykh rodovyshch pryrodnykh haziv. Naftova haluzʹ Ukrayiny, 2017. №3. S. 11-15.

8. Kondrat R . M., Kondrat O. R. Problemni pytannya naftohazovoyi enerhetyky pry rozrobtsi rodovyshch pryrodnykh haziv ta deyaki shlyakhy yikh vyrishennya. Naftohazova enerhetyka, 2006. №4. S. 20-23.

9. Kondrat R . M., Khaydarova L. I. Pidvyshchennya stupenya vyluchennya hazu z vyroblenoho hazovoho rodovyshcha vytisnennyam nevidibranoho pryrodnoho hazu azotom. Naukovyy visnyk NHU, 2017. №5. S. 23-28.

10. Kondrat R . M., Dremlyukh N. S. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti ekspluatatsiyi sverdlovyn iz nestiykymy kolektoramy na vysnazhenykh hazovykh rodovyshchakh. Naftohazova haluzʹ Ukrayiny, 2018. №6. S. 18-28.

11. Kondrat R.M. Pytannya dorozrobky vysnazhenykh rodovyshch pryrodnykh haziv.  Naftohazova haluzʹ Ukrayiny, 2020. №4. S. 34-41.

12. Kondrat R . M., Khaydarova L. I. Pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti dorozrobky vysnazhenykh hazovykh pokladiv vytisnennyam zalyshkovoho pryrodnoho hazu azotom. Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2021 №1(78). C. 25-34.

13. Kondrat R . M Udoskonalennya tekhnolohiy dorozrobky vysnazhenykh hazovykh vkladiv / R. M. Kondrat, O.R. Kondrat, L. I. Khaydarova // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2022 №2(83). C. 26-36.

14. Kondrat R . M. Aprobatsiya tekhnolohiyi vytisnennya zalyshkovoho pryrodnoho hazu azotom dlya umov vysnazhenoho hazovoho pokladu horyzontu ND-9 Lyubeshivsʹkoho hazovoho rodovyshcha / R.M. Kondrat, L.I. Khaydarova // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. 2020. № 2 (75). S. 16-23.

