Yaroslav Tarko

ya b
General Information


Deputy Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Technical Sciences at IFNTUOG, expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on licensing and accreditation of higher education institutions in the field of oil and gas business (2016-2019).

He developed the theoretical foundations for studying the phenomenon of colmatation of the bottomhole zone and hydrodynamic processes occurring in it during depression and repression, developed effective equipment to increase reservoir productivity by creating high alternating pressure pulses, as well as technologies for thermochemical and thermoacid treatment using high-energy exothermic reactions.

Scientific developments with significant economic effect have been implemented in wells of 15 oil and gas fields in Ukraine and other countries. He is the author of more than 120 scientific papers, including 22 inventions, and was awarded the “Inventor of the USSR” award (1984).

Internship at the research and production enterprise Naftovyk. The topic of the internship was “Intensification of oil and gas production in wells by acting on the bottomhole zone of the formation” from 10.11.22 to 14.02.23.

Навчальна робота
  1. Petroleum production.
  2. Exploration of cavities.
  3. Intensification of hydrocarbon inflow to the bottom of wells.
  4. Advanced methods of well workover.
  5. Well Testing and Survey.
  6. Hydrocarbon Inflow Stimulation in Downhole.
Наукова діяльність

Research in the field of oil and gas recovery enhancement and development of technologies and technical means for hydrocarbon production intensification.


1. Research and diagnostics of the technical condition of wells and the bottomhole zone of the formation by industrial geophysical and hydrodynamic methods.

2. Technical means and technologies for well workover and permeability control of productive formations in the bottomhole zone in order to intensify hydrocarbon production and limit water inflows.

Alma mater



Development of oil and gas fields

Вибрані публікації

Eksperymentalʹni doslidzhennya protsesu termokyslotnoho diyannya na produktyvni plasty. Zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ NHU. Dnipropetrovsʹk: 2004. – № 20. – S. 70-78. (Spivatory Boyko V.S.,Hrybovsʹkyy R.V.).

Pro novyy pidkhid u tekhnitsi ta tekhnolohiyi metodu ochyshchennya pryvybiynoyi zony plasta depresiyno-represiynoyu diyeyu. NTZH „Naftohazova enerhetyka”. № 3(8), Ivano-Frankivsʹk. – 2008. – S. 64-67.

Perspektyvy hazohidratnoyi tekhnolohiyi na rynku morsʹkykh perevezenʹ pryrodnoho hazu. Vseukrayinsʹkyy NTZH „Rozvidka i rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, vyp. 2 (43), Ivano-Frankivsʹk, 2012. - s. 17-21.S.49-55 (Spivavtory Pedchenko M.M., Pedchenko L.O.).

Stan ta perspektyvy termokhimichnykh ta termokyslotnykh tekhnolohiy obroblennya pryvybiynoyi zony plasta. Vseukrayinsʹkyy NTZH „Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”. – 2016. – № 1. – S. 13-18.

Tekhnolohiya termokhimichnoho obroblennya pryvybiynoyi zony plastiv u naftovydobuvnykh sverdlovynakh. Vseukrayinsʹkyy NTZH „Rozvidka i rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, vyp. №2 (63), Ivano-Frankivsʹk, 2017. - C.21-26.

Intensyfikatsiya vyluchennya vuhlevodniv impulʹsno-khvylʹovymy metodamy. .J80 Zhurnal vuhlevodnevoyi enerhetyky. - Ivano-Frankivsʹk : Natsionalʹnyy tekhnichnyy universytet nafty i hazu. - 2018. - Vyp. 5, № 2. – 39-68 s. (Spivavtory A. F. Bulat, YE. I. Kryzhanivsʹkyy, H. O. Shevchenko, V. H. Shevchenko).

Місце роботи, посада

professor of petroleum production department

Науковий ступінь

Doct. in Engineering

Вчене звання


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Ivan Kuper

General Information

In 1979, he graduated from the Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas with a degree in Technology and Integrated Mechanization of Oil and Gas Field Development.   From 1979 to 1995, he worked at IFING. In 1990, he completed his full-time postgraduate studies and defended his PhD thesis. In September 1991, he became an assistant, and a year and a half later - an associate professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation. He took an active part in the public life of the institute, was a member of the men's folk choir “Gomin Karpat”.

Internship: Research and Development Institute of PJSC "Ukrnafta", 2022, topic: “The latest technologies for increasing the productivity of oil wells” Certificate No. 05 dated 10.01.2023.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Навчальна робота

Physics of oil and gas reservoir,

Development and operation of oil fields,

Designing the operation of oil wells,

Collection and preparation of oilfield products,

Newest technologies of oil field development and operation.

Наукова діяльність

His scientific achievements include new ways of developing oil fields, increasing their oil recovery, technologies and devices for influencing the bottomhole zone of the formation and well development. Recently, he has been working on the problems of developing depleted fields.

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas

Дата закінчення

Technology and integrated mechanization of oil and gas field development

Вибрані публікації
  1. Kuper I.M. Fizyka naftovoho i hazovoho plasta: pidruchnyk / I.M. Kuper,  A.V. Uhrynovsʹkyy. – Ivano-Frankivsʹk: Foliant, 2018. – 447s. – ISBN 978–966–694–299–2.
  2. Kuper I.M. Pidvyshchennya naftovyluchennya na rodovyshchakh Ukrayiny// Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch.-Ivano-Frankivsʹk.-2016.-Vyp. 3 (60). - S. 19-25.
  3. Pat. Ukrayiny № 83905 MPK E21V 43/16 Sposib rozrobky naftovoho vkladu./Kuper I.M., Mykhaylyuk V.D.- Zayavl. 16.10.2006.- Opubl.26.08.2008.-Byul. №16.
  4. Kuper I.M. Do problemy rozrobky vysnazhenykh rodovyshch//Naftova i hazova promyslovistʹ. – 2002.- №5. – S.28-29.
  5. Pat. Ukrayina, MPK E21B 33/13 (2006.01), C09K 8/56 (2006.01). Prystriy dlya osvoyennya i doslidzhennya sverdlovyn [Tekst] /  Kuper I.M. –  Patent na korysnu modelʹ №135359. Opubl.25.06.2020r.Byul. №12.
  6. Kuper I.M. Deyaki napryamky stabilizatsiyi vydobutku nafty v Ukrayini. // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch.-Ivano-Frankivsʹk.-2015.-Vyp. 33 (56). - S. 7-10.
  7. Boyko V.S., Kuper I.M. Eksperymentalʹne vyvchennya protsesu namyvannya zernystoho sharu u vertykalʹniy trishchyni//Naftova i hazova promyslovistʹ". - Kyyiv:1993, -№ 1- S. 31-34.
  8. Kuper I.M. Ratsionalʹne vykorystannya enerhiyi rozchynenoho hazu na zavershalʹniy stadiyi rozrobky rodovyshch. /Kuper I.M. Mykhaylyuk V.D. . // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. - Ivano-Frankivsʹk. - 2012. - Vyp.43 (t.2). - S. 143-151.
  9. Kuper I.M. Vprovadzhennya metodiv pidvyshchennya naftovyluchennya na doslidnykh polyakh naftovykh rodovyshch" Problems and perspectives of modern science and practice " 30-31 sichnya 2020 roku Hrats, Avstriya.
Місце роботи, посада

Associate Professor of the Department of Petroleum Production

Науковий ступінь

Кандидат технічних наук

Вчене звання



e-mail  ivankuper@ukr.net.

Additional Information

Зустріч гаранта ОП з здобувачами

10.09.2024 р. відбулась зустріч  зав. кафедри ВНГ, гаранта ОПП, куратора Лілії МАТІЇШИН та куратора Лесі МОРОЗ із здобувачами другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти ОПП «Видобування нафти і газу». На зустрічі обговорили загальні питання, які стосуються навчального процесу, а також вибрали нового старосту групи НІВм-24-2 Романа СУЛІМОВА. 


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SPE Workshop ( SPE Central Ukraine Section)

Учасники SPE Workshop ділились практичним досвідом

Захід, присвячений обговоренню провідних технологічних процесів у сфері видобутку нафти і газу, відбувся в Івано-Франківську в рамках SPE Workshop ( SPE Central Ukraine Section). У ньому взяли участь проректор з наукової роботи ІФНТУНГ Олександр КОНДРАТ (Oleksandr Kondrat), директор Інститут нафтогазової інженерії Олег ВИТЯЗЬ, завідувачка Кафедра видобування нафти і газу, ІФНТУНГ Лілія МАТІЇШИН, відомі фахівці нафтогазової галузі та представник Міжнародного товариства інженерів-нафтовиків SPE П’єр Емануель ДЮАР

На заході були представлені ґрунтовні доповіді авторитетних у нафтогазовій галузі спікерів:

1. «ГРП із застосуванням розклинюючого агенту золи-виносної (сухої) українських ТЕС» (начальник управління підвищення нафтовіддачі ПАТ Укрнафта Ярослав ХАЛАК);

2. «Технології компанії Weatherford для обмеження притоку води та вирівнювання профілів заводнення» (керівник департаменту інтенсифікації свердловин ТОВ «Везерфорд Україна» Руслан МАЛЬОН);

3. «Практичне застосування 3-Д моделей родовищ у виробничій діяльності АТ УГВ» (науковий співробітник АТ Украгазвидобування Дмитро ОВЧАРЕНКО);

4. «Геотермальна енергетика, як стале енергетичне рішення для перепрофілювання наявної нафтогазової інфраструктури України в життєвому циклі родовища» (голова ГО Геотермал Україна Тарас Попадинець).

З учасниками також спілкувався й директор спілки інженерів-нафтовиків у Європі, міжнародної організації SPE П’єр Емануель ДЮАР, який, до слова, взяв участь у традиційній посвяті в нафтовики студентів нафтогазових спеціальностей ІФНТУНГ з нагоди Дня працівників нафтової газової та нафтопереробної промисловості та мав предметну розмову з ректором університету Ігор Чудик. Високий гість підкреслив вагоме значення нафтогазової галузі в енергетичному секторі в усьому світі та в України та роль у її розвитку SPE, яка об’єднує людей з нафтогазової сфери, щоб вони могли ділитися своїми знаннями і поширювали їх по всіх континентах.


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Атестація аспірантів/докторантів

Відбулась річна та проміжна атестація аспірантів / докторантів кафедри видобування нафти і газу 185 спеціальності нафтогазова інженерія та технології. Всі аспіранти та докторант попередньо надали всі необхідні документи. Атестація пройшла успішно. Здобувачам побажали подальших успіхів та нових здобутків усвоїх дослідженнях.


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Scientific Activity

The Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences conducts research work within the framework of the state budget topic "Modern Methods of Complex Analysis and Mathematical Modeling in Oil and Gas Engineering".
Among the faculty members of the department are many talented scientists who work fruitfully in both classical areas of mathematics and applied fields. The following areas of research are developed by our scientists:
- Theory of functions (Assoc. Prof. Savchuk Y.I., Prof. Bandura A.I.);
- Differential equations (Assoc. Prof. Shehda L.M., Assoc. Prof. Tymkiv I.R.);
- Mathematical modeling in engineering (Prof. Moisyshyn V.M., Associate Professor Gural I.M., Associate Professor Smolovyk L.R., Associate Professor Kryshtopa L.I., Associate Professor Tyrlych V.V., Professor Chernova M.E., Professor Bandura A.I.);
- mathematical modeling in economics (Assoc. Prof. Vytvytska O. M., Prof. Bandura A. I.);
- creation of computer technologies for the study of stresses and deformations of structural elements (Assoc. Prof. Ripetskyi R.Y., );
- Pedagogy and Psychology (Prof. Moiseenko L.A., Associate Professor Gural I.M., Associate Professor Smolovyk L.R.). - Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Films (Prof. Galushchak M.O., Associate Professor Mazur M.P., Associate Professor Mazur T.M., Associate Professor Mateik G.D., Associate Professor Vakaliuk V.M.).
Among the most significant achievements of the department's scientists in recent years are the scientific discovery "Patterns of changes in the stress state of the rock massif, which is in an extremely stressed state when drilling deep wells" made by Prof. V.M. Moisyshyn together with his doctoral students, for which the authors were awarded silver medals named after P.L. Kapitsa. L. Kapitsa silver medals; six instructional documents and two monographs by Prof. V.M. Moisyshyn devoted to various issues of well drilling; monograph by Prof. L.A. Moiseenko "Psychology of Creative Mathematical Thinking" and two scientific and methodological manuals written by her in co-authorship with well-known Ukrainian psychologists.
The department maintains scientific relations with both Ukrainian and foreign scholars. In particular, Prof. L.A. Moiseienko collaborates with specialists from the Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and a galaxy of analysts, Associate Professor Y. Savchuk and Professor A. Bandura, have joint works with mathematicians from Lviv and Kharkiv Universities and Lviv Polytechnic. Thanks to the grant won, Prof. Bandura (at that time an associate professor) had the opportunity to train for three months in 2014 with Prof. S. Ivashkovych on geometric methods of multidimensional complex analysis (University of Lille 1, France).
Based on the results of our research, we annually publish 30 to 50 scientific articles and prepare 10-15 presentations at scientific conferences. You can find a list of scientific works of a particular teacher of the department on his or her page by contacting the department staff.
The department has a doctoral program, postgraduate studies, and a scientific seminar "Mathematical modeling in mining", which is headed by Prof. V.M. Moisyshyn.
Scientists of the department take an active part in the work of the Small Academy of Sciences (as supervisors and jury members), pay great attention to the scientific work of young people. Every year, students submit 7-10 reports on their research, conducted under the guidance of teachers, to student scientific and technical conferences. The best of them are sent to national competitions and have been repeatedly awarded with certificates and diplomas. In addition, teachers constantly work as jury members of the regional tournament of young mathematicians, young physicists, as well as regional competitions in these subjects.

The Department of Physics and Mathematics of IFNTUOG together with the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Precarpathian University named after V. Stefanyk and Ivano-Frankivsk center of the National Science and Technology School. It publishes the series Number of the professional journal Precarpathian Bulletin of the Schevchenko Scientific Society. Precarpathian University named after V. Stefanyk and Ivano-Frankivsk center of the National Science and Technology School publishes the series "Number" of the professional journal "Precarpathian Bulletin of the Schevchenko Scientific Society. Number".

The Department's scientific achievements in the field of physics are facilitated by close cooperation with scientists from the institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Institute of Physics, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Institute of Metallophysics, as well as with renowned scientists from Precarpathian and Lviv National Universities, Lviv and Kyiv Polytechnics, and Sumy State University.

In particular, in 2010 and 2013, Prof. Halushchak (then Head of the Department of General and Applied Physics) won a tender among the research projects announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Since January 1, 2010, the department has been implementing the state budget fundamental theme "Research of new methods of converting solar and thermal energy into electricity." One Doctor of Science, 6 Candidates of Science, 2 postgraduate students, and 2 students participated in theoretical and experimental research. The project was designed for 3 years. The result of the research work is the development of a new method for converting solar and thermal energy into electricity and a prototype of a technical device for implementing the developed method.

In 2014, a tender was won for a two-year state budget applied topic "Technology of semiconductor structures and thermoelectric energy converters for special purposes".

Today, the department's staff conducts research related to the development of new ways to produce the latest thermoelectric materials and the creation of renewable energy sources.

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Disciplines, methodological support

The department provides teaching of the following disciplines:
- Advanced Mathematics;
- Operations Research;
- Mathematical Methods for Public Administration;
- Business Mathematics;
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics; 
- Physics.

-General physics;

-Fundamentals of physics;
- Physics.
- An e-course in physics for applicants.

The educational and methodological work at the department is aimed at studying and mastering the basic concepts and theoretical results of mathematical disciplines by students in order to use them in the study of special disciplines. It also involves mathematical modeling of processes and structures related to the general activities of specialists. At the same time, the development of cognitive abilities and creative thinking of students, the formation of their readiness for independent study of the achievements of science and technology and their active use in their professional activities are carried out.
The work programs and calendar plans, based on the credit-module system, set out the required amount of educational material and establish the most appropriate sequence of its study. A clear interrelation between lectures, practical, and laboratory classes and students' independent study of the necessary material has been developed.
The disciplines of the department are fully provided with textbooks and methodological developments. Almost all sections of higher mathematics are provided with lecture notes written by the department's teachers. Over the past 20 years, the department has prepared and published more than 100 educational and methodological publications in Ukrainian. The main ones include:

  1. Практикум з вищої математики Частина 1: Навчальний посібник / В.М. Мойсишин, Я.І. Савчук, А.І. Бандура та ін.; За ред. В.М. Мойсишина, Я.І. Савчука. – Івано-Франківськ: ІФНТУНГ, 2022. – 623с. ISBN 978-966-694-410-1 
  2. Практикум з вищої математики. Частина 2: Навчальний посібник / В.М. Мойсишин, Я.І. Савчук, А.І. Бандура та ін.; За ред. В.М. Мойсишина, Я.І. Савчука. – Івано-Франківськ: ІФНТУНГ, 2022. – 658с. ISBN 978-966-694-411-8 
  3. Тестові завдання з вищої математики : навч. посіб. / Гургула С.І., Мойсишин В.М., ред. - Івано-Франківськ : ІФНТУНГ Факел, 2008. - 737 с.

    Збірник містить 200 теоретичних питань та 3350 тестових завдань, що охоплюють весь нормативний курс вищої математики для ВНЗ і призначені для тестового контролю знань та умінь студентів.

    Розпочати читання частини 1 (c.1-600, до завдання 9.2.23).

    Розпочати читання частини 2 (c. 601-737, від завдання 9.2.24).

  4. Збірник завдань для розрахункових робіт з вищої математики : навч. посіб. / С. І. Гургула, В. М. Мойсишин, С. С. Гулька, І. М. Гураль. - Івано-Франківськ : ІФНТУНГ, 2010. - 451 с.

    Збірник завдань адресовано студентам технічних та економічних спеціальностей внз, навчальні плани яких передбачають виконання розрахункових робіт. 

    Розпочати читання.

  5. Bandura A. I. Operational calculus: lectures / A. I. Bandura, I. Ye. Ovchar, O. M. Vytvytska, IFNTUOG.  -- Ivano-Frankivs'k: IFNTUOG, 2015. -- 105 p. Посилання на читальню.
  6. Bandura A. I. Theory of probability and mathematical statistics: lectures / A. I. Bandura, L. I. Kryshtopa, I. Ye. Ovchar, IFNTUOG. -- Ivano-Frankivs'k: IFNTUOG, 2015. -- 169 p. Посилання на читальню.
  7.  Bandura A. I. Theory of probability and mathematical statistics: practices / Bandura A. I., Kryshtopa L. I., Ovchar I. Ye.  // Ivano-Frankivs'k: IFNTUOG, 2016. -- 163 p. Посилання на читальню.
  8. Bandura A. I. Higher Mathematics (Differention and Integration of Several Variables Functions): lectures / Bandura A. I., Kryshtopa L. I.  // Ivano-Frankivsk : IFNTUOG, 2017.  -- 228 p. Посилання на читальню.
  9. Bandura A.  Partial differential equations: lectures / Bandura A., Ovchar I., Tymkiv I. -- Ivano-Frankivs'k: IFNTUOG, 2018. -- 138 p. 
  10. Bandura A.  Partial differential equations: practices / Bandura A., Ovchar I., Tymkiv I. -- Ivano-Frankivs'k: IFNTUOG, 2019. - 112 p. 
  11. Bandura A. I., Ovchar I. Ye., Tyrlych V. V. Operational calculus: practices. - Ivano-Frankivs'k:  IFNTUOG, 2020. - 69 p.
  12. Bandura, A. I. Advanced Mathematics (Theory of the complex variable function) [Текст] = Вища математика : lectures / A. I. Bandura, L. І. Kryshtopa. -- Ivano-Frankivsk: IFNTUOG, 2023. -- 89 р.
  13. Higher Mathematics (Differention of several variables functions): lectures / Y.I.Savchuk, L.M.Shegda, L.I.Kryshtopa, N.O.Shkolna. - Івано-Франківськ: ІФНТУНГ, 2011. - 95 c.
  14. Kryshtopa L. I., Shkolna N. O. Higher mathematics (series): lectures. -- Ivano-Frankivs'k, IFNTUOG. -- 2012. -- 115 p.
  15. Tyrlych V. V. Higher mathematics (Differential Equations): lectures / V. V. Tyrlych, L. I. Kryshtopa. Ivano-Frankivs'k: IFNTUOG, 2014. -- 114 p.
  16. Kryshtopa L.  Higher Mathematics (Differention and Integration of One Variable Functions): lectures.  Kryshtopa L. , Gural I. M. Ivano-Frankivs’k: IFNTUOG, 2017.

    It is worth noting the highly professional and coordinated work of the department's teaching and support staff: leading engineer Bohdan Demkiv and engineer of the first category Liubomyra Dyakiv, who performed computer typing, editing, layout and layout of most of the above publications. In addition, thanks to the work of our engineers on a voluntary basis, twenty volumes of the "Carpathian Bulletin of the National Technical School" for 2009-2013 were published.
    The department is working on the introduction of mathematical special courses for senior students of various specialties into the educational process, and relevant lecture notes and textbooks have been published or are being prepared for publication:
    - Theory of fuzzy sets (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Savchuk Y.I., for the specialty "Automated control of technological processes");
    - Statistical analysis of data with STATISTICA package (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor M.M. Osipchuk, for the specialty "Business Economics");
    - General Algebra (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Gurgula S.I., for the specialty "Automated Systems Software");
    - Operations Research (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Smolovyk L.R., for the specialty "Accounting and Auditing");
    - Spherical and Differential Geometry (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Grigorchuk L.I., for the specialty "Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management");
    - Modeling of the drill string operation (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Moisyshyn V.M., for the students of the Institute of Postgraduate Education).
    The above-mentioned special courses are provided with the following manuals and lecture notes.
    1. Savchuk Y.I. Theory of fuzzy sets: Methodical manual. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Fakel, 2004. - 201 p.
    2. Statistical analysis of data with the STATISTICA package: Study guide / T.I. Manchych, A.Y. Openko, M.M. Osipchuk, V.G. Shportyuk - Drohobych: Renaissance, 2006. 208 p.
    3. Gurgula S.I. Selected issues of general algebra: Study guide. - Ivano-Frankivsk: Fakel, 2006. - 99 p.
    4. Research of operations: Lecture notes / L.R. Smolovyk, O.M. Vytvytska, K.V. Gresko and others - Ivano-Frankivsk: IFNTUOG, 2009. 140 p.
    5. Grigorchuk L.I., Grigorchuk G.V. Special sections of higher mathematics. Part 1. Spherical trigonometry: Lecture notes. - Ivano-Frankivsk: IFNTUOG, 2010. - 89 p.
    6. Grigorchuk L.I., Grigorchuk G.V. Special sections of higher mathematics. Part 2. Differential geometry: Lecture notes - Ivano-Frankivsk: IFNTUOG, 2010. 54 p.
    7. Vekeryk V.I., Moisyshyn V.M. Equation of equilibrium of sections of a drill string in a well oriented arbitrarily in space: Monograph. 2nd edition, revised - Ivano-Frankivsk: Fakel, 2007. 138 p.
    We also care about future students. More than a dozen educational and methodical publications have been prepared for the applicants preparing for the entrance exams in mathematics at the higher educational institutions of Ukraine and IFNTUOG in particular, including two collections of tasks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which have been reprinted several times:
    1. Collection of competitive tasks in mathematics: Study guide. Second edition, supplemented / V.M. Moisyshyn, S.I. Gurgula, V.I. Gorgula, M.M. Osipchuk, B.S. Sikora; Edited by V.M. Moisyshyn and S.I. Gurgula - Ivano-Frankivsk: Fakel, 2010. - 625 p. Stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (letter No. 1/11-5773 of 29.06.2010).
    2. Mathematics: Collection of test tasks for entrants. Seventh edition, supplemented / V.M. Moisyshyn, S.I. Gurgula, M.M. Osypchuk, Y.I. Savchuk, V.V. Tyrlych; Under the general editorship of V.M. Moisyshyn - Ivano-Frankivsk: DKD, 2010. 482 p. Stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (letter No. 1/11-5694 of 24.06.2010).
    Along with this, the teachers of the department systematically organize competitions among university students, take an active part in the work of the jury of the regional mathematics competition among schoolchildren, the tournament of young mathematicians, work in visiting commissions for the recruitment of freshmen and at entrance exams in Ivano-Frankivsk.

    Gurgula S. I. (until his death on March 26, 2016) and Savchuk Y. I. work fruitfully with talented university students, holding weekly classes of the mathematics club and preparing them for the All-Ukrainian Student Mathematics Olympiads among technical universities. Thanks to this thorough preparation, the university students often win prizes at these competitions. Their many years of work have culminated in the publication of a book that collects olympiad-type problems over a long period of time in various areas of higher mathematics.
    1. Gurgula S. I., Savchuk Y. I. Collection of problems of student mathematical competitions // Ivano-Frankivsk: IFNTUOG, 2014. -- 357 с.

    The Department of General and Applied Physics once had the following special courses:
    1) Building physics
    2) Additional course of physics
    3) Special course of physics "Nuclear Physics" for masters
    4) Electronic special course "Nuclear Physics" for masters
    5) Physics of liquids, gases and solids
    6) Physics of solids

    1.Чернова, М. Є. Як розв'язувати задачі з фізики [Текст] = How to resolve problems in physics : навч. посіб. (українсько-англійський) у 2-х частинах. Ч. 1 / М. Є. Чернова. – Івано-Франківськ : ІФНТУНГ, 2020. – 312 с. https://search.library.nung.edu.ua/DocDescription?doc_id=463130
    2. Чернова, М. Є. Як розв’язувати задачі з фізики (How to resolve problems in physics) [Текст] : навч. посібник (українсько-англійський) у 2-х частинах. Ч. 2 / М. Є. Чернова. – Івано-Франківськ : ІФНТУНГ, 2021. – 205 с.  https://search.library.nung.edu.ua/DocDescription?doc_id=473511                                                                                                                                                                 

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History of department

Mathematics and physics have always been and remain a universal tool for scientific research and its practical implementation. That is why mathematics and physics are among the most important subjects in the curricula of higher technical education institutions. Teaching future professionals to think, navigate the world of formulas and theorems, see the commonalities in different phenomena and processes, and create their mathematical models is the main task of the teachers of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. Together with the university, the department has gone through a glorious career path from its foundation to the present day.

   It emerged as a structural subdivision of the Stanislavsky Faculty of General Engineering of Lviv Polytechnic Institute (STF LPI), organized on the basis of the order of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR of 11.05.1960, No. 651-p. The Department of Higher Mathematics and Mechanics should be considered the predecessor of the Department (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ukrainian SSR No. 527 of 13.09.1961 "On the Organization of Departments in the Stanislavsky FTF"). Its full-time teaching staff consisted of 5 people: higher mathematics was taught by senior lecturer Stefaniia Taras, assistants Elina Korol and Kazymyr Richka; theoretical mechanics by PhD, associate professor Yevhen Shelepin, and material resistance by acting associate professor Iryna Yablochkova. The department was headed by the then Dean of the ZTF of Lviv Polytechnic Institute (later the first rector of Ivano-Frankivsk Oil and Gas Institute) Yevhen Shelepin. In January 1962, the department was replenished with senior lecturer Kh.O. Tsarehradskyi (he worked until September 1, 1962, lectured on higher mathematics), and in September 1962 with young mathematicians V.I. Gorgula, A.M. Krasnodembskyi, B.Y. Lipko (all three later became candidates of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professors and formed the core of the future department of higher mathematics) and mechanic I.D. Cherepiuk.
   On August 1, 1963, on the basis of Ivano-Frankivsk FTF, the Ivano-Frankivsk branch of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute was formed with the Faculty of General Engineering and the Faculty of Oil and Gas Industry (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ukrainian SSR No. 401 of 9.07.1963). The former included the newly created Department of Higher Mathematics, which consisted of 10 people: senior lecturers S.T. Taras, V.I. Gorgula, A.M. Krasnodembskyi, B.Y. Lipko, assistants K.Y. Richka, O.R. Dovzhynska, V.M. Sapozhnikov, Z.D. Terplyvets, M.A. Shulyar, and senior preparator L.V. Hrechanyk. In 1963-64 and 1966-68, the duties of the head of the department were performed by S.T. Taras, a graduate of the LSU graduate school; a fair, demanding teacher who helped many younger colleagues with sound professional advice.
   In 1964-66, the department was headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor I.F. Hryhorchuk, an excellent lecturer and organizer who took care of the proper staffing of teaching mathematical disciplines. During this time, the staff of the department doubled, the team was joined by young teachers O.I. Polovyna, K.V. Tsidylo, M.I. Avramenko, R.D. Sysak, N.S. Droniuk, E.M. Lipko, N.E. Panchuk. In April 1966, senior lecturer Polovyna Oleksandr Ivanovych was dismissed from his job for opposing the narrowing of the functioning of the Ukrainian language in higher education, public life, and the media.
   1967 is considered to be the year when the only higher educational institution of oil and gas profile in Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas, was established (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the USSR No. 1 of January 1, 1967), which twenty-seven years later became first a state and then (in 2001) a national technical university of oil and gas. The university was developing, and our department was changing with it, both quantitatively and qualitatively. In the late 60s - the first half of the 70s of the last century, teachers V.O. Vorobyova, I.Y. Doskoch, B.M. Polevyi, M.V. Hlibchuk, D.D. Matieshin, I. P. Dmitrievsky, R.M. Lutsyshyn, L.O. Novikov, K.V. Gresko, N.P. Sotnikova, F.P. Kononenko, D.F. Lyalyuk, O.I. Portnoy, T.O. Fomina, senior laboratory assistant G.F. Kirilishyn. In 1968-1978, the department was headed by one of its founders, Candidate of Physical Sciences, Associate Professor B.Y. Lipko, whose lectures were a model of pedagogical excellence for his colleagues. The range of his scientific interests was quite wide: differential equations, mathematical physics, probability theory. Borys Yakovlevych could provide comprehensive consultations on the most complex issues in these and many other mathematical disciplines.
   In the second half of the 70s and 80s, the number of the department increased to 23-26 people. Both young and experienced teachers came. Some already had a degree, while others were preparing their research papers while working at the department. At this time, the staff was joined by A.N. Khomchenko, S.I. Gurgula, L.I. Kamaieva, M.O. Chernov, T.G. Lavinyukova, V.M. Senychak, L.D. Melnychenko, L.O. Dozhdzhaniuk, S.V. Volkovetskyi, V.P. Nisonskyi, D.A. Skrypnyk, B.S. Sikora, M.V. Ivaniuk, Y.I. Savchuk, and others. Some of them are still working today. Now they are veterans of the department who perfectly know the secrets of professional skill.
   Associate Professor A.N. Khomchenko became the first doctor of science at the department, having defended his dissertation "Development and Application of Probabilistic Modeling in Discrete Methods of Computational Mechanics" in 1991. He is now a professor and head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling at Kherson National Technical University. Under his guidance, our colleagues L.I. Kamaieva and V.M. Senychak defended their PhD theses.
   For more than a quarter of a century (from 1978 to 2004), Candidate of Physical Sciences, Associate Professor V.I. Gorgula worked as the head of the department. His authority as a scientist, teacher, and organizer was indisputable not only among students and teachers, but also among the university administration. Vasyl Ivanovych did a lot for the development of the department, skillfully selecting staff and taking care of raising their scientific level (6 teachers were sent to the targeted postgraduate program).
   The 90s were fruitful for the team, the period of the formation of independent Ukraine. The staff of the department did not stand aside from those state-building events. Many of them (S.V. Volkovetskyi, I.Y. Doskoch, D.F. Lialiuk, V.M. Moisyshyn, Y.I. Savchuk, R.D. Sysak) became active members of the Ukrainian Language Society, the People's Movement, and the Democratic Party of Ukraine (chaired by Y. Badz and V. Yavorivskyi). Associate Professor S. Volkovetskyi was twice elected to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1990, 1994), headed the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration, and served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Georgia and Azerbaijan.
   The Institute of Oil and Gas acquired a new status as a state technical university. The department was joined by talented young scientists, including I.M. Gural, L.M. Ivasyshyn, L.A. Moiseenko, V.M. Moisyshyn, O.R. Nikiforchyn, M.M. Osipchuk, L.R. Smolovyk and others. All of them were PhDs at the time or became so in the first years of their work at the department. In 1996, Associate Professor V.M. Moisyshyn received his doctorate in engineering with a dissertation on the study of drill string stability and oscillations during rotary drilling.
   The depoliticization of the educational process associated with the collapse of the USSR made it possible to switch completely to teaching in Ukrainian. In the early 1990s, the department began a major effort, which continues to this day, to create textbooks in the state language. Today, almost all lecture courses are provided with educational and methodological literature. It is worth noting the significant contribution of Associate Professor B.S. Sikora, who is the inspiration and co-author of many textbooks.
   An important milestone in the history of the university was reached in 2001, when the President of Ukraine granted the university the status of National Technical University of Oil and Gas. There were changes in the structure of the university, a number of new subdivisions-institutes were created. At the same time, the Department of Higher Mathematics became part of the Institute of Fundamental Training (IFT) (it is interesting to trace the subordination of the department to the faculties during its existence: the Faculty of General Engineering in 1961-1969, the Faculty of Automation and Economics in 1970-1985, Faculty of Oil and Gas Engineering 1985-2001, Institute of Fundamental Training 2001-2011, Institute of Fundamental and Humanitarian Training and Distance Learning 2011-2014, Institute of Information Technology 2014-2018, Institute of Oil and Gas Engineering from 2018 to the present).
   From 2004 to 2023, the Department of Higher Mathematics was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.M. Moisyshyn. During this time, the departmental ranks have undergone a significant renewal, but the labor traditions of the team remain unchanged: impeccable discipline, high professionalism, and mutual assistance. Along with them, new ones are being created: the development of mathematical special courses, tourist trips to the native land.
   Since 1961, an experienced, highly qualified faculty has been involved in teaching mathematical disciplines at our university. Below is a chronological list of the department's faculty members who have worked in full-time positions at different times (years of service in parentheses) and taught mathematical disciplines:
Taras Stefania Tomivna, Senior Lecturer, Acting Head of the Department (September 1, 1961 - April 18, 1985);
Korol Elina Mykolaivna, assistant (September 1, 1961 - September 3, 1962);
Rivera Kazymyr Yosypovych, assistant (September 1, 1961 - March 8, 1965);
Khrystian Tsarehradskyi, Senior Lecturer (January 1, 1962 - September 10, 1962);
Gorgula Vasyl Ivanovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department (September 1, 1962 - September 1, 2007);
Lipko Borys Yakovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department (September 1, 1962 - January 30, 1995);
Adam Mykhailovych Krasnodembskyi, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (September 1, 1962 - January 1, 2017);
- an old-timer of the department who has worked there for almost 55 years. Dovzhynska Oksana Romanivna, Assistant (September 1, 1963 - September 25, 1967);
Sapozhnikov Vadym Mykolaiovych, assistant (September 1, 1963 - August 11, 1964);
Shvedova (Terplivets) Zoya Dmytrivna, Senior Lecturer (September 1, 1963 - July 10, 1996);
Shulyar Mykhailo Antonovych, assistant (September 5, 1963 - September 1, 1967);
Hryhorchuk Ivan Fedorovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department (26.08.1964 - 7.09.1966); (he recently celebrated his 90th birthday, born on February 17, 1927)
Tsidylo Kostiantyn Vasylovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (September 1, 1964 - October 30, 1968 and December 10, 1976 - June 19, 1980);
Polovyna Oleksandr Ivanovych, Senior Lecturer (September 25, 1965 - April 2, 1966);
Avramenko Mykola Ivanovych, assistant (September 14, 1964 - July 1, 1966);
Panchuk Nina Yevstakhiivna, assistant (August 4, 1965 - October 12, 1986);
Sysak Roman Dmytrovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (August 16, 1965 - December 7, 2006);
Droniuk Nadiia Sylvestrivna, Senior Lecturer (September 1, 1965 - September 8, 1972);
Lipko Yevheniia Moiseiivna, assistant (April 21, 1966 - December 15, 1990);
Hrechanyk Liubov Vasylivna, assistant (April 24, 1966 - April 3, 1995, teaching and support staff from October 5, 1963 - April 24, 1966);
Valentyna Vorobiova, assistant (September 1, 1966 - August 31, 2008);
Bohdan Mykolaiovych Polevyi, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (January 28, 1967 - July 14, 1967 and February 1, 1994 - November 10, 2001);
Hlibchuk Myroslav Vasylovych, Assistant (August 23, 1967 - May 10, 1996);
Matieshin Dmytro Dmytrovych, Senior Lecturer (28.10.1968-02.03.2015)

Lutsyshyn Rostyslav Mykhailovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer (January 30, 1969 - August 05, 1969);
Dmytriievskyi Ivan Petrovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (January 25, 1969 - July 1, 1974);
Novikov Leonid O., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (April 1, 1969 - July 7, 1974);
Sotnikova Nina Petrivna, Assistant (September 20, 1969 - September 19, 1978);
Kateryna Hresko, assistant (1969-30.08.2014);
Kononenko Fedir Pavlovych, Assistant (October 15, 1971 - December 31, 1975);
D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor (1972-30.08.2014);
Portnoy Oleksandr Izrailovych, Assistant (September 1, 1974 - June 1, 1975 and June 26, 1976 - December 3, 1990);
Fomina Tamara Oleksiivna, assistant (September 1, 1974 - April 18, 1989);
Khomchenko Anatolii Nikiforovych, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (27.08.1975 - 7.07.1992);
Burlakova Alla Petrivna, Assistant (September 4, 1974 - March 1, 1978);
Lavyniukova Tetiana Hryhorivna, Senior Lecturer (at the University since September 10, 1972, at the Department from September 14, 1976 to June 30, 2013);
Kamaieva Lidiya Ivanivna, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences (September 01, 1976-31.03.2015);
Chernov Mykola Oleksandrovych, Assistant (September 8, 1976 - March 16, 1996);
Melnychenko Lidiya Dmytrivna, Assistant (1978-31.03.2015);
Dozhdzhaniuk Liubov Oleksiivna, Assistant (22.11.1978 - 30.05.1989);
Volkovetskyi Stepan V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor (December 1, 1979 - October 8, 1991, April 11, 1994 - May 9, 1998);
Nisonskyi Volodymyr Pavlovych, Assistant (1980-1981, 2001-30.08.2014);
Skrypnyk Dmytro Antonovych, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (June 30, 1981 - August 31, 2001);
Sikora Bohdan Stepanovych, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor (December 30, 1981 - September 1, 2009);
Ivaniuk Mykola V., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (February 11, 1983 - November 27, 1985 and December 26, 1988 - March 1, 2000);
Kucheruk Liudmyla Vasylivna, Senior Lecturer (August 29, 1983 - May 12, 1987);
Kedyk Taras V., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant (September 2, 1985 - October 14, 1988 and December 26, 1991 - June 2, 1994);
Mykhailyshyn Yaroslav Ivanovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant (December 2, 1985 - September 8, 1988);
Roman Chyhur, Assistant (December 15, 1990 - September 1, 1993);
Malyk Mykhailo Yosypovych, Assistant (January 9, 1992 - January 16, 1995);
Gerashchenko Nataliia Volodymyrivna, Assistant (September 21, 1992 - October 1, 1993);
Osypchuk Mykhailo Mykhailovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (October 11, 1993 - January 31, 2008);
Vasyl Beley, Assistant (September 1, 1994 - January 16, 1995);
Skrypnychuk Halyna Ivanivna, Assistant (August 7, 1995 - February 2, 1996);
Oleh Rostyslavovych Nikiforchyn, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (September 18, 1995 - August 31, 1997);
Hevka Olga Andriivna, Assistant (September 19, 1995 - June 30, 2011);
Ivasyshyn Liliia Mykhailivna, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (September 1, 2001 - August 30, 2004);
D. in Physics and Mathematics, Assistant Professor (September 1, 2003 - September 1, 2004);
Bachuk Vasyl, Assistant (October 1, 2003 - December 1, 2010);
Yatsyshyn Vasyl Dmytrovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (October 1, 2003 - September 7, 2011);
Hryhorchuk Halyna Vasylivna, Assistant (2003-2004, 2009-30.08.2014, 01.09.2023 - present);
Gulka Stepan Stepanovych, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor (September 1, 2007 - February 28, 2011);
Chumachenko Yaroslav Vitaliiovych, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor (September 1, 2012 - August 30, 2014);
Semenchuk Andrii Vasyliovych, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Assistant Professor (September 1, 2012 - August 30, 2014);
Gurgula Stepan Ivanovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (September 01, 1974-26.03.2016);

Kulinich Halyna Mykhailivna, Assistant (01.10.2010-30.08.2019)

Senychak Vasyl Mykhailovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (09/01/1978-31/12/2020)

Rys Vitalii V., Assistant (01.09.2001-30.08.2021)

Hryhorchuk Liubomyr Ivanovych, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (at the University since 1990, at the Department from September 01, 1999 to August 30, 2022)
Ovchar Ihor Yevheniiovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (May 01, 2005 - August 30, 2022).
  The teaching and auxiliary staff of the department included:
Halyna Feofanivna Kyrylyshyn, Senior Laboratory Assistant (at the University since September 1, 1964, at the Department from September 1, 1966 to January 15, 2014);
Valentyna Ivanivna Vasylyshyn, Senior Engineer (August 13, 1978 - March 19, 2004);
Zinchenko Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, Engineer of the 1st category (September 6, 2002 - March 19, 2004);
Demkiv Bohdan Vasylovych, leading engineer (March 22, 2004 - June 22, 2011);
Dyakiv Lyubomyra Yaroslavivna, Leading Engineer (September 01, 2006 - January 08, 2019),

Anshyts Tetiana Ihorivna (01.09.2011-08.03.2024).


   Of the faculty members of the department who have worked in full-time positions since its opening to the present day, 28 have passed away forever. These are Kh.O. Tsarehradskyi (1897-19??), E.G. Shelepin (1906-1078), O.R. Dovzhynska (1931-2009), N.E. Panchuk (1931-1986), O.I. Portnoy (1932-2003), F.P. Kononenko (1933-1982), Ye. Lipko (1933-1999), B.Y. Lipko (1935-1998), D.A. Skrypnyk (1934-2004), M.A. Shulyar (1935-199?), L.O. Dozhdzhaniuk (1936-1989), M.I. Avramenko, T.O. Fomina (1937-1991), V.M. Sapozhnikov (1938-1964), K. V. Tsidylo (1938-1980), M.O. Chernov (1939-1996), M.V. Hlibchuk (1939-1996), R.D. Sysak (1940-2006), B.M. Polevyi (1943-2001), S.S. Hulka (1952-2011), V.D. Yatsyshyn (1956-2011), T. V. Kedyk (1958-1994), B. S. Sikora (1932-2013), S. Taras (1930-2013), S. Gurgula (1951-2016), V. Gurgula (1937-2016), D. Laliuk (1939-2018), and V. Vorobiova (13.06.2023). Our team keeps them in good memory. Also, laboratory assistant Hanna Kyrylyshyn (1939-2018) and leading engineer Liliia Dyakiv (1972-2019), who performed a considerable amount of work invisible to the naked eye, passed away.
  We also remember those of our teachers who, for various reasons, changed their jobs or took a well-deserved rest. We would like to think that the years spent at the department were the best years of their lives.
  In recent years, the staff of the department has sharply decreased in number due to the arbitrariness of graduate departments in the distribution of hours for mathematical disciplines and the non-interference of the Ministry of Education in the preparation of curricula. In particular, in 2011, the department had 31 full-time employees, 17 of the 29 teachers had academic degrees, three of them were doctors of science. Instead, in October 2018, the department had 19 full-time employees, 14 out of 17 teachers had academic degrees, two of them were doctors of science. The latest trend of graduate departments is that "no one needs mathematics and physics except for mathematicians and physicists themselves."

In September 2005, Associate Professor L.A. Moiseenko successfully defended her dissertation "Psychology of Students' Creative Mathematical Thinking" for the degree of Doctor of Psychology. The process of generational change continues, and young scientists are growing professionally. Veterans of the department I. Doskoch, V. Vorobiova, and T. Laviniukova retired. Charismatic, colorful lecturers who defined the face of the department R.D. Sysak, S.S. Gulka, V.I. Gorgula and S.I. Gurgula passed away. Talented mathematicians O.R. Nikiforchyn and M.M. Osypchuk are the heads of the departments at the Precarpathian National University. L.M. Melnychuk (Ivasyshyn), PhD in Physics and Mathematics, moved to Chernivtsi for permanent residence and works as an associate professor of differential equations at the local university.

Since September 2014, in connection with the creation of the Department of Mathematical Methods in Engineering, five employees of the Department of Higher Mathematics have moved to work at the new department: Assoc. Prof. Hryhorchuk L. I. (who returned to the department in March 2015), Assoc. Semenchuk A. V., assoc. Nisonskyi V. P., assoc. Hryhorchuk H. V. Subsequently, in 2023, Associate Prof. Semenchuk A. V. and Associate Prof. Hryhorchuk H. V. returned to the department as a result of the merger of part of the Department of Applied Programming and Computing with the new Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
  Today we face new challenges. Together with the entire university staff, the department is working on updating the work programs, creating new special courses, textbooks and manuals in order to enter the European educational space.

Mathematics, physics, and special physical and mathematical courses are taught in 3 departmental lecture halls and 10 teaching laboratories in mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and atomic physics.

         Teachers of the department widely use the latest technologies for conducting classes in accordance with the credit-module system of organizing training and the rating system for monitoring and evaluating students' knowledge. The technology of distance learning for students of the Drohobych counseling center was also introduced on the basis of a 6-module electronic textbook on the course of physics, published by the staff of the department under the editorship of Professor M. Galushchak.

        During 2010-2014, the teachers of the department (Professor Galushchak M. O. and Associate Professor Luchytskyi R. M.) represented the university at the International Exhibitions on the problems of educational development, for which they were awarded with diplomas and diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the university - with 5 Gold medals. At one time, the staff of the Department of General and Applied Physics cooperated on the basis of agreements on scientific, technical and educational cooperation with scientific laboratories of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the departments of physics of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Sumy State University, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in Ukraine.

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