Development of oil and gas fields
Doct. in Engineering
professor of petroleum production department
Deputy Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Technical Sciences at IFNTUOG, expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on licensing and accreditation of higher education institutions in the field of oil and gas business (2016-2019).
He developed the theoretical foundations for studying the phenomenon of colmatation of the bottomhole zone and hydrodynamic processes occurring in it during depression and repression, developed effective equipment to increase reservoir productivity by creating high alternating pressure pulses, as well as technologies for thermochemical and thermoacid treatment using high-energy exothermic reactions.
Scientific developments with significant economic effect have been implemented in wells of 15 oil and gas fields in Ukraine and other countries. He is the author of more than 120 scientific papers, including 22 inventions, and was awarded the “Inventor of the USSR” award (1984).
Internship at the research and production enterprise Naftovyk. The topic of the internship was “Intensification of oil and gas production in wells by acting on the bottomhole zone of the formation” from 10.11.22 to 14.02.23.
- Petroleum production.
- Exploration of cavities.
- Intensification of hydrocarbon inflow to the bottom of wells.
- Advanced methods of well workover.
- Well Testing and Survey.
- Hydrocarbon Inflow Stimulation in Downhole.
Research in the field of oil and gas recovery enhancement and development of technologies and technical means for hydrocarbon production intensification.
1. Research and diagnostics of the technical condition of wells and the bottomhole zone of the formation by industrial geophysical and hydrodynamic methods.
2. Technical means and technologies for well workover and permeability control of productive formations in the bottomhole zone in order to intensify hydrocarbon production and limit water inflows.
Eksperymentalʹni doslidzhennya protsesu termokyslotnoho diyannya na produktyvni plasty. Zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ NHU. Dnipropetrovsʹk: 2004. – № 20. – S. 70-78. (Spivatory Boyko V.S.,Hrybovsʹkyy R.V.).
Pro novyy pidkhid u tekhnitsi ta tekhnolohiyi metodu ochyshchennya pryvybiynoyi zony plasta depresiyno-represiynoyu diyeyu. NTZH „Naftohazova enerhetyka”. № 3(8), Ivano-Frankivsʹk. – 2008. – S. 64-67.
Perspektyvy hazohidratnoyi tekhnolohiyi na rynku morsʹkykh perevezenʹ pryrodnoho hazu. Vseukrayinsʹkyy NTZH „Rozvidka i rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, vyp. 2 (43), Ivano-Frankivsʹk, 2012. - s. 17-21.S.49-55 (Spivavtory Pedchenko M.M., Pedchenko L.O.).
Stan ta perspektyvy termokhimichnykh ta termokyslotnykh tekhnolohiy obroblennya pryvybiynoyi zony plasta. Vseukrayinsʹkyy NTZH „Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”. – 2016. – № 1. – S. 13-18.
Tekhnolohiya termokhimichnoho obroblennya pryvybiynoyi zony plastiv u naftovydobuvnykh sverdlovynakh. Vseukrayinsʹkyy NTZH „Rozvidka i rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch”, vyp. №2 (63), Ivano-Frankivsʹk, 2017. - C.21-26.
Intensyfikatsiya vyluchennya vuhlevodniv impulʹsno-khvylʹovymy metodamy. .J80 Zhurnal vuhlevodnevoyi enerhetyky. - Ivano-Frankivsʹk : Natsionalʹnyy tekhnichnyy universytet nafty i hazu. - 2018. - Vyp. 5, № 2. – 39-68 s. (Spivavtory A. F. Bulat, YE. I. Kryzhanivsʹkyy, H. O. Shevchenko, V. H. Shevchenko).
e-mail: jart_b@ukr.net