General information

The Department of Physics and Mathematics was established on October 2, 2023 as a result of the merger of two departments - the Department of Advanced Mathematics and the Department of General and Applied Physics, as well as the partial merger of the Department of Applied Programming and Computing.
The Department of Advanced Mathematics of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas was founded as a structural subdivision of the Stanislavsky Faculty of General Engineering of Lviv Polytechnic Institute in 1961 (then called the Department of Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics). On August 1, 1963, the Department of Theoretical Mechanics was spun off from the Department, and since then the Department has existed under the name of the Department of Advanced Mathematics for 60 years.
  From 2004 to 2023, the Department of Advanced Mathematics was headed by Doctor of  Engineering, Professor Vasyl Moisyshyn, while the Department of General and Applied Physics was headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Marian Halushchak from 2007 to 2023.
  In the fall of 2011, the department became part of the Institute of Fundamental, Humanitarian Training and Distance Learning. And since January 2015, the department became part of the Institute of Information Technology. Since September 2018, the Department is a part of the Institute of Oil and Gas Engineering. Finally, in 2023, the united Department of Physics and Mathematics became part of the Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Robotics, for which Vasyl Mykhailovych Moisyshyn served as Head from October 2, 2023 to May 27, 2024.
On May 28, 2024, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Andriy Bandura was elected Head of the Department.
The department employs 2 Doctors of Physics and Mathematics, 2 Doctors of Engineering, 1 Doctor of Psychology, 7 Candidates of Physics and Mathematics, 1 Candidate of Economics, 4 Candidates of Engineering, 3 engineers, 1 Head of Laboratories, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor Myroslav Mazur (Director of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Energy), and Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Volodymyr Mokliak (Head of the Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Films No. 23 of the G.V. Kurdyumov Institute of Metallophysics).







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Department of Physics and Mathematics


Journal of category B: Precarpathian bulletin of Shevchenko scientific society. Number.


building no 0, room 0-407, 15 Karpatska street, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76019

building no 4, room 4308, 15 Karpatska street, Ivano-Feankivsk, Ukraine, 76019

Department administration

Dean of Department

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Andriy Bandura

General photo
Blackboard with formulas
Phone number (s):
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Disciplines of free choice

Disciplines of free choice

The student chooses free choice disciplines from two catalogs:

– disciplines from the university catalog (switch to the catalog)

– professional (specialty) disciplines from the departmental catalog.

        According to the order of the Rector of IFNTUOG, the implementation of students' rights to free choice of disciplines from the departmental catalog involves the selection of specialized blocks that include professional disciplines and are aimed at deepening professional competencies. 

       The main stages of choosing disciplines from the departmental catalog:

1) the directorate of the institute, the guarantor of the EPP and group curators inform students about the procedure for choosing disciplines (procedure, deadlines, procedure for enrolling in disciplines);

2) students familiarize themselves with the list of specialized blocks by reviewing the annotations and/or work programs of disciplines;

3) students vote for the choice of the discipline block in the professional direction by submitting relevant applications (in paper or electronic forms) to the directorate of the educational and research institute;

4) summarizing the results (the directorate prepares orders for individual student curricula).


Disciplines from the department catalog for for students entering in 2024

Selective block: Oil Field Development and Operation"

Use of Software Products in the Design of Oil Field Developmen (Working Program, Abstract)

Advanced Technologies of Oil Field Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)

Operation of Oil Wells ande Complicated Conditions (Working Program, Abstract)

Selective block: Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development and Operation

Use of Software Products in the Design of Gas Field Development (Working Program, Abstract)

Advanced Technologies of Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)

Operation of Gas Wells ande Complicated Conditions (Working Program, Abstract)

Selective block: Offshore oil and gas technologies    

Prevention and Elimination of Accidents in Offshore Oil and Gas Fields (Working Program, Abstract)

Design, Construction and Operation of Offshore Oil and Gas Structures (Working Program, Abstract)

Offshore Wells Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)



Disciplines from the department catalog for for students entering in 2023

Selective block: Oil Field Development and Operation"

Use of Software Products in the Design of Oil Field Developmen (Working Program, Abstract)

Advanced Technologies of Oil Field Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)

Operation of Oil Wells ande Complicated Conditions (Working Program, Abstract)

Selective block: Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development and Operation

Use of Software Products in the Design of Gas Field Development (Working Program, Abstract)

Advanced Technologies of Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)

Operation of Gas Wells ande Complicated Conditions (Working Program, Abstract)

Selective block: Offshore oil and gas technologies    

Prevention and Elimination of Accidents in Offshore Oil and Gas Fields (Working Program, Abstract)

Design, Construction and Operation of Offshore Oil and Gas Structures (Working Program, Abstract)

Offshore Wells Development and Operation (Working Program, Abstract)




Описати історію розвитку освітньої програми від моменту її започаткування

чому відкрили, хто ініціатор, які зміни відбулись (причини), хто пропонував зміни


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Educational program "Oil and Gas Production" - master's degree

Level of higher education - second (master's) 


«Oil and Gas Production»

specialty 185 Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology 




         Certificate of accreditation of the educational and professional program "Oil and Gas Production"


Ukraine has been actively producing oil and gas for over 100 years. A significant number of fields are at a declining stage of development and are depleted. However, the need to increase production of natural hydrocarbons is particularly acute these days. According to the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2050, Ukraine plans to liberalize its oil and gas markets, create an energy hub, and significantly increase the share of domestic oil and gas production.

Ukraine ranks 3rd in Europe in terms of natural gas reserves. There is still significant potential for hydrocarbon production from deep water (over 6000 m), low-permeability reservoirs (permeability < 1 mD), unexplored reserves in the Carpathian region, the Black Sea shelf, and other resources.   

The peculiarity of natural hydrocarbon production will require new innovative approaches, knowledge of modern high-tech processes, design of technologies using modern software systems of the world's leading oil and gas companies, and the ability to effectively apply them in practice.

Modern globalization and the study and use of global approaches to hydrocarbon production require knowledge of English. Therefore, practical training makes our graduates sought-after specialists in any country.

We offer you to become a highly qualified specialist in the field of oil and gas production, because it:

  • isfascinating and high-tech work, the results of which affect the development of society and energy security of the state; 

  • high salary, which allows you to look to the future with confidence.

Students enrolled in this educational program receive a 30 % higher scholarship than students of other specialties. The best students receive scholarships from leading oil and gas companies in Ukraine, including Ukrnafta, Naftogaz of Ukraine and other companies. Internships at oil and gas companies and dual degree programs are common.



The specialty of Oil and Gas Production is one of the first engineering specialties that launched higher oil and gas education in Ukraine. It began more than 100 years ago, when in 1898 the Lviv Polytechnic School introduced a preparatory course for mining students. In 1963, as part of the government's program to bring training closer to the workplace, the Ivano-Frankivsk branch of Lviv Polytechnic Institute (LPI) was established on the basis of the General Engineering Faculty. The oil and gas structural units of LPI were transferred to Ivano-Frankivsk. A new period of higher oil and gas education and science centered in Ivano-Frankivsk began.

In 1963, after the organization of the Ivano-Frankivsk branch of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, the Department of Oil and Gas Fields Operation was established. In 1976, it was renamed into the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation, and in 2018 - into the Department of Oil and Gas Production.

In 2016, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 06.11.2015 № “On the peculiarities of introducing the list of branches of knowledge and specialties in which higher education applicants are trained, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 29, 2015 № 266”, taking into account the requirements of Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, the EPP “Oil and Gas Production” was developed by the project group of the Department of Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields under the leadership of Dr. Kondrat O.R., prof, professor, Head of the Department O.R. Kondrat and approved by the decision of the Academic Council on May 25, 2016 № 05/564. The development of the EPP took into account the extensive experience of the department's research and teaching staff and the achievements of the scientific schools of Professors Kondrat R.M. and Boyko V.S. The purpose of the EPP “Oil and Gas Production” is to provide students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development and operation of oil, gas and gas condensate fields, the use of which would help to provide the state with energy resources of its own production and implement the program of energy independence of Ukraine.

In 2018, the EPP was amended to bring it in line with changes in the university's regulatory framework, and approved by the Academic Council of the University, Minutes No. 03/586 of 30.05.2018. and put into effect on September 1, 2018 by Rector's Order No. 203 of 31.08.2018.

In 2021, taking into account the experience gained, the traditional exchange of views with representatives of the educational community and higher education students, and cooperation with stakeholders, the EPP underwent a significant update, which affected the content and strengthened its practical orientation, increasing the number of credits from 37 to 51 for mandatory components. In 2022, based on the results of cooperation with stakeholders, changes were made to the 2021 EPP - the discipline of ESP was introduced.

In 2023, the EPP “Oil and Gas Production” increased the number of credits from 51 to 65 for the mandatory components, changed/clarified the names of the ECs, introduced the EC Organization and Planning of Operations, and increased the number of credits for master's thesis.

In 2024, the number of credits in the Oil and Gas Production Program increased from 65 to 66 for the mandatory components, the names of the ECs were changed/clarified.


Educational and professional program Oil and Gas Production 2025 (PROJECT download).

Please send your feedback and suggestions on the draft of the 2025 EPP to the program guarantor PhD. Liliia MATIISHYN:

Summary table of proposals and comments from stakeholders to the project EPP 2025 (download).


Educational and professional program «Oil and Gas Production» 2023 (download)

Curriculum 2023  fulltime (download)


Educational and professional program «Oil and Gas Production» 2024 (download)

Curriculum 2024 - fulltime  (download)




Mandatory part

Disciplines of general training

Foreign Language for Spesific Purposes 

Methodology of Scientific Researches 

Health and Safety Protection in Petroleum Industry 

Organizing and Planning Operational Activities 

Disciplines of professional training

Design of Oil Field Development

Design of Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development

Hydrodynamic Modelling of Oil and Gas Fields Development

Design of Oil Well Operation

Design of Gas and Gas-condensate Well Operation

Design of Oil and Gas Gathering and Processing Facilities

Technical systems and technologies in the oil and gas industry

Research Internship

Master’s Thesis


Selective part

Disciplines from the department catalog   

   Attantion! According to the order of the rector of IFNTUNG, the implementation of students' rights to freely choose disciplines involves the selection of profiled blocks that include professional disciplines and are aimed at deepening professional competences.

The main stages of selection:

1) the directorate of the institute and the guarantor of the OPP inform applicants about the procedure for choosing disciplines (order, terms, procedures for registering for disciplines);

2) applicants familiarize themselves with the list of profiled blocks by reviewing the annotations of disciplines;

3) voting of applicants for the choice of a block of discipline by professional direction by submitting relevant applications (in paper or electronic forms) to the directorate of the educational and scientific institute;

4) generalization of the results (the directorate prepares an order regarding individual study plans of the applicant).

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the abstracts of selective disciplines from the profiled blocks of the Department of Petroleum Production under link.


Disciplines from the university catalog       

The selection procedure (10 credits) consists in the fact that the student of VO has the opportunity to choose disciplines from the general university catalog starting from the 2nd semester of study and makes his choice through the electronic office of the "Dekanat+" system ( 

You can get acquainted with the abstracts of disciplines from the general university catalog at link





Mandatory part

Disciplines of general training

Foreign Language for Spesific Purposes 

Methodology of Scientific Researches 

Health and Safety Protection in Petroleum Industry 

Organizing and Planning Operational Activities

Disciplines of professional training

Design of Oil Field Development

Design of Gas and Gas-condensate Field Development

Hydrodynamic modelling of processes in the field of oil and gas engineering

Design of Oil Well Operation

Design of Gas and Gas-condensate Well Operation

Design of Oil and Gas Gathering and Processing Facilities

Technical systems and technologies in the oil and gas industry

Research Internship

Master’s Thesis


Selective part

Disciplines from the department catalog

    Attantion! According to the order of the rector of IFNTUNG, the implementation of students' rights to freely choose disciplines involves the selection of profiled blocks that include professional disciplines and are aimed at deepening professional competences.

The main stages of selection:

1) the directorate of the institute and the guarantor of the OPP inform applicants about the procedure for choosing disciplines (order, terms, procedures for registering for disciplines);

2) applicants familiarize themselves with the list of profiled blocks by reviewing the annotations of disciplines;

3) voting of applicants for the choice of a block of discipline by professional direction by submitting relevant applications (in paper or electronic forms) to the directorate of the educational and scientific institute;

4) generalization of the results (the directorate prepares an order regarding individual study plans of the applicant).

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the abstracts of selective disciplines from the profiled blocks of the Department of Petroleum Production under link.


Disciplines from the university catalog       

The selection procedure (10 credits) consists in the fact that the student of VO has the opportunity to choose disciplines from the general university catalog starting from the 2nd semester of study and makes his choice through the electronic office of the "Dekanat+" system ( 

You can get acquainted with the abstracts of disciplines from the general university catalog at link




The guarantor of the educational program is the head of the VNG department, Ph.D., associate professor - Liliia MATIISHYN - (link)

Contact details of the OPP guarantor for communication: e-mail - ; tel - +380966587275

Educational program support group (link). You can get acquainted with the personal pages of the department's teachers on the department's page in the tab "STAFF".



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Рада молодих вчених

Адміністрація ради молодих вчених

  1. Витвицький Василь Степанович, кандидат технічних наук, доцент кафедри інженерної та комп'ютерної графіки інституту інженерної механіки, голова ради
  2. Слабінога Мар’ян Остапович, кандидат технічних наук, доцент кафедри комп'ютерних систем і мереж, заступник директора інституту інформаційних технологій, заступник голови ради
  3. Юрич Лідія Романівна, кандидат технічних наук, доцент кафедри буріння свердловин інституту нафтогазової інженерії, секретар ради;
Рада молодих вчених (далі РМВ) - є органом самоврядування наукової молоді Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу.

Основними завданнями РМВ є:

  • сприяння формуванню умов для розкриття наукового та творчого потенціалу студентів, аспірантів, молодих вчених;
  • пошук та підтримка талановитих дослідників серед студентів, аспірантів, молодих вчених, надання їм всебічної підтримки;
  • сприяння формуванню особистості дослідника, сучасного науковця з широким світоглядом;
  • участь в організації та розвитку міжуніверситетської та міжнародної співпраці молодих вчених;
  • інформаційна діяльність.

Для виконання своїх завдань РМВ:

  • організовує роботу студентів, аспірантів, молодих вчених у наукових осередках;
  • готує та представляє Вченій раді університету, ректорату та структурним підрозділам університету пропозиції щодо розвитку і вдосконалення наукової та творчої діяльності студентів, аспірантів, молодих вчених;
  • організовує й проводить наукові конференції, конкурси на здобуття грантів, виставки робіт та інші заохочувальні заходи для стимулювання наукових досліджень студентів, аспірантів, молодих вчених;
  • сприяє та організовує видання наукових праць студентів, аспірантів, молодих вчених;
  • представляє кандидатів та подає пропозиції на розгляд до Вченої ради університету, ректорату та Вчених рад інститутів щодо отримання іменних стипендій і премій для молодих вчених;
  • сприяє розвитку міжуніверситетської та міжнародної співпраці студентів, аспірантів, молодих вчених;
  • вносить пропозиції у профспілковий комітет та може, звертатися до адміністрації університету про надання житла та покращення житлових умов молодих вчених;
  • здійснює контакти з установами, організаціями та підприємствами, які пов’язані з діяльністю РМВ.
Department administration

Head of Council

Vasyl Vytvytskyi


вул. Карпатська 15, м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна

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Construction beyond our imagination

Thus, the possibilities of construction by 3D printing were outlined by Dott. Arch. Andrea Palazzo from Italy and a member of the Czech Chamber of Graduate Engineers and Technicians in the field of building construction Miroslav Vrana from the Czech Republic, who arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk and, with the assistance of the director of the KZPE "Centre for Educational Innovations" Maria Pochinok, met with scientists from the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Energy and the Institute of Engineering Mechanics Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas within the framework of the 3D printing 3DHCC project for the preparation and renewal of Ukraine1 in the field of investment, innovative education, research and development in Ukraine and the EU.

2«It is important for us to realize that today there is so much attention to Ukraine related to its reconstruction, to the new technologies in construction that exist progressive, reliable and functional, - said Igor Chudyk, rector of IFNTUOG, introducing the guests. – This technology is already used in many countries, the first swallow is already in Ukraine. We hope that such technologies will work in full with us force, and today's meeting will become a platform for developments for the project of possible cooperation."

The main message conveyed to the audience by foreign experts is the shortcomings of using outdated construction technologies, which are still very dependent on hard physical labour, professional training, integrity and thoroughness of human resources. New 3D printing technologies can radically change everything. Today, even with the use of robotics and advanced IT technologies in various industries, the report that the house can simply be "printed", you see, sounds like from the realm of fantasy. But such houses already really exist in Germany, UAE, USA and even in Ukraine – an elementary school in Lviv. And those present even held a piece of "printed" concrete in their hands. Moreover, Andrea Palazzo and Miroslav Vrana convince that construction5 innovation will save time and cost of building materials, but at the same time guarantee strength and environmental friendliness in the operation of the building, that it is not only qualitative, but also profitable. And yet – this is the ability to realize any architectural forms, even those that are limited by our imagination.

Foreign specialists who have been helping us since the first days of the war are ready today to invest their knowledge, experience and funds in Ukraine. And they offer us invaluable experience in 3D construction.

4In cooperation with IFNTUOG, project representatives seek to find support in research and development to improve technological processes, as 3D printing in construction is still developing. On the agenda for the development of construction innovation are still seismic challenges, the development of new mixes for printing, the height of buildings – while these are low (one-, two-story) houses. It should be noted that IFNTUOG was not chosen for cooperation by chance, the university is ready for such cooperation: there are relevant specialties and specialists who will quickly master this experience and will be able to move forward both in innovation and education.

The guests visited the Centre for Innovative Development, got acquainted and evaluated the possibilities of our university regarding 3D printing. At the invitation of IABE Director Myroslav Mazur, Andrea Palazzo and Miroslav Vrana visited the laboratory of the Department of Construction and Energy Efficient Structures of IABE.

The visit of foreign experts gives reason to hope for mutually beneficial cooperation.



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Будівництво за межами нашої уяви
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Акутуальні новини

Academic Council


  1. Ihor Liutak - Ph.D., director of the Institute of Information Technologies, doctor of technical sciences, professor, guarantor of the educational professional program "Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering" of the second (master's) level of higher education.
  2. Mykhailo Shavranskyi - deputy director of the Institute of Information Technologies, Ph.D., associate professor of the AKIT department.
  3. Volodymyr Pih - deputy director of the Institute of Information Technologies, Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Information Technology.
  4. Myroslava Chuyko - Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of the Moscow State University of Technology, guarantor of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.
  5. Taras Garasymyv - assistant of the Department of Computer Science, head of the professional bureau of IIT employees.
  6. Yaroslav  Zayachuk - Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Computer Science, responsible for research work of IIT students.
  7. Serhii Zikratiy - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of ITTS, Head of the Education Quality Assurance Department.
  8. Vasyl Sheketa - Ph.D., professor, head of the IPZ department, guarantor of the "Software Engineering" program of the second (master's) level of higher education.
  9. Leonid Zamykhovskyi - Ph.D., professor, head of the ITTS department, guarantor of the educational professional program "Computerized control systems and automation" of the second (master's) level of higher education.
  10. Stepan Melnychuk - Ph.D., associate professor, head of the KSM department, guarantor of the "Computer Engineering" educational professional program of the second (master's) level of higher education.
  11. Mykhailo Gorbiychuk - Ph.D., professor, head of the AKIT department, guarantor of the educational professional program "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education.
  12. Orest Seredyuk - Ph.D., professor, head of the MIVT department, guarantor of the educational professional program "Metrology and measuring technology" of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education.
  13. Andriy Oliynyk - Ph.D., professor, head of the PMA department, guarantor of the educational professional program "Applied Programming and Computing" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.
  14. Petro  Reiter - doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department of EMiTD.
  15. Viktoriya Bandura - Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering, guarantor of the "Software Engineering" program of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, employee of the licensing and accreditation department.
  16. Vitalya Kropyvnytska - Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Computer Science, guarantor of the "Computer Engineering" educational professional program of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.
  17. Myroslav  Kogutyak - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of AKIT department, guarantor of educational professional program "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" of the second (master's) level of higher education.
  18. Vasyl Boryn - Ph.D., associate professor of the AKIT department, guarantor of the educational professional program "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.
  19. Mykola Pasieka - Ph.D., professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering, guarantor of the educational professional program "Information Systems and Technologies" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.
  20. Mykola Nikolaychuk - Ph.D., associate professor of AKIT department, guarantor of the educational professional program "Computerized control systems and automation" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.
  21. Rostyslav  Skrypyuk - Ph.D., associate professor of the AKIT department, guarantor of the System Engineering. Internet of Things" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.
  22. Nataliya Pindus - Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of the Moscow State University of Technology, guarantor of the "Metrology and Measuring Techniques" program of the second (master's) level of higher education.
  23. Borys Nezamai - Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Medical Sciences.
  24. Andrii Yavorskyi - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of EMiTD.
  25. Andriy Semenchuk - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Technical Education.

Student representatives:


  1. Andrii Romaniuk, student of the ITTS-20-1 group, head of the IIT student council.
  2. Roman Yaremak, student Ki-20-1, head of the IIT student professional bureau.
  3. YuliyaHryhorash, student of group IVE-20-1.

Industry representatives:


  1. Yuriy Bezgachnyuk, head of the talent development center in Ivano-Frankivsk and Zakarpattia region ( Talent Acceleration Center Lead).
  2. Volodymyr Yakubovsky, Delivery Manager at Avenga.
  3. Mykhailo Sheludyakov, coordinator of the Ivano-Frankivsk location of the Epam company.


Secretary of the academic council of the institute:


  1. Lyubov Samaniv - assistant of the department of the Institute of Medical Sciences.

Order 44 of March 3, 2023

Regulations on the institute

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Validation of MSc Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering (ITSEE)

Validation of MSc Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy
Engineering (ITSEE) with Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical
University of Oil and Gas (IFNTUOG), Ukraine.

Date: 27/04/2023
Time: 10:00am-2:00pm (BST)
Location: MS Teams

Indicative Schedule (BST):

Private Panel Meeting 1:00-1:45
Break 10:45-11:00
Meeting with Course Team and Collaborative Partner 2:00-3:30
Break 3:30-3:40
Private Panel Meeting 3:40-4:00
Feedback and Provisional Outcome 4:00-4:10
Close of meeting 4:10

Indicative Areas of Discussion:

- Rationale and Market
- Staffing and Physical Resources
- Recruitment, Admissions and Marketing
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Course Content (Including Modules)
- Employability
- Professional, Regulatory and Statutory Bodies (PSRBs)
- Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
- Management and Quality Assurance Arrangements (Including External Examining, Examination
Boards, Course Monitoring, Student Feedback, etc.)
- Student Support
- Equality and Diversity



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Validation of MSc Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering (ITSEE)
Additional news information:

Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering (ITSEE)


Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering

second (master's) level of higher education

by specialty 175 Information and measurement technologies fields of knowledge

17 Electronics, automation and electronic communications

Qualification: master's degree in information and measurement technologies

( MSc in Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering )



MSc in Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering


Dual Degree Programme

You will get 2 graduation diplomas from:

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

London South Bank University


Length of course/start and finish dates

Mode Length years Start - month Finish - month
Full time 1.5  September December


Distinctive features of course

The distinctive features of the MSc in Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering course are:

  • Interdisciplinary curriculum: The course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of both sustainable energy engineering and information technology. It combines courses in sustainable energy technologies, renewable energy systems, energy modelling, and energy efficiency with courses in data analysis, hardware and software development.
  • Practical focus: The course has a strong practical focus, with hands-on labs, projects and assignments that give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world problems. 
  • Industry connections: The course is designed in collaboration with industry partners, which ensures that students receive practical, up-to-date knowledge and skills that are relevant to the sustainable energy industry. The course also provides opportunities for students to network with industry professionals and engage in real-world projects.
  • Research focus: The course is research-focused, with opportunities for students to engage in research projects in collaboration with school members and industry partners. This allows students to develop research skills and contribute to the development of sustainable energy technologies.
  • Global perspective: The course takes a global perspective, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities of sustainable energy engineering as a global world problem.

Overall, the MSc in Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering course provides students with a unique combination of knowledge and skills in sustainable energy engineering and information technology, with a strong practical and global perspective.

Course Aims

The MSc in Informational Technologies for Sustainable Energy Engineering course aims to:


  1. develop students' knowledge of sustainable energy technologies, renewable energy systems, energy efficiency, and energy modelling
  2. provide students with a strong foundation in information technology, including data science, hardware and software development
  3. provide students with the opportunity to work on real-world projects and engage with industry partners, to develop practical skills and knowledge that are relevant to the sustainable energy industry
  4. develop students' research skills and provide them with opportunities to engage in research projects in collaboration with school members and industry partners
  5. promote a global perspective on sustainable energy engineering, and provide students with the opportunity to work on projects connected with global context


Entry requirements

●    Bachelor degree in engineering
●    Passing English Placement Test according to Ukrainian regulations (Unified State Exam), IELTS level 6.5.
●    Passing internal IFNTUOG test on professional competency
●    Motivation letter.

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