Ivan Kuper

Additional Information
Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil and Gas


Technology and integrated mechanization of oil and gas field development

Науковий ступінь

Кандидат технічних наук

Вчене звання


Місце роботи, посада

Associate Professor of the Department of Petroleum Production

General Information

In 1979, he graduated from the Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas with a degree in Technology and Integrated Mechanization of Oil and Gas Field Development.   From 1979 to 1995, he worked at IFING. In 1990, he completed his full-time postgraduate studies and defended his PhD thesis. In September 1991, he became an assistant, and a year and a half later - an associate professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Field Development and Operation. He took an active part in the public life of the institute, was a member of the men's folk choir “Gomin Karpat”.

Internship: Research and Development Institute of PJSC "Ukrnafta", 2022, topic: “The latest technologies for increasing the productivity of oil wells” Certificate No. 05 dated 10.01.2023.

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Навчальна робота

Physics of oil and gas reservoir,

Development and operation of oil fields,

Designing the operation of oil wells,

Collection and preparation of oilfield products,

Newest technologies of oil field development and operation.

Наукова діяльність

His scientific achievements include new ways of developing oil fields, increasing their oil recovery, technologies and devices for influencing the bottomhole zone of the formation and well development. Recently, he has been working on the problems of developing depleted fields.

Вибрані публікації
  1. Kuper I.M. Fizyka naftovoho i hazovoho plasta: pidruchnyk / I.M. Kuper,  A.V. Uhrynovsʹkyy. – Ivano-Frankivsʹk: Foliant, 2018. – 447s. – ISBN 978–966–694–299–2.
  2. Kuper I.M. Pidvyshchennya naftovyluchennya na rodovyshchakh Ukrayiny// Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch.-Ivano-Frankivsʹk.-2016.-Vyp. 3 (60). - S. 19-25.
  3. Pat. Ukrayiny № 83905 MPK E21V 43/16 Sposib rozrobky naftovoho vkladu./Kuper I.M., Mykhaylyuk V.D.- Zayavl. 16.10.2006.- Opubl.26.08.2008.-Byul. №16.
  4. Kuper I.M. Do problemy rozrobky vysnazhenykh rodovyshch//Naftova i hazova promyslovistʹ. – 2002.- №5. – S.28-29.
  5. Pat. Ukrayina, MPK E21B 33/13 (2006.01), C09K 8/56 (2006.01). Prystriy dlya osvoyennya i doslidzhennya sverdlovyn [Tekst] /  Kuper I.M. –  Patent na korysnu modelʹ №135359. Opubl.25.06.2020r.Byul. №12.
  6. Kuper I.M. Deyaki napryamky stabilizatsiyi vydobutku nafty v Ukrayini. // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch.-Ivano-Frankivsʹk.-2015.-Vyp. 33 (56). - S. 7-10.
  7. Boyko V.S., Kuper I.M. Eksperymentalʹne vyvchennya protsesu namyvannya zernystoho sharu u vertykalʹniy trishchyni//Naftova i hazova promyslovistʹ". - Kyyiv:1993, -№ 1- S. 31-34.
  8. Kuper I.M. Ratsionalʹne vykorystannya enerhiyi rozchynenoho hazu na zavershalʹniy stadiyi rozrobky rodovyshch. /Kuper I.M. Mykhaylyuk V.D. . // Rozvidka ta rozrobka naftovykh i hazovykh rodovyshch. - Ivano-Frankivsʹk. - 2012. - Vyp.43 (t.2). - S. 143-151.
  9. Kuper I.M. Vprovadzhennya metodiv pidvyshchennya naftovyluchennya na doslidnykh polyakh naftovykh rodovyshch" Problems and perspectives of modern science and practice " 30-31 sichnya 2020 roku Hrats, Avstriya.

e-mail  ivankuper@ukr.net.