Ivanna Zapukhliak

Запухляк Іванна Богданівна
General Information

Народилася в с. Угринів Тисменицького району. Навчалася у Фізико-технічному ліцеї при ІФНТУНГ. У 2001 р. здобула кваліфікацію магістра з економіки підприємства в ІФНТУНГ. Далі продовжила навчання в аспірантурі економічного факультету Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, яку успішно завершила захистом кандидатської дисертації (2010 р.). У 2017 р. захистила докторську роботу під науковим консультуванням професора Шегди А. В.

Практичний досвід: економіст-аналітик на фірмі ТзОВ «Ваш аудитор» (до сьогодні на громадських засадах є консультантом), головний бухгалтер на ДП „Електробуд” ЗАТ „СПМК-577” (2001-2005 рр.).

З 2002 р. і до тепер працюю в ІФНТУНГ.

Володію польською мовою на рівні В2.

Пройшла міжнародні стажування у Пан-Європейському університеті (м. Братислава, Словаччина), 2019 р.; Поморській академії (м. Слупськ, Польща), 2019 р.; Вищій  Семінарії Духовній SAK (м. Варшава, Польща), 2020 р.

Учасниця «Весняної школи з написання проектів», 13-29 травня 2020 р. за підтримки «Fundacja CEASC»; циклу вебінарів «Проєктний підхід та грантове фінансування і діяльності сучасного закладу освіти», «Інструменти фасилітації для проведення ефективних навчальних заходів в онлайн-платформі».

Навчальна робота

Дисципліни, які викладає:

  • Управління проєктами
  • Командний менеджмент 
  • Зовнішньоекономічна діяльність підприємств
  • Проєктна діяльність у галузі.
Наукова діяльність

Тема дисертації «Теоретико-методологічні основи розвитку газотранспортних  підприємств в умовах нестабільності середовища їх функціонування" на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора наук  за спеціальністю 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) (2017 р. ).

Тема дисертації «Економічний механізм енергозбереження газотранспортних підприємств» на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата наук  за спеціальністю 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) (2010 р. ).

Основні напрями наукових досліджень: розроблення та поглиблення теоретико-методологічних положень та практичних рекомендацій щодо стійкого розвитку підприємств в умовах нестабільності та в контексті євроінтеграції, дослідження готовності складових підприємства до змін, зокрема персоналу, застосування сучасних інструментів та технологій управління розвитком соціально-економічних систем.

Науково-методичний доробок: 110 публікацій, з них 94 праці наукового характеру, в т.ч. 3 монографії, 55 статей.

Учений секретар спеціалізованої вченої ради Д. 20.052.06.

Член редакційної колегії наукового фахового видання «Проблеми теорії та методології бухгалтерського обліку, контролю і аналізу» Державного університету «Житомирська політехніка»; часопису «Університетські наукові записки» Хмельницького університету управління та права імені Леоніда Юзькова. Рецензент Наукового вісника Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу.


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1218-0251

Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/3525555/zapukhliak-ivanna/

Scopus ID: 57190054110

Google Scholar (Академія): https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uCl6kagAAAAJ&hl=uk

Research ID: AAJ-9000-2020    Web of Science Core Collection

Alma mater

Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, 2001 р.


Економіка підприємства

Вибрані публікації
  1. Shtogryn H., Sakal O., Zapukhliak I., Kinash I. The ecologization of housing and communal services of Ukraine in the context of sustainable development. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research. Vol 6, No 1. 2019. Pp. 113-130. http://ieeca.org/journal/index.php/JEECAR/issue/view/. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15549/jeecar.v6i1.251.
  2. Zapukhliak I., Zaiachuk Y., Polyanska A. Kinash I. Applying fuzzy logic to assessment of enterprise readiness for changes. Management Science Letters. Volume 9 Spceial Issue No. 13. 2019. Pp. 2277 - 2290 http://growingscience.com/msl/Vol9/Vol9Special.html  DOI: 10.5267/j.msl.2019.7.026.
  3. Polyanska, A., Zapukhliak, I., & Diuk, O. Culture of organization in conditions of changes as an ability of efficient transformations: the case of gas transportation companies in Ukraine. Oeconomia Copernicana. Volume 10. Issue 3, September 2019. Pp. 561–580. www.oeconomia.pl. DOI: 10.24136/oc.2019.027.
  4. Шегда А. В., Запухляк І. Б., Онисенко Т. С. Лідерство через призму управлінських якостей. Теоретичні та прикладні питання економіки. 2019. Вип. 1(38). С. 30-39.
  5. Запухляк І. Б., Ромашко О. М. Розвиток управлінських компетенцій керівників медичних закладів як чинник зміцнення безпеки здоров’я населення. Науковий вісник Івано-Франківського національного університету нафти і газу. Серія «Економіка та управління в нафтовій і газовій промисловості». 2020. Вип.1 (21).  С.35-48.
Кваліфікаційний рівень


Місце роботи, посада

Кафедра менеджменту та адміністрування ІФНТУНГ, професор

Науковий ступінь

Доктор економічних наук

Вчене звання


Наукові інтереси

Основними науковими інтересами є розвиток систем в умовах нестабільності середовища їх функціонування та обмеженості ресурсів, обґрунтування необхідності використання проєктного підходу як одного з напрямів забезпечення їх стійкого розвитку.


How to design an energy efficient public house

At the international workshop on “Conceptual development of plus-energy house for public buildings”, which was held at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas was told how to design an energy efficient public house. The event was held as part of the project “Cross-border Network of Energy Sustainable Universities (NET4SENERGY)”. The main objective is to make institutions of higher education as energy efficient buildings and share this experience with other European countries.

1Many people who visited a workshop wanted to learn about the features of design and construction of energy efficient buildings. As the workshop was held in a mixed format (online/offline), more then 70 participants from Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary joined the discussion. Vice-rector of IFNTUOG, coordinator of the project, Maksym Karpash told: “Universities are one of the largest energy consumers in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, that’s why optimization of heat and energy consumption is of great importance. This problem exists not only in Ukraine, but also in our European neighbors, the Universities in Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania came across the same problems. As part of this project, we share ideas and experiences with partners, help each other to achieve our goals. Today we will share our experience in designing plus-energy buildings, talk about the latest energy management systems, as well as how to respond challenges we faced during the pandemic, in particular - the problem of energy poverty”.

2The secretary of the Ivano-Frankivsk city council, Viktor Synyshyn, came to congratulate the participants of the international workshop and to support such an initiation. He noted that holding such seminars is a good tool to raise public awareness about the importance of energy efficiency.

3A graduate of our university, Mykola Yatsynovych, shared his experience with foreign partners in designing energy efficient buildings. He designed his house on the principle of passive architecture, which is as follows: if you start to insulate the house as much as possible, then, accordingly, heat loss will decrease.

The results of work and the next steps under the project Net4sEnergy were discussed at the workshop. Thus, a pilot system of energy monitoring for the university building was designed and partially implemented (there are no such monitoring system neither in Ukraine, nor in Europe) in one of the university buildings, as well as a demonstration solar power plant.

Read more about the project: https://www.nung.edu.ua/project/net4senergy



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Assess the potential and study an issues of technical education

The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Igor Harbaruk, who works in the MES team on improving the quality of education visited the Precarpathian region. The visit of the Deputy Minister to the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas was held within the study of the material and technical support of the educational process in technical education institutions.

​​​​​​​3The university administration, rector of IFNTUOG, Yevstahii Kryzhanivskyi, first vice-rector, Oleh Mandryk and vice-rectors, Ihor Chudyk, Liliana Horal, Maksym Karpash and Serhii Kurovets hosted the guest, who arrived accompanied by the deputy head of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration Svitlana Onyshchuk. Awareness of the fact that IFNTUOG is a university with more than a half century traditions is student’s visiting card of the Precarpathian region, that young people from all over Ukraine and foreigners from several continents study here, that petroleum specialists from even highly developed countries come here for internship, that the university is an active participant of national and international scientific community where advanced laboratories with modern equipment and software annually open, shows that the university works in right direction. However, this does not mean that the university has no problems.

Among the main problems, the rector mentioned the economic one. The academic building №1, which was built on the river because of a mistake of the designers, records serious ground changes. Rector said:

“And here, we count on the support and assistance from the Ministry. However, we are used to make money, not ask for it. We solve infrastructure problems through international projects. Currently, IFNTUOG implements 5 projects. Today we implement a serious thermal modernization project (11 million euros project) to reduce gas consumption through its efficient use. Besides, we realize that the pandemic situation has changed a lot and will continue to change the educational process. The university's tasks will include the organization of substantive changes in educational programs. We will have to restructure considerably, but material and technical infrastructure of IFNTUOG has always been and remains at a very high level, because we were built upon the project as an oil industry university”.2

1It is impossible to tell about the entire material and technical infrastructure of IFNTUOG during an hour and a half. That’s why the rector introduces the most modern and up-to-date. The guest was impressed by the renovated stadium and sports complex named after Anatolii Hemba, laboratory of drilling equipment, hydraulic machines and compressors, drilling training center, “SIEMENS” hardware and software laboratory, science city “New Energy”, “Tesla-Show” high energy laboratory, drilling circulation fluid laboratory, Museum of Geology, Innovation Development Center with ultramodern equipment, which is about to open thanks to the won grant project “Ro-Ua Trans-border Academic Development for Research and Innovation 2 SOFT/1/2/86”. The Deputy Minister also visited the academic building №1 which is an object  of concern.

After the University excursion, the guests exchanged opinions about the cooperation. A visit of the Deputy Minister has been held in a business and friendly atmosphere.



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Оцінити потенціал та вивчити проблеми технічної освіти
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Master in Marketing won the All-Ukrainian contest in speciality

The spring of 2021 brought the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas an important and deserved victory at the All-Ukrainian contest of students’ diploma works in specialty “Marketing”. According to the results of competent committee, Andrii Mizerak, master in specialty “Business, Trade and Exchange Activity”, who presented a defended diploma work on a topic "Development of Business Intelligence Enterprise Strategy", written under the scientific guidance of Iryna Perevozova, the Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing of the Institute of Economics and Management won in the contest. The processes of business intelligence, the use of marketing diagnostics as one of the tools of business intelligence to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise became the object of his researches.1

The All-Ukrainian contest of students’ diploma works in specialty “Marketing” according to the bachelor and master academic levels is held on the basis of the Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship of Khmelnytskyi National University. This year, 32 institutions of higher education participated in the contest.  54 participants took part in the category of “Bachelor’s Works” and 102 participants in the category of “Master’s Works”. Therefore, Andrii Mizerak, master in marketing won the Certificate of the First Level Degree.

2The entire university community is proud of their successful graduate and his achievements, as well as high academic results of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing that prepares highly qualified professionals in the field of marketing.


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Магістр-маркетолог переміг на Всеукраїнському конкурсі зі спеціальності
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IFNTUOG is one of the organizers of major scientific congress!

"The future of science is created by our actions today" - this was the slogan of a major scientific event - the IV International Scientific Congress SOCIETY OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE 2021, which joined together over 500 participants from 24 countries to exchange experience, scientific discoveries and achievements, as well as to generate new knowledge about modern society and its development prospects.

2The Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas together with several universities from 9 countries (Ukraine, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Slovakia, Israel, Romania, Poland, Kazakhstan) acted as the organizer of the scientific Congress. The event will be held on April 12-16 in the mixed form (off-line / on-line) simultaneously in Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Latvia, supported by the general partners: LLC “Metinvest Holding”, PJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih”, NGO “Kryvyi Rih Fund of the Future”. The event takes place on the basis of the State University of Economics and Technology (Kryvyi Rih).

1The heads of the universities, scientific institutions and organizations of Ukraine, Latvia, Poland, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia congratulated the participants of ISC-SAI 2021 agreed that the exchange of ideas and their approbation in discussions is the main factor of science development. Vice-rector of IFNTUOG, professor Liliana Horal congratulated the participants of the scientific Congress. She mentioned: “The University of Oil and Gas acts as one of the organizers of this extraordinary scientific event for the second time. The main scientific areas that we develop at our university, of course, relate to the energy security of our country, provision of hydrocarbons to the economy of Ukraine, while maintaining all balanced indicators of sustainable development. In addition to energy security, now we focus on hydrogen economy researches, low-carbon technology; industrial transformation within the conditions of new challenges caused by Industry 4.0, the Covid-19 pandemic, environmental crises, territorial division. I hope that all of the reports, discussions and findings of ISC-SAI 2021 will form the basis for further scientific cooperation between the universities and institutes represented today! Therefore, productive results to us!”.

3Note that our new partner, the Tajik National University, with which IFNTUOG has recently signed a cooperation agreement, also joined the congress.

The program of the Congress consists of:

 Panel discussions and competitions:

- International competition of young business projects and start-ups;

- International internship for the students of legal clinics;

- Panel discussion "Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronic Systems";

- Panel discussion "Ecology is a Priority";

- Panel discussion "COVID vs Education".

A live broadcast of the main events is available on Facebook IV International Scientific Congress Society of Ambient Intelligence 2021


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Results of the contest are summed up – Winners are chosen!

All-Ukrainian student contest of scientific works in the field of "Oil and Gas Industry", which took place online at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, finished its work by defining the winners in the following nominations:

  • “Petroleum Engineering”,
  • “Oil and Gas Industry Equipment”,

  • “Economics and Oil and Gas Enterprises Management”,

  • “Electrical Power Engineering and Measuring Technology”.

  • “Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection”,

It was not easy to choose best of the best.  After all, 110 students with 80 scientific works took part in the contest selection. The contest committee recommended 65 works, which were presented by 73 students from 25 educational institutions of Ukraine. The level of their works was very high.

The committee evaluated the relevance of the problems raised, the novelty and originality of ideas, research methods, theoretical and practical results of the contestants, the sources of information used, the quality of papers and scientific publications. The reviewers were not only well-known scientists, but also representatives of oil and gas companies.

Today the results are summed up and the winners are chosen:

Certificate of the First Level Degree in the II round of the all-Ukrainian contest of students research works in the field of “Oil and Gas Industry” is awarded to:

Andrii Natalukha and Symeon Yesypchuk (Sumy State University), nominated in “Oil and Gas Industry Equipment”;

Iryna Sushkevych (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas), nominated in “Petroleum Engineering”;

Illia Nazimov (Zhytomyr National Agroecological University), nominated in “Economics and Oil and Gas Enterprises Management”;

Oleh Konovalov (Lviv Politechnic National University), nominated in “Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection”.

Certificate of the Second Level Degree in the II round of the all-Ukrainian contest of students research works in the field of “Oil and Gas Industry” is awarded to:

Anna Karman (National Technical University “Kharkiv Politechnic Institute”), nominated in “Oil and Gas Industry Equipment”;

Vadym Strukov and Oleh Ryzhenko (Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University), nominated in “Electrical Power Engineering and Measuring Technology”;

Dmytro Bieliakov (Zhytomyr Polytechnic  State University), nominated in “Economics and Oil and Gas Enterprises Management”;

Mariana Stakh (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas), nominated in “Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection”.


Certificate of the Third Level Degree in the II round of the all-Ukrainian contest of students research works in the field of “Oil and Gas Industry” is awarded to:

Borys Tsvietkov (Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy), nominated in “Oil and Gas Industry Equipment”;

Anton Syniahovskyi (National Aviation University), nominated in “Petroleum Engineering”;

Islam Askerov (Dnipro University of Technology), nominated in “Petroleum Engineering”;

Oleh Borachok and Nazar Beznos (Lviv State University of Life Safety), nominated in “Electrical Power Engineering and Measuring Technology”;

Andrii Polishchuk (Vinnytsia National Technical University), nominated in “Electrical Power Engineering and Measuring Technology”;

Andrii Zholobchuk (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University),nominated in “Economics and Oil and Gas Enterprises Management”;

Yurii Odokii and Viktor Kozelkivskyi (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas), nominated in “Economics and Oil and Gas Enterprises Management”;

Snizhana Riasenchuk and Vladyslava Tymoshchuk (Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture), nominated in “Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection”.

Additionally: You can have a look at the works of contestans HERE


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An "International Project Festival - 2021" will be held on May 27, as a large-scale event for the first time in Precarpathian region!

The event is organized by the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas under the sponsorship of Andrii Boichuk, the Head of the Regional State Administration and supported by the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council.

The 17 best international projects will be presented at the Festival. The projects will be implemented by IFNTUOG, NGO "Bureau of Development, Innovation and Technology", Tourist Association of Ivano-Frankivsk, Agency for Private Initiative Development, Department of Investment Policy, Projects, International Relations, Tourism and promotions of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council together with foreign partners in Precarpathian region.

The main objective of the event is to demonstrate the latest achievements as a result of international projects implementation, present IFNTUOG innovative potential, promote investment prospects of Ivano-Frankivsk region, exchange the ideas, establish cooperation and create a platform for negotiations with foreign participants.

An official opening of the event will be at 10.00 am in the Science City “New Energy”  (Karpatska Str., 15).

The presentations of the projects will take place in the following locations of the university:

- Science City “New Energy” ;

- Building № 5;

- Building № 9;

- Center for Innovations Development;

- Main building, Geological Museum.

A live broadcast of the event will be available on the University YouTube Channel.

For more details about the event - https://qrgo.page.link/RecLp


Training “Energy Management in Public Institutions” at IFNTUOG

On-line part of Training „Energy Management in Public Institutions” was held on May 25 at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas.

Trainers were project members from University of Miskolc (HU), Technical University of Kosice (SK), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare (RO), Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (UA).


-  Welcome Speech of project coordinator Maksym Karpash (5:40)