Four new cooperation agreements with HEI of Tajikistan: results of the Education Forum

Quarantine is not a reason to stop looking for new contacts and expand international activity.

3Thus, the Vice-Rector of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, professor Maksym Karpash, whose competence includes international activity, as part of a delegation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and heads of the leading higher education institutions, headed by the Minister of Education and Science Serhii Shkarlet, visited the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan, the city of Dushanbe. A large-scale Education Forum "Study in Ukraine" was held here. The Forum was organized by the Ukrainian State Center for International Education of MES under the Decree of the President of Ukraine № 210/2020 "On Improving Higher Education in Ukraine". The main objective of the educational event is to popularize the opportunities of receiving higher education in Ukraine for international students. The Ministers of Education and Science of both countries, the Ambassador of Ukraine in the Republic of Tajikistan, representatives of the leading HEI of Ukraine attended the Forum.

2During the exhibition "Study in Ukraine" that took place within the forum at the Tajik Agrarian University named Shirinsho Shotemur, the representatives of HEI of Ukraine spoke about the benefits of studying at each university. IFNTUOG also presented its educational opportunities for Tajik students. Note that our university has appropriate facilities to provide quality specialists’ training by taking into account current requirements of job market and carrying out researches. Thus, IFNTUOG has modern material and technical facilities for training specialists of international recognition. We have the following high technology laboratories:  hardware and software "SIEMENS"; cementing slurries; automation control systems and industrial telecommunications "Phoenix-Contact"; Smart technologies; "Internet of Things", works also "IT-Academy", etc. The university tries to make students’ life easy and comfortable, cares about good hostel conditions. Besides, IFNTUOG has facilities for internship, training and laboratory buildings and leisure center. IFNTUOG also has all the opportunities for creative development. Our international students always participate in amateur activities, all-Ukrainian competitions, flash mobs, research and cultural work not only of the university, but also of the city and the region.

3Information about the educational opportunities of IFNTUOG took considerable interest among students and educators of Tajik universities. As a result, four new cooperation agreements are signed with the leading higher education institutions of Tajikistan. Thus, IFNTUOG will cooperate with the largest university in this country, that is Tajik National University, which has 118 departments and more than 35 thousand students, Service and Entrepreneurship Institute, Technological University of Tajikistan and Dangara State University. The universities will cooperate in the educational and scientific spheres in order to develop academic cooperation, organize scientific internships, scientific and practical conferences, workshops, etc. Joint researches within research programs and grants are also planned.

4According to Vice-rector Maskym Karpash, this large-scale educational event opened additional opportunities for the development of bilateral projects in the field of education and science with HEI of Tajikistan, which will promote to the international recognition of our university: “The Forum allowed to present our educational opportunities more wide, became a good tool for attracting international students to study at the Ukrainian universities. And it makes you feel joyful. On the one hand, the increase of international students is additional funds and on the other - the recognition of our university abroad!”.




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NET4ENERGY: an international workshop on conceptual development of plus-energy house was held

As part of the project “Cross-Border Network of Energy Sustainable Universities” (NET4ENERGY), mutual online visits are held for two months (March-May) between the project partner universities (IFNTUOG; Technical University in Kosice, Slovakia; University of Miskolc, Hungary; Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania) and workshops for students, teachers, experts and anyone interested in improving the energy efficiency of public buildings.  

The first international online-workshop, organized by the University in Kosice united more than 60 participants from Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. Thus, students and teachers of IFNTUOG, Uzhhorod National University, Technical University in Kosice, Suceava University, University of Miskolc, North University Center of Baia Mare joined the discussion; representatives of the Regional Innovation Agency (Slovakia), the Center for European Initiatives, etc.

2The topic of the workshop was devoted to the conceptual development of plus-energy house for public buildings. The representatives of the Technical University in Kosice told about the features of buildings energy certification and energy audit (František Vranay); types of renewable energy sources, possibilities of their use for public buildings and energy classification of buildings (Zsolt Čonka); working principle, types, energy efficiency, methods of designing heat pumps (Marek Kušnír); energy management system (Rikin Tailor).

1The representatives of the project groups of partner universities also discussed the possibility of co-working to improve the results between the two projects of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 (HUSKROUA): NET4ENERGY (goal is to make institutions of higher education as more energy efficient buildings and share this experience with other European countries) and NESICA: new energy solutions in the Carpathian region (goal is to promote energy efficiency through education and practical activities in communities to support sustainable use of natural resources).

Read more about the project NET4ENERGY:


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IFNTUOG uses grants to save the historical heritage of Precarpathian region

In full speed IFNTUOG implements the grant project “Development of cross-border cooperation in promoting objects of historical and cultural heritage in the cross-border territory of Romania and Ukraine”, coordinated by Mykola Prykhodko, the professor of the Department of Geodesy and Land Management of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Power Engineering. Among the main areas of implementation are the following: the reconstruction of the Geological Museum of IFNTUOG, the promotion of 50 historical and cultural sites in Ivano-Frankivsk region and 50 in Suceava County, as well as the development of advertising products, videos, virtual 3D-tours, laser scanning of these sites, so that scientists can use this material to investigate and assess the condition of such sites and to make appropriate management decisions on these sites, etc.

1 During an interview with the newspaper “Reporter”, Mykola Prykhodko said: “All the sites will have laser 3D-scanning, shooting to create 3D-tours and shooting from a quadcopter for promotional videos. A 3D scanner is a device that emits laser beams which measure the entire object plane. This makes it possible to monitor various deformations, subsidences and cracks in the future. Five sites have already been scanned. Among these are the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe in Ivano-Frankivsk, the Ascension of God Church in village of Lypa, the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in Horodenka, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Korshiv and the Bernardine Monastery in Hvizdets. As soon as the weather clears up, we will continue shooting. In general, the work should be completed by August, but because of quarantine the project extended until the end of the year”.

The list of the sites for the project was formed together with the Department of Tourism and the Cultural Heritage Sector of the Regional State Administration. After scanning the monuments, information about them will be posted on the website, which was also created as part of the project. You can find virtual tours of Precarpathian region and tourist videos there. The project is a significant investment in the tourism industry of Precarpathian region.

Briefly about the project. As part of “RO-UA ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020”, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (USV) (main beneficiary) and Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (IFNTUOG) (partner) implement the project “Development of cross-border cooperation in promoting objects of historical and cultural heritage in the cross-border territory of Romania and Ukraine” since February, 2020 - HE-CROSS, EMS ENI code 2SOFT / 2.1 / 91.

Duration of the project is 18 months, the total budget is EUR 454 640,5 (UAH 13 467 997) with the European Union contribution in EUR 409 176,5 (UAH 12 121 199). The project is part of priority area 2.1 of the Program - preservation and promotion of historical and cultural heritage.2


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Грантові гроші ІФНТУНГ використовує на порятунок історичної спадщини Прикарпаття