

According to the law of Ukraine and admission rules of IFNTUOG, every foreign applicant  in a set  of admission documents is obliged to submit to the University Admission Board medical and migration insurance policies for the entire study period

The University cooperates with “Kniazha Vienna Insurance Group” and “VUSO” insurance companies.

You can buy insurance policies at the offices of the above mentioned insurance companies in Ivano-Frankivsk or directly at the university representatives of these insurance companies.

княжа                               вусо                  

Insurance company “Kniazha Vienna Insurance Group”:                          Insurance company “VUSO”:

2000th Anniversary of Birth of Jesus Christ” Str.,                                     70 Sichovykh Striltsiv Str.,

Ivano-Frankivsk, 7600. Tel.: 0342 775 514.                                              Ivano-Frankivsk, 7600. Tel.: 0342 725 128.



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Arrival Regulations


To get Ukrainian study visa (D13), please apply to the Embassy of Ukraine in your country after receiving an invitation for study from the University.

According to the law, for proper and timely documents registration on legal stay in Ukraine the applicant must complete the admission procedure for at least 15 working days (21 calendar day) before the visa expires.

The applicant must inform the university via email: or by telephone +38 (0342) 50-45-48 about his/her arrival within 5 working days for preparing the notification letter for the State Border Guard Service at the airport.

Upon arrival at the airport the foreign applicant should have:

  • valid passport with Visa D13;

  • original Invitation for Study from the University;

  • financial support in the sum of 3000 $ in cash or on bank account to confirm your financial solvency for tuition and accommodation;

  • to be sure of your purpose of arrival to Ukraine.

In case the foreign applicant do not fulfill at least one of the above mentioned rules, he/she will not be allowed to cross the State Border of Ukraine. 


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Invitation for Study


Receiving an invitation is a first step to study at Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. It is simple and fast procedure.

How to get an invitation for study? (choose one of three ways)

- to contact the Center for International Education individually by email:;запрошення

- to entrust his/her friend or relative who is a student of  IFNTUOG to receive an invitation;

- to contact recruitment agencies.

What are the necessary documents to receive an invitation for study?

1) application form (personal) або application form (filled in by friend or relative who is a student of IFNTUOG);

2) consent to personal data collection and processing;

3) scanned copy of valid passport

4) scanned copy of document about previous education (translated to English or Ukrainian)

What is a procedure of receiving an invitation for study?

1) the documents submitted by email are considered for compliance with the requirements;

2) as a result of positive decision after documents processing, an applicant receives an invoice to pay for an invitation and postage (if necessary);

3) an applicant is issued (send) an invitation after receiving money on the university account

The period of invitation processing is 3 days. The additional time may be needed for invitation mail delivery to the applicant.








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General Information


Department of Registration and Migration Services does the following:

-  introduces international students with the official documents concerning study and residence of foreign citizens in Ukraine;

-  prepares necessary documents for international students to receive the temporary residence permit at the State Migration Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region;

-  controls movement of international students (in case of transfer to other educational institutions) and timely re-registration at the State Migration Service of Ukraine according to the law;

-  informs the government services about an international student change of status;

-  prevents violations by international students in the field of migration law of Ukraine;

-  coordinates issues with settlement and living of international students in the hostel;

-  implements activities and solves issues about international students social adaptation;

-  assists in organizing medical check-up for international students at policlinic department № 2, Ivano-Frankivsk city;

-  informs about the necessity of medical insurance policy;

-  solves current social issues of international students, monitor compliance with the Residence Regulations in student hostels of IFNTUOG;

-  assists in participation of international students  in students’ hobby groups, societies, sport teams, etc.


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Educational Documents


Graduates receive bachelor’s (master’s) diploma and supplement to it, upon successful completion of studies. The information in educational documents is given in Ukrainian and English languages. In case of any differences, the text in Ukrainian shall prevail.

Диплом зразок


 Додаток до диплома  Додаток 1 Додаток 2 Додаток 3  Додаток 4 Додаток 5 Додаток 6                                                   




Диплом зразок
Додаток до диплома
Додаток 1
Додаток 2
Додаток 3
Додаток 4
Додаток 5
Додаток 6
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Диплом зразок
Додаток до диплома
Додаток 1
Додаток 2
Додаток 3
Додаток 4
Додаток 5
Додаток 6

Recognition Procedure in Ukraine


Nostrification is the recognition procedure of educational documents of other countries in Ukraine.Свідоцтво 1

According to the law of Ukraine, all foreign citizens are obliged to recognize in Ukraine his/her previous educational documents.

Every student submits his/her educational documents for recognition on their own, during the training at the Preparatory Department or during the first semester of the first year (bachelor’s or master’s degrees).

The recognition procedure of foreign educational documents is carried out by the state-owned company “Information and Image Center” in Kyiv, 25 V.Chornovola str..

If the recognition result is positive, applicants (students) must receive a Certificate confirming the right to pursue higher education and provide it to the Center for International Education of IFNTUOG.

In case of refusal to recognize foreign educational document, the student has not the right to study at the higher educational institution of Ukraine and is expelled from the university.

For more details about the recognition procedure, please follow the link


Свідоцтво 1
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Свідоцтво 1

Tuition Fee


The tuition fee for 1 semester of full-time and part-time modes of study is:

                                                 Full-time form of education

Level of Higher Education Language of Instruction
Ukrainian English

.900 USD

1100 USD


975 USD

1150 USD


            Full-time form of education using distance technologies

Level of Higher Education Language of Instruction

 825 USD



900 USD


                                         Part-time form of education

Level of Higher Education Language of Instruction


750 USD



850 USD

Note: According to the Agreement on Educational Services for International Students, payment is made  before the beginning of semester.


Bank details for tuition payment in IFNTUOG are the following:

For tuition fee in ІFNTUOG

___ course, ___ semester

Amount*: _____________________________ UAH.

 № 728201720313251003201004276 в ДКСУ

Bank code  820172

EDRPOU сode 02070855

Surname, first name _________________________________________________

Country: _______________________________________________________

* in the national currency of Ukraine (hryvnia) according to NBU rate applicable on the date of payment













Foreign currency account details for tuition payment in IFNTUOG from abroad are the following: 

Bank account : 25301052500691

Name of the bank: Pryvatbank, Hrushevskoho str.,1d, Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine

Swift code: РВАNUA2X

International Bank Account Number:


Account with correspondent bank: 001-1-000080

Swift code with correspondent bank:  CHASUS33

Correspondent bank: Мorgan Chase Bank, New York, USA


Account with correspondent bank: 890-0085-754

Swift code with correspondent bank: IRVT US 3N

Correspondent bank: The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA

















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Professional Learning Programs


The List of Professional Learning Programs

Code and specialty  Professional Learning Programs Graduation Department
І level (Bachelor)  ІІ level (Master)
(029) Information, Library and Archival Studies  Records Information Management Records Information Management Кафедра документознавства та інформаційної діяльності
(035) Philology (with the major in 035.041 "Germanic Languages and Literatures (including Translation), English) English Philology, Translation and Interpreting Germanic Philology, Translation and Interpreting from English, Teaching English and German as Foreign Languages Кафедра філології та перекладу
(051) Economics

Business Economics

International Economics

Business Economics Кафедра прикладної економіки
Economics of Emvironment and Natural Recources
(071) Accounting and Taxation Accounting and Taxation Accounting and Taxation Кафедра обліку та оподаткування
(072) Finance, Banking and Insurance Finance, Banking and Insurance Financial Management in Business Кафедра фінансів
(073) Management Management Management and Administration Кафедра менеджменту та адмінстрування
Project Management
Regional Management - Кафедра теорії економіки та управління
(076) Business, Trade and Exchange Activity Business, Trade and Exchange Activity Business, Trade and Exchange Activity Кафедра підприємництва та маркетингу
Marketing Diagnostics and Management Consulting
(101) Ecology Ecology Ecology Кафедра екології
(103) Earth Sciences

Oil and Gas Geology, Geophysics, Geoinformatics, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology

Oil and Gas Geology Кафедра геології та розвідки нафтових і газових родовищ
Geophysics Кафедра нафтогазової геофізики
Geoinformatics Кафедра геотехногенної безпеки та геоінформатики
Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology Кафедра загальної, інженерної геології та гідрогеології
(105) Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Physics of New Energy Sources - Кафедра загальної та прикладної фізики
(121) Software Engineering Software Engineering Software Engineering Кафедра інженерії програмного забезпечення
(123) Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Кафедра комп'ютерних систем і мереж
(126) Information System and Technology Information System and Technology - Кафедра інформаційно-телекомунікаційних технологій і систем
(131) Engineering Mechanics Engineering Mechanics Сomputerized and Robotic Technology of Mechanical Enginnering Кафедра комп'ютеризованого машинобудування
Welding and Related Technologies Кафедра зварювання
Mechatronic Engineering - Кафедра комп'ютеризованого машинобудування
  Technical Diagnostics of Equipment and Constructions Кафедра енергетичного менеджменту та технічної діагностики
(132) Materials Science Engineering Materials Science and Computer Engineering of Materials - Кафедра зварювання
(133) Industrial Engineering Engineering and Petroleum Equipment and Machinery Service - Кафедра нафтогазових машин та обладнання
(141) Electrical Power Enginnering Electrical Power Enginnering Electrical and Technical Systems of Electricity Supply Кафедра електроенергетики, електротехніки та електромеханіки
Energy Management Кафедра енергетичного менеджменту та технічної діагностики
(144) Heat Power Engineering - Energy Management and Engineering Кафедра відновлювальної енергетики, енергоефективних споруд та інженерних мереж
(151) Automation and Computer-Integrated Technology Automation and Computer-Integrated Technology Automation and Computer-Integrated Technology Кафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерно-інтегрованих технологій
Computerized Control System and Automation Engineering Computerized Control System and Automation Engineering Кафедра інформаційно-телекомунікаційних технологій і систем
System Engineering - Internet of Things (IoT)   Кафедра інформаційно-телекомунікаційних технологій і систем
(152) Metrology and Information-Measuring Technology


Metrology and Information-Measuring Technology

Metrology and Information-Measuring Technology Кафедра метрології та інформаційно-вимірювальної техніки
Devices and Systems of Nondestructive Testing
Information-Measuring Smart Technology   Кафедра метрології та інформаційно-вимірювальної техніки
Renewable Energy Engineering    
(172) Telecommunication and Radio Engineering Telecommunication and Radio Engineering - Кафедра інформаційно-телекомунікаційних технологій і систем
(183) Environmental Protection Technology Environmental Protection Technology Environmental Protection Technology Кафедра екології
Кафедра технологій захисту навколишнього середовища та охорони праці (бакалаврат на базі ПЗСО)
(184) Mining Oil and Gas Well Drilling Oil and Gas Well Drilling Кафедра буріння свердловин
(185) Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology Oil and Gas Pipelines and Storage Facilities (with the major in "Supply and Maintenance of Military Forces with Jet Propellant and Petroleum ") - Кафедра військової підготовки
Oil and Gas Pipelines and Storage Facilities Design and Operation of Oil and Gas Pipelines and Storage Facilities


Кафедра газонафтопроводів та газонафтосховищ


Construction and Repair of Oil and Gas Pipelines and Storage Facilities
Oil and Gas Production Oil and Gas Production Кафедра видобування нафти і газу
Oil and Gas Industry Equipment Oil and Gas Industry Equipment Кафедра нафтогазових машин та обладнання
Well Drilling Exploratory, Prospective and Development Drilling of Oil and Gas Wells Кафедра буріння свердловин
(191) Architecture and Urban Planning Architecture and Urban Planning Architecture and Urban Planning Кафедра архітектури та  містобудування
(192) Construction and Civil Engineering Construction and Civil Engineering Construction and Civil Engineering Кафедра будівництва та енергоефективних споруд
Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering Heat and Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering
(193) Geodesy and Land Management Geodesy and Land Management Geodesy Кафедра геодезії та землеустрою
Land Management and Cadastre
Real Estate and Land Appraisal
Geoinformation Systems and Technologies Кафедра геотехногенної безпеки та геоінформатики
(242) Тourism Studies Тourism Studies Тourism Studies Кафедра туризму
International Hotel and Tourism Studies  
(274) Motor Vehicle Transport Motor Vehicle Transport Motor Vehicle Transport Кафедра автомобільного транспорту
(281) Public Management and Administration Public Management and Administration Public Management and Administration Кафедра публічного управління та адміністрування
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