Scientific Activity

Додаткова інформація

The Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences conducts research work within the framework of the state budget topic "Modern Methods of Complex Analysis and Mathematical Modeling in Oil and Gas Engineering".
Among the faculty members of the department are many talented scientists who work fruitfully in both classical areas of mathematics and applied fields. The following areas of research are developed by our scientists:
- Theory of functions (Assoc. Prof. Savchuk Y.I., Prof. Bandura A.I.);
- Differential equations (Assoc. Prof. Shehda L.M., Assoc. Prof. Tymkiv I.R.);
- Mathematical modeling in engineering (Prof. Moisyshyn V.M., Associate Professor Gural I.M., Associate Professor Smolovyk L.R., Associate Professor Kryshtopa L.I., Associate Professor Tyrlych V.V., Professor Chernova M.E., Professor Bandura A.I.);
- mathematical modeling in economics (Assoc. Prof. Vytvytska O. M., Prof. Bandura A. I.);
- creation of computer technologies for the study of stresses and deformations of structural elements (Assoc. Prof. Ripetskyi R.Y., );
- Pedagogy and Psychology (Prof. Moiseenko L.A., Associate Professor Gural I.M., Associate Professor Smolovyk L.R.). - Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Films (Prof. Galushchak M.O., Associate Professor Mazur M.P., Associate Professor Mazur T.M., Associate Professor Mateik G.D., Associate Professor Vakaliuk V.M.).
Among the most significant achievements of the department's scientists in recent years are the scientific discovery "Patterns of changes in the stress state of the rock massif, which is in an extremely stressed state when drilling deep wells" made by Prof. V.M. Moisyshyn together with his doctoral students, for which the authors were awarded silver medals named after P.L. Kapitsa. L. Kapitsa silver medals; six instructional documents and two monographs by Prof. V.M. Moisyshyn devoted to various issues of well drilling; monograph by Prof. L.A. Moiseenko "Psychology of Creative Mathematical Thinking" and two scientific and methodological manuals written by her in co-authorship with well-known Ukrainian psychologists.
The department maintains scientific relations with both Ukrainian and foreign scholars. In particular, Prof. L.A. Moiseienko collaborates with specialists from the Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and a galaxy of analysts, Associate Professor Y. Savchuk and Professor A. Bandura, have joint works with mathematicians from Lviv and Kharkiv Universities and Lviv Polytechnic. Thanks to the grant won, Prof. Bandura (at that time an associate professor) had the opportunity to train for three months in 2014 with Prof. S. Ivashkovych on geometric methods of multidimensional complex analysis (University of Lille 1, France).
Based on the results of our research, we annually publish 30 to 50 scientific articles and prepare 10-15 presentations at scientific conferences. You can find a list of scientific works of a particular teacher of the department on his or her page by contacting the department staff.
The department has a doctoral program, postgraduate studies, and a scientific seminar "Mathematical modeling in mining", which is headed by Prof. V.M. Moisyshyn.
Scientists of the department take an active part in the work of the Small Academy of Sciences (as supervisors and jury members), pay great attention to the scientific work of young people. Every year, students submit 7-10 reports on their research, conducted under the guidance of teachers, to student scientific and technical conferences. The best of them are sent to national competitions and have been repeatedly awarded with certificates and diplomas. In addition, teachers constantly work as jury members of the regional tournament of young mathematicians, young physicists, as well as regional competitions in these subjects.

The Department of Physics and Mathematics of IFNTUOG together with the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Precarpathian University named after V. Stefanyk and Ivano-Frankivsk center of the National Science and Technology School. It publishes the series Number of the professional journal Precarpathian Bulletin of the Schevchenko Scientific Society. Precarpathian University named after V. Stefanyk and Ivano-Frankivsk center of the National Science and Technology School publishes the series "Number" of the professional journal "Precarpathian Bulletin of the Schevchenko Scientific Society. Number".

The Department's scientific achievements in the field of physics are facilitated by close cooperation with scientists from the institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Institute of Physics, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Institute of Metallophysics, as well as with renowned scientists from Precarpathian and Lviv National Universities, Lviv and Kyiv Polytechnics, and Sumy State University.

In particular, in 2010 and 2013, Prof. Halushchak (then Head of the Department of General and Applied Physics) won a tender among the research projects announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Since January 1, 2010, the department has been implementing the state budget fundamental theme "Research of new methods of converting solar and thermal energy into electricity." One Doctor of Science, 6 Candidates of Science, 2 postgraduate students, and 2 students participated in theoretical and experimental research. The project was designed for 3 years. The result of the research work is the development of a new method for converting solar and thermal energy into electricity and a prototype of a technical device for implementing the developed method.

In 2014, a tender was won for a two-year state budget applied topic "Technology of semiconductor structures and thermoelectric energy converters for special purposes".

Today, the department's staff conducts research related to the development of new ways to produce the latest thermoelectric materials and the creation of renewable energy sources.