Additional Information

- 1991 – First international students came to study at the Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas. They were four citizens of India, and soon seven more citizens of Pakistan became the students of the Preparatory Department. Training organization process of international students was carried out by the vice-rector of the Institute, associate professor, candidate of sciences Vasyl Stepaniuk. Associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Olha Skoryk and the teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Language Anzhelika Zaiachkivska and Nadiia Buduikevych made a significant contribution in training of the first foreign students. In addition, they acquainted the first foreign students with the culture of Ukraine, organized excursions to historical places of the western regions, helped them to adapt and continue their studies at the main specialities.
- 1992 – Training for international students in Ukrainian universities was transferred on a contractual basis.
- 1995 – Department of International Relations was founded at the Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas, headed by the vice-rector of International Affairs, associate professor of Petroleum Equipment Department, Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Yurii Poraiko. Associate professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Fields Development, Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Roman Popadiuk and head of the Passport Office, Mykhailo Lylak became his assistants in training of international students. Staff of the Departments of Oil and Gas Fields Development and Drilling made a great contribution in training organization process of international students. Among them were Roman Kondrat, Roman Popadiuk, Yaroslav Kotskulych, Vasyl Boiko, etc.
- 2002–2006 – Vozniak M. P., Ph.D. in Engineering Science, associate professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Transportation and Storage headed the Faculty for Training of International Students. Intentaional students from Vietnam, Bulgaria, Equatorial Guinea and others studied here during this time.
- 2006–2008 – Volodymyr Lisafin became a dean of the Faculty for Training of International Students (Ph.D. in Engineering Science, associate professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Transportation and Storage).
- 2008–2013 – The Faculty of Foreign Students Education was held by Oleksandr Kondrat, Ph.D. in Engineering Science, professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Development and Operation.
- 2011 – Oleksandr Fedorov, Ph.D. in Engineering Science, associate professor of the Department of General and Applied Physics headed the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens which was created for better adaptation of international students.
- 2013 – Acoording to the decision of the University's Academic Board and rector's order, the Faculty of Foreign Students Education was closed. The Center for International Student Education Services (CISES) was formed and headed by associate professor of the Department of Philology, Interpreting and Translation, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Halyna Malyk. At that time, students from 37 Asian and African countries were studying at IFNTUOG.
- 2018 – Taking into account the results of study a successful practices in organizing international cooperation at the university and other higher education institutions of Ukraine, effectiveness of international scientific, technical and educational cooperation, training of international students to enter and study at IFNTUOG, by rector's order the Center for International Education was established (CIE). The Center for International Education consists of four structural departments: Department of Educational Support Services; Department of Academic Services for International Students; Department of Registration and Migration Services; Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens. Oleksandr Hryhoryshyn, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, associate professor of the Department of Energy Management and Technical Diagnostics held a position of acting director of CIE.