International Projects

<<< Information about ongoing projects >>>



  • The University is a member of the project  EV16043U1W of the Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Programme which is a five-year initiative to help develop the creative economy and enterprise skills across seven countries in Central Asia, (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia) and Ukraine



  • 2SOFT/1.2/86 - Ro-Ua Trans-border Academic Development for Research and Innovation
  • 2SOFT/2.1/91 - RO-UA Development of cross-border cooperation in promoting objects of historical and cultural heritage in the cross-border territory of Romania and Ukraine
  • 2SOFT/1.2/63 - RO-UA Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation



  • HUSKROUA/1702/6.1/0015 -  Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste by Thermal Conversion Technologies in Cross-border Region - EnyMSW 
  • HUSKROUA/1702/6.1/0075 -  Сross-border Network of Energy Sustainable Universities 
  • HUSKROUA/1702/6.1/0022 - Regional Center for Training and Monitoring of the Environmental Impact of Electrical Installations – CRIMIGE
  • HUSKROUA/1901/3.1/0005 - Valorisation of the historical and cultural heritage through the development and promotion of the Carpathian Cultural Route 




  • HUSKROUA/1101/194 - CONTENT Cross-border Innovation Network for Technology Transfer


  • HUSKROUA/1001/110 - RuUaSoil - The Management of The Contaminated Sites with Oil Products 


  • HUSKROUA/0901/062 -  QASERD -Quality Assurance for Society – oriented Education, Research and Development 

8th Framework Programme "HORIZON 2020"


  • The University is a member of the project № 831748  of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
    Name of project:
    C-Energy 2020 V2 - Connecting Energy National Contact Points in a pro-active network under Societal Challenge 3 ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’ in Horizon 2020
    Partners and budget

7th Framework Programme


  • The University was a member of the project  609570-FP7-INCO-2013-9  of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
    Name of project:
    InnoverEast - Building a More Effective Pathway Leading from Research to Innovation through Cooperation between the European Union and Eastern Partnership Countries in the Field of Energy Efficiency
    Partners and budget


The Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas has participated in the Tempus Programme since 2006.  In general, we have implemented nearly 10 Projects, and we are among the most active universities in Ukraine.




  • 159227-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-AT-TEMPUS-SMGR E-Internalization for Collaborative Learning
  • 159239-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPGR Innovation cross-university network for development of partnership with enterprises


  • TEMPUS SM_SCM-T029B06-2006 Development of Strategy of UA Students International Mobility Using the ECTS Opportunities


  • SM_SCM-T043B05-2005 All-Ukrainian Network of ECTS Regional Consulting Points
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General Information


The Department of International Relations was established in 1991 due to the university’s need to integrate into the European research area, to intensify it’s activity in the global scientific space, to popularize it among scientific and research institutions, organizations and to find partners for international cooperation. Active cooperation continues to expand now. Namely, there are concluded new agreements on implementation of joint scientific researches and cooperation in the field of science and technology with foreign research institutions.

In 2018 the Department was reorganized in the Center for International Cooperation

The Center encourages direct contact and cooperation between faculties, departments, and research staff.

The University collaborates with more than 50 scientific and educational institutions. More details about international partners are in the table 

An important area of the university activity takes international projects, including projects funded by the European Commission, and projects within the cross-border cooperation system.

The university students have opportunities to undergo practical training in universities and companies in many European countries. 

National Contact Point (NCP) "Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy" of the EU research and innovation program "Horizon 2020" continues actively to operate. Read more:

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Center for International Cooperation

The Center for International Cooperation is working to expand international cooperation.

The University concludes new and continues old agreements with foreign institutions, which relate to the implementation of joint research and cooperation.

The Center continues to take an active part in finding funding for international projects from the European Commission and projects under the cross-border cooperation system.

Every year, university students have the opportunity to do internships at universities and companies abroad.


Department administration



r. 0312, 15 Karpatska Street, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76019

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Вархов Галина

Вархов Галина Василівна
General Information

Вархов Галина

Навчальна робота


Наукова діяльність


Alma mater

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника 



Вибрані публікації


Кваліфікаційний рівень


Місце роботи, посада


Науковий ступінь


Вчене звання


Наукові інтереси


Державні нагороди




Migration Law of Ukraine


Migration Law of Ukraine

1. The Law of Ukraine "On Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons".

2. The Law of Ukraine "On Immigration".  

3. The Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Movement and Free Choice of Place of Residence in Ukraine".

4. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure for Processing and Issuance of the Permanent Residence Permit and Temporary Residence Permit and Technical Description of its Forms".

5. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Sample, Form Technical Description and the Procedure for Processing, Issuance, Exchange, Cancelling, Forwarding, Withdrawal, Return to the State, Invalidating and Abolishing of the Temporary Residence Permit".

6.Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Rules for Registration of Residence and the Order of Providing Information by Registration Bodies to the Unified State Demographic Register".

7. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "On Approval of the Temporary Procedure of Processing Applications for Issuance Permanent Residence Permit  and Temporary Residence Permit.



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Hostel Regulation Rules


1. Hostel residents are obliged to:

1.1. Use the property of the room, common facilities exclusively for their intended purpose and on an equal footing with other residents.

1.2. Take care of their accommodation, pieces of furniture, equipments and inventory. In case of damaging the pieces of furniture, plumbing and electrical equipments due to the fault of a student, the resident is oblige to recompense for financial damage (to pay in University accounts the amount of money for repair or damage property).

1.3. Keep their accommodations and common facilities clean and organized. Tidy up their accommodations and take out the garbage daily.

1.4. Strictly adhere to the regulations of electrical and fire safety when using electrical appliances.

1.5. Switch off the light and plug off all electrical equipments, close the windows while leaving the accommodation.

1.6. Inform the head of the hostel about the using of your own electrical equipments.

1.7. Fulfill the other obligations set out in residence Agreement of the University and in current legislation of Ukraine.


2. Prohibitions for Hostel Residents:

2.1. Move from one accommodation to the other on their own.

2.2. Remodel or move pieces of furniture from one accommodation to the other.

2.3. Repair the accommodation, remodel electrical rewiring, replace the door lock or put in extra one on your own without the approval from the Hostel Administration.

2.4. Stick or set on the pieces of furniture the announcements, schedules, photos, pictures etc.

2.5. Throw out the garbage and leftovers in the toilets and sink.

2.6. Hang on the outside of the windows and front balconies any items, clutter balconies and the halls up with different things.

2.7. Consume, produce and keep alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances, be under alcohol or drugs influence in the Hostel.

2.8. Smoke in accommodations and common facilities.

2.9. Make noise and also turn on TV, PC and audio equipments on a high volume and break the night-time silence (from 22:00 p.m. till 07:00 a.m.)

2.10. Ignore lawful demands of the Hostel administration and representatives of student government.

2.11. Violate checkpoint in the Hostel, leave strangers overnight.

2.12. Pets are not allowed in the Hostel.

2.13. Resist the settlement in the accommodation of other person.

2.14. Take actions which are contrary to the current legislation of Ukraine.


3. Hostel Residents are entitled to:

3.1. Elect the representatives of student government of the hostel and be elected to there membership.

3.2. Make an application for the repair operation of  electrical and plumbing equipments and furniture timely.

3.3. Make complaints and requests to the University Administration concerning the Hostel staff, living conditions which do not meet the standards of hostel maintenance.

3.4. For other rights, provided in the residence Agreement of the University and current legislation of Ukraine.


Hostel Administration is not responsible for valuables which are kept in the residents’ accommodations!


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The university provides accommodation for international students at hostel №3, 7 Pivnichnyi Bulvar str.

Accommodation is provided with 2- and 3-bedrooms and sanitary facilities (bathroom and toilet).

Accommodation price for one person is 1100 UAH per month (including utilities).

A student can live alone in a room in case of full accommodation price payment (for 2 or 3 places).

The list of documents for living in a hostel (office 0427a):

1) application form;

2) hostel agreement for international student;

3) material liability insurance policy (you can buy it at the university representative of the insurance company);

4) 2 photographs 3,5 Х 4,5 cm (for production ID card and residence order);

5) result of fluorography (Chest X-ray) examination (Central City Clinical Hospital No.2, 42 Dovha str.);

6)  hostel payment receipt (for at least 6 months).

If you want to change a room or move out from the hostel write and submit an application form to the CIE (office 0427a).

In case of advanced moving from the hostel, the unused hostel money are returned to the student according to the written application submitted to the accounting office of IFNTUOG (office 0219).

There are 8 available places as of 02.02.2022.

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Гуртожиток 2а
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Гуртожиток 5
Гуртожиток 7
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Гуртожиток 2а
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Гуртожиток 5
Гуртожиток 7

Temporary Residence Permit


In accordance with Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons" the temporary residence permit is issued to the foreign citizens who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of study.

To obtain the temporary residence permit in Ukraine, the foreign citizens should apply the following documents to the Center for International Education:

 1. Passport with D13 visa type and its copy;

 2. Notarized passport translation (into Ukrainian);

 3. Valid medical insurance policy and its copy (for the entire study period);

 4. 4 photographs 3,5 Х 4,5 cm;

 5. Document confirming the payment of the administrative fee.

The needed documents for the temporary residence permit are applied not later then 15 working days before established stay in Ukraine expires.

For more details about the temporary residence permit, please follow the link:

When received the temporary residence permit at the State Migration Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region the international students submit it to the Center for International Education of IFNTUOG for the registration of residence. The temporary residence permit and the document with the place of residence are returned to the student within 3 days.


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