C-Energy 2020

Connecting Energy National Contact Points in a pro-active network under Societal Challenge 3 ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’ in Horizon 2020 (C-ENERGY 2020 V2)

C-ENERGY 2020 V2 is a  24 months Coordination and Support Action having the specific objectives:


RoboDK was founded in 2015 as a spin-off company from the CoRo laboratory at ETS University in Montreal, Canada. The CoRo lab is equipped with many industrial robots and focuses its activities on applied research, making it one of the most prestigious robotics laboratory in Canada.​​​​​​​

Коротка назва

Building the professions of the future: the “energy auditor”

Five universities, four countries and one objective: turning universities into sustainable buildings. And a “know-how transfer” that is going from a Partner Country to European states. NET4SENERGY is a project working to increase the energy efficiency of leading universities within the Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian and Ukrainian cross-border region.

Panchuk Vitalii

Panchuk Vitalii
General Information

Education. 1984 - 1987, postgraduate studies, Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas; 2006 - 2009, doctoral studies, Kyiv National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

Professional activity. 1982 - 1984, Special design bureau of foundry automatic lines, design engineer 3rd category. Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas: 1987 - 1988, design engineer 2nd category, SDTB "Nadra"; 1988 - 1990, senior researcher; 1990 - 1999, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology.

1999 - 2010, Associate Professor of Technological Engineering, Ivano-Frankivsk State Technical University of Oil and Gas. Since 2010 - Head of the Department of Computerized Mechanical Engineering IFNTUOG.

Навчальна робота

Teaches disciplines for the preparation of bachelors, masters and doctors of philosophy in the specialty 131 Applied Mechanics: "Industrial robots", "Fundamentals of robotics", "Automation of technological research", "Applied mechatronics"

Наукова діяльність

The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences "Increase of efficiency of cutting efforts researches at cutting by mills" (1997, Kiev Polytechnic Institute), the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences "Theoretical bases of cutting mills designing"), Specialty 05.03.01 - Processes machining, machines and tools.

Alma mater

Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas

Дата закінчення

Mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools

Вибрані публікації

Areas of scientific work

Research of machining processes, machining forming, designing of the cutting tools. Development of automation system in mechanical engineering and scientific experimental research. Research of robotic systems.


Способ получения армированных отливок (А.с. №992120 СССР),

Выдавливатель выбивной установки (А.с. №1142219 СССР)



ResearcherID: O-3340-2018

Scopus Author ID: 57192188804

h-index - 3

Профіль Google Scholar

Кваліфікаційний рівень

mechanical engineer

Місце роботи, посада

Department of Computerized Mechanical Engineering, consumer of the department

Науковий ступінь

Doctor of Technical Sciences (Doctor of Technical Sciences), 2010.

Вчене звання

Professor of the Department of Computerized Mechanical Engineering, 2015.

Наукові інтереси

machining processes, cutting tools, automation of mechanical engineering, robotics.



Department of Computerized Mechanical Engineering

Graduate Department of Computerized Mechanical Engineering

We invite

all Prospective Students who are interested in academic background of mechanical engineer education.

The list of specialities/program subject areas, is

Degree: Bachelor.

Main field of study: 13 Mechanical Engineering.

Specialty: 131 Engineering Mechanics

Educational program: Engineering Mechanics

Educational program: Mechatronic Engineering

Duration of studies is 4 years.

Duration of studies for Junior Bachelor or Junior Specialist in related program subject areas, is 2 years.


Degree: Master of Science (MSc)

Main field of study: 13 Mechanical Engineering.

Specialty: 131 Engineering Mechanics

Educational program:  Computerized and Robotic Technology of Mechanical Engineering

 Duration of studies is 1 year 4 months.

Forms of study: full-time, part-time.



15  Karpatska Str,  Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine
Staff room 4222

Department administration

Consumer of the department  Panchuk Vitalii - Doctor of Technical Sciences

General photo
Phone number (s):
Additional Information

Nataliia Kaziuka

Казюка Н.П.
General Information


Ph.D. in Economics, participates in execution of agreements with individuals and legal entities concerning study of foreign citizents in IFNTUOG, informs CIE structural departments about payments of educational services made by international students, prepares necessary documents for international payments.

E-mail: t.smilyanets@nung.edu.ua


Місце роботи, посада


Specialist of the DRMS


Olesia Zubareva

Зубарева О.В.
General Information


Prepares (under the terms established by law) necessary documents for international students to receive the place of residence registration in Ukraine (removal from place of residence registration) and applies it for the Administration Service Center. 

E-mail: t.smilyanets@nung.edu.ua


Місце роботи, посада


Specialist of the DRMS