Додаткова інформація
LEGO Serious Play (stages)

- Warm up (individual task)
- Level 1 involves scene setting through identifying what each participant likes about working in the creative economy/education sector etc and representing this through a built Lego model (individual task)
- Level 2 involves a colleague building out the challenges in the sector on which they are focused in the form of LEGO which again should be held and presented to the group (individual task)
- Level 3 involves building a shared model through the individual pieces constructed at level 2. Participants present their story of that process and the outcomes to be implemented (group task). I.e. how can individual perspectives come together in one organisation?
- Level 4 identifies key actions for individuals to take forward the group vision. This can simply be a development of Level 3 albeit don’t be afraid to play with the LEGO again!
- Level 5 involves strengthening consensus through sharing and reflecting on the models produced and developing the ecosystem around them.
Lego-A-Go-Go (stages)

- Stage 1 involves building a LEGO model that is meaningful to the participants.
- Stage 2 involves building a model of themselves for example as the educator, student, social or creative entrepreneur though warn delegates to beware the danger of trying to create something perfect!
- Stage 3 involves building a LEGO model that represents the business that they want to develop.
- Stage 4 is building a LEGO model of the ecosystem that they will operate within.
- Stage 5 involves reflecting on their LEGO built business and all of the emotion invested in that and considering it in the context of the ecosystem…and modifying it in that context and/or modifying the ecosystem.
- Stage one – from general policy and market context to the Big Opportunity
- Stage two – identifying the target customer market
- Stage three – “how might we”…
- Stage four – storyboarding
- Stage five – prototyping
Business Model Canvas Game

- The Business Model Canvas reflects systematically on your business model, so you can focus on your business, segment by segment. This also means you can start with a brain dump, filling out the segments the spring to your mind first and then work on the empty segments to close the gaps.
- In offline mode, participants will receive a set of cards according to the 9 segments of Business Canvas, for online Google Sheet mode they will have access to the Ukrainian (https://bit.ly/BCCGua) and English (https://bit.ly/BCCGen) versions of these cards. For Web - https://bcards.nung.edu.ua/. In online mode, the system will generate sets of cards for each of the teams.
- Next, using brainstorming for 30 minutes, generating business ideas takes place. These ideas should be consistent with the received set of cards, followed by the presentation and discussion of ideas
B Canvas Game

- The principle is the same as in the Business Model Canvas Game, but the set of cards for the B Canvas Game considers the specificity of social entrepreneurship. The English version of the online game in Google Sheet is here: https://bit.ly/BCCG_b. For Web https://bcards.nung.edu.ua/ import the next file (ua | en )
Video presentation of educational formats catalogue for the development of entrepreneurial students skills from partners of Creative Spark programs, from our partnership LEGO Serious Play and Lego-A-Go-Go - https://fb.watch/4skONkwElF/ (in Ukrainian)
Creative Spark educational formats catalogue - https://bit.ly/3feeHxJ (in Ukrainian)