Cross-border Network of Energy Sustainable Universities (NET4SENERGY)
ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 "Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine"
Planned total budget of the Project - 326 448,04 EUR
Requested EU contribution - 293 803,23 EUR
Lead Applicant: Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ukraine)
Applicants: Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), University of Miskolc (Hungary), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare (Romania)
Overall objective of the Project.
To ensure capacity of key HEIs in becoming a resource centers for climate change mitigation and adaptation in HU-SK-RO-UA cross-border region by 2020. Universities being big energy consumers will commit themselves to 30% reduction of their consumption and CO2 emissions and fostering use of renewable energy sources by 2030 with proactive position in sharing gained results, breakthroughs and good practices with key stakeholders in the region (authorities, municipalities, companies and individuals)
The project target groups are a triangle:
- the HEI staff, teachers and students;
- regional stakeholders – authorities, municipalities and SMEs;
- domestic energy consumers.
Duration of the project - 24 months (01.10.2019 - 30.09.2021)