Admission to the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens is carried out on the basis of:
1. Full secondary education;
2. Invitation for Study.
5 steps of Admission to the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens (PDFC):
On arrival in Ukraine, a foreign citizen (within 5 days) should PERSONALLY apply to the university office (0102) the following documents:
- Invitation for Study;
- Original and notarized translation into Ukrainian of a document about full secondary education;
- Original and notarized translation into Ukrainian of a supplement about full secondary education with grades (scores);
- Notarized translation into Ukrainian of valid passport or stateless identity document;
- Health certificate (valid within two months from the moment of issue) verified according to the laws of your country and translated into Ukrainian;
- Insurance policy, unless otherwise is not provided by international treaties of Ukraine.
- Original of acceptance letter for study in IFNTUOG (in case if a foreign citizen has an Invitation for Study from other university);
- 10 photos (3,5X4,5 мм) (matte).
Foreign citizen fills in an application form (see Application Form1 or Application Form 2) about enrollement to the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens and signs it in the Department of Registration and Migration Services (DRMS) (office 0421a) and in the Center for International Education (CIE) (office 0411).
Foreign citizen should write down in an application form his/her valid telephone number in Ukraine.
Foreign citizen makes tuition payment for training at the Preparatory Department according to the following bank account details:
Tuition Payment for training at the Preparatory Department in IFNTUOG
Amount*: _____________________________ UAH.
Account №UA728201720313251003201004276
Bank code 820172
EDRPOU сode 02070855
Surname, first name_________________________________________
Country: __________________________________________________
* in the national currency of Ukraine (hryvnia) according to NBU rate applicable on the date of payment
Order for admission is issued within 3-5 working days (admission is made after full payment received on the university account only). After admission, foreign citizen concludes an agreement on the provision of educational services, which is a normative document that defines the obligations and rights of the university and the foreigner for the entire period of study at the Preparatory Department. Education agreement is concluded on the day of the order for admission issue (register date of the order for admission and the date of agreement should coincide). In case of late conclusion of an agreement at the expense of individuals and entities, foreign citizen can be expelled from the university.
Temporary residence permit for foreign citizen is issued on the basis of order for admission within 25 (twenty-five) working days.
After admission to the Preparatory Department, foreign citizen will be informed about schedule (group number, day and time of classes, room number).