Regional Pupils Olympiad concerning Local Government, Decentralization and Public Administration

If you are courageous and ambitious, then this opportunity is for you!

On May 15, 2021, the Regional Pupils Olympiad concerning Local Government, Decentralization and Public Administration will be held at the premises of the Institute of Humanities and Public Administration of IFNTUOG.

We invite pupils of grades 10, 11 of general educational institutions in Ivano-Frankivsk region to take part in the Olympiad.

The winners of the Olympiad will be awarded diplomas, and six eleventh-graders will have the right to get higher education in speciality “Public Administration” at the expense of the regional budget.

Olympiad organizers:

Department of Public Administration;

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration;

Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Study.

Don’t delay! REGISTER:


International study visits for students

A great opportunity for the students to experience international exchanges without leaving the university!

We invite the IFNTUOG students to participate (online) in international mutual visits as part of the project Net4SENERGY (Cross-Border Network of Energy Sustainable Universities).

All the participants of mutual visits will be awarded certificates!

The main requirement for the candidates is a level of English proficiency not lower than B1.

Main topics: energy management and monitoring systems, sustainable energy and climate action plan (SECAP), energy efficiency, inoperative architectural planning, renewable energy sources, etc.

To participate - fill in the application:

Mutual visits will be organized between Net4SENERGY project partners:

- Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ukraine - UA)

- Technical University of Košice (Slovakia - SK)

- University of Miskolc (Hungary - HU)

- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare (Romania - RO)

Meetings will be held during March-May 2021.

Preliminary meeting schedule:

Mutual visits: | HU (12.03.2021) | СК (13.04.2021) | UA (20.04.2021) | RO (27.04.2021) |

Seminar courses:          | СК (17.03.2021) | RO (15.04.2021) | UA (21.04.2021) | HU (12.05.2021) |

Application deadline – March 10, 2021.

For more details about the project:


IFNTUOG celebrates the anniversary of Taras Shevchenko's birthday

Одно питання мимоволі
Весь час в думках моїх встає:
Чому не вгледів він сонця волі,
Чому тепер він не жиє?

Якими дужими громами
Пророчий голос би гримів,
Якими буйними річками
Котивсь, шумів би його спів!?

Які б вінки він сплів героям
І як уславив би їх чин?!
Він грав би в сурму перед боєм,
Боровся б сам серед руїн.

А як оплакав би могили,
Яких би квітів насадив!..
Калина б віти похилила,
І в вітах вітер гомонів.

Якими лютими бичами
Карав би нас, що кволі ми,
Що розійшлись ми манівцями
На крок єдиний до мети.

Як в душу б він заглянув кожну,
Як кожний біль би наш відчув.
Він влив би міць непереможну,
Серця б він вірою натхнув!..

Олександр Олесь


Grand opening of the project «Norway-Ukraine»

On March 1, at 15.30 p.m., the grand opening (online) of free retraining program “Business and Leadership” will be held for ATO participants, servicemen and the members of their families within the project «Norway-Ukraine. Professional Retraining. Integration into the state system».

The program of the event includes speeches of the representatives of the International Foundation for Social Adaptation, the Ministry of Veterans of Ukraine, IFNTUOG, the project representatives in Ivano-Frankivsk.

This time the group consists of 40 participants from Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions, Kyiv, Rivne, Dnipro.

We invite students of the training group, teachers, university staff and everyone to join the opening!

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 854 6704 3961
Passcode: 066991

Welcome to a video conference!

Dear teachers and students!

On March 04-06, 2021, an online visit of an expert group will be held to carry out the accreditation assessment of the educational programs “Applied Mechanics” and “Mechatronic Engineering” of the first (bachelor) level of higher education at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. You can find an online visit program at the university webpage at the link.

On March 05, 2021, 15.15 - 15.45 p.m., you can participate in open meeting (Zoom meeting) of the participants of the educational process (except the heads of educational program and administration representatives of the Institutions of Higher Education) with the expert group.

Join Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID:  993 4474 9011

Passcode: 2021


A poetic video marathon dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesia Ukrainka's birthday started in IFNTUOG


On February 22, 2021, a poetic video marathon “I have that in my heart which cannot die” started in IFNTUOG, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birthday of the great Ukrainian poet, writer, translator, folklorist, public figure Lesia Ukrainka. The initiators of the marathon are the Students’ Culture and Leisure Center and Myroslava Venhryniuk, associate professor of the Department of Philology and Translation of the Institute of Humanities and Public Administration of IFNTUOG, invite all university community to participate in the video marathon!

​​​​​​​If you wish to participate, send recorded videos with Lesia Ukrainka’s poems to the e-mail address:


IFNTUOG congratulated Drohobych Petroleum Gas College on its 75th anniversary

In early March, within the cooperation in the educational oil and gas sector and on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Drohobych Petroleum Gas College foundation, the delegation of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, consisting of the First Vice-Rector, Prof. O. Mandryk, the Director of the Institute of Petroleum Engineering O.Vytiaz, the Director of the Institute of Mechnical Engineering (by the way, college graduate in 1971, major in “Oil and Gas Field Equipment”) L.Romanyshyn, the Director of the Institute of Tourism and Geosciences V.Omelchenko, the Head of the Academic Office Ya.Shtanko and the Executive Secretary of Admission Board Ya.Koval visited the institution.

2 The institutions, which have been partners for a long time, were united by cooperation agreement in providing the oil and gas industry of Ukraine with specialists. Therefore, many college graduates obtain higher education in chosen specialty at IFNTUOG. The university delegation participated in teacher’s meeting of the college, where they discussed in details the issues of cooperation within the provision of education continuity: high schooler – college student – IFNTUOG student – qualified professional for petroleum industry in Ukraine and the university’s opportunities for college graduates in the implementation of their professional intentions using the mechanism of dual education. During the meeting, the parties discussed further prospects for cooperation within the work of oil and gas sector and further training of qualified professionals for petroleum industry.


The guests also congratulated the college staff on the anniversary. The First Vice-Rector of IFNTUOG Oleh Mandryk, in his welcome speech, noted that “close cooperation of educational institutions, organized over the years, gives significant results which are achieved through joint efforts”. The representatives of the administration, college staff and IFNTUOG Training and Consulting Center staff, which operates within Drohobych Petroleum Gas College were awarded with certificates of appreciation, letters of acknowledgement and pleasant gifts. In particular, the Head of the College M.Babiak was given a medal “For Merit to the IFNTUOG”, Assistant Director for the Teaching Department V.Bolonnyi and Director of Training and Consulting Center R.Hrabovskyi were given merit certificates according to the Order №38/4 as of 26.02. 2021 for long-term cooperation with the university.

We congratulate our partners on the anniversary and wish them success!


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ІФНТУНГ привітав з 75-літнім ювілеєм Дрогобицький фаховий коледж нафти і газу
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A poetic video marathon dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesia Ukrainka's birthday started in IFNTUOG

A poetic video marathon “I have that in my heart which cannot die” started in IFNTUOG, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birthday of the great Ukrainian poet, writer, translator, folklorist, public figure Lesia Ukrainka.

The initiators of the marathon are the Students’ Culture and Leisure Center and Myroslava Venhryniuk, associate professor of the Department of Philology and Translation of the Institute of Humanities and Public Administration of  IFNTUOG, invite all university community to participate in the video marathon to honor the memory of great Ukrainian woman, popularize works of the outstanding writer and  150th  Lesia Ukrainka's birthday anniversary which is celebrated this year at the national level in Ukraine.

During the last week, everyone joined the marathon and sent their videos, in which they read the poetry of an incredible Lesya Ukrainka. Among the participants of the marathon are teachers, students, university staff, who were very creative: they recited not only poems, but also sang, involved their children, created total mise-en-scenes. But they all were united by an inspiration in reading the poetry of the Great Lesia. It could not have been otherwise, as her works inspire, add strength and confidence.

Speeches of all participants were published on the official university's Facebook page, tagged: #Леся_Українка #поетичний_відеомарафон #ІФНТУНГ   

All the videos touched someone’s feelings. Moreover, videos encouraged the university community to join. Unfortunately, the website format does not allow to publish all videos, so we made mini collection of video poems (hopefully the participants understand us). But all the videos you can find on the official university's Facebook page, tagged: #Леся_Українка #поетичний_відеомарафон #ІФНТУНГ




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В ІФНТУНГ відбувся поетичний відеомарафон до 150-річчя від Дня народження Лесі Українки

New start of the project “Norway-Ukraine”

The official opening of the spring term of the project “Norway-Ukraine” was held at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, considering quarantine conditions – in online environment. The training course will give ATO participants, servicemen and the members of their families the opportunity to undergo retraining within the program “Business and Leadership”. As part of the project, the participants will acquire knowledge in business and leadership, attend a number of activities oriented to psychological and legal adaptation.

In total, this year the project will be implemented in 25 Ukrainian cities. In IFNTUOG, vice-rector for international affairs, Maksym Karpash and project coordinator, Olha Popovych greeted the participants and told about their study plan. The president of the International Foundation for Social Adaptation, Volodymyr Rubtsov wished them every success.

The representative of the Ministry of Veterans of Ukraine in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, Volodymyr Verkalets told the military students about the possibility of receiving financial assistance from the regional state administration for their own business development. And the project coordinator of “The International Foundation for Social Adaptation” Olha Filina introduced them a questionnaire system for social audit.

During the opening ceremony, the winner of the competition, which was announced for the participants of autumn term in 2020, was awarded  a motivational money prize in the amount of UAH 5000.

It will be recalled that tender participants presented their business projects in two stages. The final stage was a recording of a short 60-second video about his/her project. The winner became the participant of military operations, captain in reserve, Serhii Kopchyk, who presented his own business plan to create a network of family entertainment centers "Hugs" in Ukraine.

Well, ahead is a new start of the project "Norway-Ukraine" and interesting training for its participants.

Videorecording of the event is available at:


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