IFNTUOG students have been trained at Canadian University

In all countries, schools, universities and other educational institutions have switched to distance program mode because of the quarantine caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. The University of Regina (Canada) has started a new course aimed at the integration with foreign universities. The students of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ilona Sapizhak (IHPA), Marta Dumych (IEM), Iryna Demkovych (IHPA), Eduard Tokach and Jorge Rivadeneyra (IPE) did not miss the opportunity to feel like the students of the Canadian university for several weeks.

The Winter 2021 Virtual International Student Orientation Program in which IFNTUNOG students participated was a course at the University of Regina where an international students had the opportunity to join different groups and study their chosen disciplines for a semester. The training included a combination of live virtual online meetings using Zoom platform (synchronously) and web-based UR Courses (asynchronously).

1The students of IHPA, Iryna Demkovych and Ilona Sapizhak shared their impressions of studies at the University of Regina. They told that they always wanted to study abroad, to get acquainted with other students, cultures, traditions. Thanks to the university and the Center for International Cooperation (CIC) in particular, they were able to realize their dream.

In general, for the students, this program is not only to know more about the learning process in other countries, but an invaluable experience and new reality in foreign language environment.


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International IWCF Certification is back again

Fundamental changes of our economy, which are closely connected with the globalization processes, undertake Ukrainian oil and gas companies to form significantly new requirements of the educational and qualification level of employees and their practical and professional competencies, which are the most important factors of professionalism and competitiveness of staff and company.

The real staff requirements of the world's leading oil and gas companies are met by certified specialists, who obtain their certificate at the international accredited institutions. Specialist’s international certificate indicates his or her highly qualified professional training, an independent verification of their educational knowledge, professional competence and professional suitability.
1More than 16 years, the Drilling Training Center (DTC) of the Institute of Second Masters Degree at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas has been providing the certification process according to the standards of the International Well Control Forum (IWCF) in Ukraine, working in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the IWCF headquarters. All this is due to unique simulation equipment – fleet of modern training simulators (full-scale DRILLSIM 5000 simulator and DrillSim-20 portable simulator), designed to model and perform technological operations during wells drilling in different conditions, as well as to train and monitor staff knowledge in drilling and well control in the case of fluid loss.

Since the beginning of international certification according to IWCF standards at IFNTUOG, specialists in management of drilling work from PJSC “Ukrnafta” have been systematically improving their professional level at the university's DTC.

2Thus, from April until July 2018, the employees of PJSC "Ukrnafta" - from the driller to the head of the drilling sector  studied at the DTC and gained knowledge in course "Prevention and elimination of fluid leaks”. It is worth noting that during the last year pandemic, thanks to the fact that the IWCF system is flexible and works primarily for people, it was possible to study and take exams remotely.

Today the certification returned to the university and specialists of PJSC “Ukrnafta” again appeared at our university.



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Міжнародна  сертифікація  IWCF  повернулася в аудиторії
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Synthesis of Research and Modern Technologies: Innovation Development Center was opened at IFNTUOG

"Register an idea! Come! Create" - the slogan of the Innovation Development Center, which was opened today at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Tecnhical University of Oil and Gas as a part of the project 2SOFT/1.2/86 «Ro-Ua Trans-Border Academic Development for Research and Innovation».

The Innovation Development Center is a modern training and fabrication laboratory, which is created on the principle of Fab Lab, where everyone has the opportunity to implement in material their own developments. The objective of the Center is to develop the competencies of researches and students, unite enterprising and technically creative minds, provide opportunities for developments in teams, promote higher technical education as well as the fabrication of samples and model sets by interested innovative entrepreneurs. The cost of the equipment is over 100 000 €. 

3A manager of the project 2SOFT/1.2/86 «Ro-Ua Trans-Border Academic Development for Research and Innovation», head of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, professor Lesia Shkitsa told about the uniqueness of the created structural unit of the university: “This is training and fabrication laboratory, which consists of two zones. The first one is a co-working zone, where we have a training laboratory, modern design tools, 3D scanner, several 3D printers, computer equipment, an interactive board, etc. Another zone is a fabrication with real equipment: small and large mills (gantry, 3 AX), millturn machine (diameter length up to 300-1400mm), laser engravers-cutters (CO2) workbenches, equipped with with manual and electric tools; pneumatic kit (for painting and not only), cutting plotter, etc.. This is the uniqueness of the Center - all the necessary modern equipment for implementation your own ideas and projects is in one place!”.

3The establishment of such a Center expands the opportunities especially for engineering students. “Our department trains specialists in the field of mechanical engineering. The opening of this Innovation Center greatly expands our opportunities. Here are all the technologies used in real production”, - told the head of the Department of Computerized Engineering, professor Vitalii Panchuk.

1The representatives of the university administration, directors of the institutes, members of the project team 2SOFT/1.2/86 «Ro-Ua Trans-Border Academic Development for Research and Innovation», teachers, students, residents attended the opening ceremony.



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Virtual English Clubs Program is over

The Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas has completed the Virtual English Clubs program, which was held within the project framework Creative Spark, financed by the British Council.

Note that IFNTUOG is one of two Ukrainian universities chosen to host Virtual English Clubs. Poltava University of Economics and Trade is also selected.

18 students have successfully completed the program and obtained the certificates. The program teacher was Halyna Malyk, Associate Professor of the Department of Philology, Interpreting and Translation, selected by the British Council.

The main objective of the program is the development of students’ language, professional and entrepreneurial skills. The students pointed out the importance and relevance of this mode of study in their final presentations.

Among the best presentations were the first-year student of educational program “Renewable Energy Engineering” Yuliia Hryhorash and students-translators: Nataliia Hutnyk, Tetiana Pankiv, Kateryna Yeremenko, Mariana Polinyk, Iryna Demkovych, Solomiia Veselovska, Olha Tymophii.

For reference. The Creative Spark program is a five-year initiative aimed at supporting international university and institutional partnerships to develop entrepreneurial skills and creative economy in seven countries: Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, supported by the UK.


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IHPA announced the winners of the III Regional Contest in Public Administration

The regional student contest in local governance, decentralization of power and public administration was held the third time at the Institute of Humanities and Public Administration of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas organized by the Department of Public Administration and Management of IHPA under the sponsorship of the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration and the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Training, in which students from different districts of Ivano-Frankivsk region took part.

1The Director of the Institute of Humanities and Public Administration of IFNTUOG Dmytro Dzvinchuk and the Director of the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration Viktor Kimakovych opened the contest with a welcome speech. They emphasized that Ivano-Frankivsk region is the only one in Ukraine, where such contest is held with an evidence of deep understanding by government authorities and deputy regional council the importance of study by high school pupils the foundation of public construction, the role of local government for the development of the country and the region as the basis of professionals training for all levels of government.

The winners of the III regional student contest in local governance, decentralization of power and public administration became:

11th class:

I place –  Bozhena Rymchuk (Lyceum №11 of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, teacher – Molnar R.I.);

II place – Vladyslav Matsailo (Lyceum №4 of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, teacher – Kutsakova O.I.);

                Viktoriia Halchynska (Lyceum №20 of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, teacher – Kukurudz N.O.);

III place – Maksym Korzhenovskyi (Ivano-Frankivsk Academic Lyceum of the Ivano-Frankivsk Cityl Council, teacher – Vasyliuk Yu.V.);

                Yuliia Laba (Mykola Sabat Lyceum of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, teacher – Laba O.V.);

                Anastasiia Halahuza (Physical-Technical Lyceum of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, teacher – Ostapiuk-Subycheva M.V.).

10th class:

I place –  Ilona Sheleshko (Dmytro Bakhmatiuk Lyceum, Kalush town, teacher – Zabavska O.I.);

II place – Tetiana Shuliar (Ivan Puliui Lyceum, Ivano-Frankivsk city, teacher – Plish M.P.);

                Ilona Ordin (Olha Duchyminska Lyceum, Tiapche village, teacher – Hirnyk L.I.);

III place – Kateryna Holubovska (Dmytro Bakhmatiuk Lyceum, Kalush town, teacher – Zabavska O.I.);

                 Andrianna Palamar (Physical-Technical Lyceum of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, teacher – Ostapiuk-Subycheva M.V.);

                 Maksym Khmil (Physical-Technical Lyceum of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, teacher – Ostapiuk-Subycheva M.V.).

We congratulate the winners, wish success and inspiration to all participants!



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ІГПДУ оголосив переможців ІІІ обласної олімпіади з публічного управління
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Win and Live

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas joined the International Conference “International Cooperation in Solving the Problem of Social and Professional Adaptation of Military Personnel, Veterans and Their Family Members in Ukraine” dedicated to discussing the reintegration of veterans, the military career transition, enhancing the competitiveness of Ukrainian defenders in the labor market, promoting entrepreneurial initiatives of veterans, psychological support of Ukrainian defenders, their families and survivors.

The event is organized by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine and the International Foundation for Social Adaptation with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Opening the conference, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Norway in Ukraine Erik Swedal has noted that the Norway-Ukraine project, which is currently being implemented in our country, shows real successful outcomes. Thanks to a unique personalized approach, training with family members, most participants of the Norway-Ukraine project have successfully adapted to the conditions of civilian life, created their own family business, or used the acquired professional skills for employment.

For six years, free courses at our university have been helping Ukrainian soldiers to find their place in civilian life after the war. These courses are part of the project "Norway-Ukraine. Professional adaptation. Integration into the state system", which has been implemented at IFNTUOG since 2015 and funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In total, more than ten universities are involved in the project, in Ivano-Frankivsk - only our university.

1The coordinator of the project «Norway-Ukraine. Professional Adaptation. Integration into the state system» in Ivano-Frankivsk, vice-rector of IFNTUOG Maksym Karpash participated in the conference.

In general, the conference participants had the opportunity to share their experience in the social and professional adaptation of Ukrainian defenders into civilian life, discuss the creation of tools to maximize the employment of veterans, create all conditions to make the military career transition for veterans as effective as possible.


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Ivano-Frankivsk will be able to check the time on a sundial

A sundial, such an innovative gift, the city received on its 359th birthday from its talented residents. The sundial, which is the decoration of many European capitals and cities of Ukraine (Vienna, Warsaw, Kyiv, Kherson, Zbarazh, Lviv, Chernivtsi, etc.), thanks to the collective work of scientists, workers, students of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Technical High School № 21, Professional Construction Lyceum and Centre for Educational Innovations funded by the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council will not only decorate Ivano-Frankivsk, but also allow everyone to check the time on it from sunrise to sunset, according to the Latin inscription on the clock: "A solis ortu usque ad occasum".

The idea on a sundial came out in the walls of IFNTUOG. Denys Kukhtar, a young scientist, assistant professor of the Department of Geodesy and Land Management of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Power Engineering, was impressed by ancient sundials in various cities of Ukraine. But he understood that the idea needs support to be realized. Maksym Karpash, vice-rector for International Affairs and students in specialty “Geodesy and Land Mamagement”, among which Vladyslav Kerker (ГЗ-18-1) especially distinguished himself, joined the project.

1 Grand opening of the Sundial was held in the presence of the representatives of the city administration, headed by the Mayor, Ruslan Martsinkiv, the Director of the Department of Education of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, Igor Maksymchuk, the Rector of IFNTUOG, Yevstahii Kryzhanivskyi, the First Vice-Rector, Oleh Mandryk, the Vice-Rectors of IFNTUOG, Maksym Karpash and Serhii Kurovets, the Associate Professor of the Department of Geodesy and Land Management, Denys Kukhtar, the Director of Technical High School № 21, Mykhailo Babiak, the Director of Professional Construction Lyceum, Olha Huzar and a master of industrial training, Volodymyr Vivcharuk without the organization, support and assistance of which the project could not take place.

 The Mayor, Ruslan Martsinkiv and the Rector of IFNTUOG, Yevstahii Kryzhanivskyi, who later had the honor of cutting the ribbon, addressed the audience with welcome speech.






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Івано-Франківськ зможе звіряти час за сонячним годинником
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IPE students were trained in Hungary

Covid-19 pandemic did not affect the international cooperation of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. Thus, students of the Institute of Petroleum Engineering were trained at the University of Miskolc (Hungary) within the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Despite the difficult year, it was a good opportunity for them to expand their international contacts, practice English and learn more about Hungary.

1Maryna Mokliak and Anna Lysenko, students of group НІВм-20-1, shared their impressions of studying in Hungary. They said that they always wanted to study abroad, get acquainted with other students, cultures, traditions. Thanks to the university and the Center for International Cooperation (CIC) in particular, they could realize their dream: ”When we were the first year students, we were regularly searching the university website, we noticed that there were opportunities for senior students to study abroad. Later, we began to be more interested in this issue and got knew that, as a student of IFNTUOG, there is an opportunity to study in Poland, Hungary, Romania and other countries. A year ago, among the announcements on the university’s website, we saw that a competition to study in two counties: Hungary and Poland was being held. Without thinking for a long time, we decided to apply for studies in Hungary, namely at the University of Miskolc".

Although the pandemic situation didn’t hinder the exchange program, the logistics of sending students abroad  was still more difficult to deal with. “Release of documents, visa and border crossing proved to be difficult procedures under quarantine conditions. But thanks to the efforts of the CIC staff, we were still able to make our dream come true. Our mentors met us after crossing the border and reaching Miskolc and helped us settle into our hostel, where we spent our mandatory 10-day quarantine. Just after the quarantine, we began to explore the outskirts of the new town and started our university studies. And without exaggeration, it was the best experience for us, which changed our thinking, approach to life, learning and even affected our worldview”.

According to the students, Covid-19 pandemic made changes in studies, the classes were held online: “We started our studies in October, and in November switched to online training, we were able to enjoy offline studies for only one month. Distance learning began here just like in Ukraine (March 2020), and in September individual classes were restored, although it did not last long and distance learning began again in November 2020 (up to this day). Each class lasts 3 hours (lecture session) and 2 hours (practical session), with a break between (the time of the break is agreed with the students, so it can be both 10 minutes and half an hour). During the classes, students have laptops. During distance learning, it is possible to connect to laptops using the program TeamViewer”.

Students advise not to be afraid, to try, to develop, because the university provides all opportunities for this.


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Detecting Danger

According to the Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine and the requirements of the Energy Independence Program, scientists of  Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas do research, the main task of which is to ensure energy security, the transition to efficient energy use and energy consumption  resources using innovative technologies.                                                                                 

Unfortunately, oil tanker leaks, well explosions and damage of main pipelines happen not only in disaster movies. Accidents during production and transportation of gas and oil in Ukraine are quite possible, because many wells and gas pipelines have been used for many decades and have almost depleted the resources of safe operation. Today, IFNTUOG scientists are working to prevent these accidents.

In late 2020 the University received a grant (total funding of about four million hryvnias), as the result of the competition “Science for Human Security and Society” and the support of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine for scientific research and development of a project “Improving the environmental safety of the production and transportation of energy hydrocarbons”. The project supervisor is Liubomyr Poberezhnyi, the professor of the Department of Environmental Protection Technology of the Institute of Tourism and Geosciences. The aim of the project is a development of measures to reduce man-made impacts and environmental protection through the creation of a system of technogenic and environmental monitoring, risk management facilities of oil and gas sector.

1In an interview for the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, Liubomyr Poberezhnyi tells that such accidents of different levels of complexity are not uncommon and damage from them can be huge. Near a damaged oil well, as a rule, a black stinking lake is formed, poisoning everything around. In the case of an underground leak, oil runs into the aquifer, and it may take several days before it is noticed.

Follow a link for more information about the project in the interview of Liubomyr Poberezhnyi: https://cutt.ly/mbfvgrk



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Students of the speciality “Electricity” won the II place at the International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference

The university community congratulates the student’s team of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas with the II place in the competition among students and young professional at the XIX International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference IEEE-PEMC2020 in the category of  "The best video-message to young people studying electronics ". Over the past decades, the Conference IEEE-PEMC, which this year marks the 50th anniversary of the PEMC (Power Electronics and Motion Control) conference series has become the largest and most important conference on industrial electronics and motion control in Central and Eastern Europe.

3The event took place on April 25-29, 2021 in Gliwice, Poland, at the Silesian University of Technology. Many scientists, engineers, researchers, thinkers and research centers from Europe and all over the world presented their reports at the conference.

During the Conference not only experienced professionals, but also beginners in the field of science had the opportunity to prove themselves. Students and young people up to 35-years old had a special opportunity to show themselves and their skills within S&YP (Student & Young Professionals Track) event.

2A team of 5 students of the Department of Electrical Power Engineering of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Power Engineering, headed by Hryhoriy Stakhiv, a former creative student-inventor and today the assistant of the Department of EPE attended the event. The work, performed by the students Vitalii Fedenko (group ЕТ-17-1), Ivan Shostakivskyi (group ЕТ-19-2), Bohdan Odokii (group ЕТ-19-2), Anna Venhryniuk (group ЕТ-19-2), Valentyn Chufus (group ЕТ-19-1) was implemented with the organizational assistance of Petro Kurliak, associate professor, acting head of the Department of EPE.

In a short video, students talked about the prospects of researches in the field of solar energy and wireless transmission of electricity and encouraged applicants around the world to study electricity with the slogan: “Learn from us and develop with us!”.

The video presents а development of educational platform for the students with a tracker installation, which was developed by the student Vitalii Fedenko under the guidance of Yaroslav Batsala, associate professor. According to the voting results, the team won the 2nd place.


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Студенти електрики посіли ІІ місце на Міжнародній конференції з силової електроніки
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