Як навчається іноземним студентам в ІФНТУНГ

Основним завданням Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу є надання якісних освітніх послуг як українцям, так і студентам з інших країн, адже приблизно кожен 30 студент університету – іноземець. Тому пріоритетним зобов’язанням усього колективу ІФНТУНГ є прояв максимального професіоналізму, щоб студенти, які приїжджають з інших країн, відчували себе комфортно.

International students told about their studies in IFNTUOG

The main task of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas is to provide with high quality educational services both Ukrainians and students from other countries, because almost every 30 student of the university is a foreigner.  Therefore, the main duty of IFNTUOG staff is to show maximum professionalism so that students coming from other countries feel comfortable.

Our university has modern facilities and equipment for training qualified professionals of international recognition. Technologically advanced laboratories operates in IFNTUOG, such as “SIEMENS” hardware; cement slurries; automated control and technical telecommunication systems “Phoenix-Contact”;  “Smart Technologies”; “Internet of things” and also “IT Academy”.

1The university tries to make students’ life easy and comfortable, cares about good hostel conditions. Besides, IFNTUOG has facilities for internship, training and laboratory buildings and leisure center.

2The university teachers help international students to adapt in a new country, better understand its citizens, learn the Ukrainian language faster through various events (excursions, evening parties, national celebrations), which they organize. International students always participate in amateur activities, all-Ukrainian competitions, flash mobs, research and cultural work not only of the university, but also of the city and the region.  For example, Franque Francisco Mpuati Ranque, a student from Angola won a third place in the contest among international students for the best photo, video or slogan about studies in Ukraine, jointly organized by MES of Ukraine and the Ukrainian State Center for International Education. A citizen of Congo, M’boro Bernard-Christian has repeatedly won all-Ukrainian dance competitions and we are proud of Bahi Gueye Gildas from Côte d’Ivoire, winner in running.

3The students of the Center for International Education: Samuel Gyasi, Abdalqadir Samrang Smko and Mouliom Yasmine Mbouhouap Salamata shared their opinions about studies in IFNTUOG.

When asked “Why did you come from Ghana in IFNTUOG?”, student Samuel Gyasi answers: “I, like any other applicant, always wanted to learn from the best professionals in the country! I thought for a long time about what technical university to choose and chose this one. Now I get new knowledge here, improve skills, think about future career, learn new and very interesting Ukrainian language and meet new people.”

3Abdalqadir Samrang Smko from Iraq has been living in Ivano-Frankivsk for four years. He had a dream – to become an engineer in oil and gas industry. When he found out about our university, understood that this is a chance to make a dream come true. “The university has professional staff, great opportunities to acquire practical skills and tuition fee is affordable”.

4A student from Cameroon, Mouliom Yasmine Mbouhouap Salamata tells that she was choosing the university seriously. She analyzed the benefits of study at different universities, the choice was simple: “My friends often ask me, why did I choose IFNTUOG? It’s very simple: there is an individual approach to every student here, high academic standards and well-organized learning process. The university provides favorable conditions for learning: always interesting and informative classes, modern laboratories, a drilling center, etc. Teachers often motivate and support students, that is very important for foreigners. There is also positive competition between students. Moreover, you can attend various sport sections or clubs ”.

More about how foreign students live in Ivano-Frankivsk read in the article WestNews.

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