Додаткова інформація
In the 2020-21 academic year, the University will have a Virtual English Clubs programme. 20 students from the university can take part in this programme
The English Clubs programme will focus on 4 key areas:
- learning to learn and language skills
- language skills and professional skills
- world of work
- entrepreneurial skills
To participate, please register at the link - https://forms.gle/oAJr2fR8PeDC9eGM6
Deadline - 1.11.2020
Selection criteria for students interested in applying to participate in the English Club offer is as follows:
- Language level needs to be at least A2 and we will organise online placement testing for those who are selected (the minimum language requirement is necessary to ensure students are able to actively participate in the programme)
- Nominated students need to be actively involved in the Creative Spark programme
- Students need to be committed to completing the entire programme lasting 20 weeks (60-min on-line sessions two times a week) in the period November 2020- April 2021
- Students need to write a motivation letter (English) outlining why they should be accepted to the programme
- Students will be expected to complete final tasks at the end of the programme (in form of virtual presentations)
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